On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, people from all walks of life are looking forward to what prospects Hong Kong's future development will present with the support of the central government. On the one hand, the central government emp

With the accelerated construction of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the promulgation of the national "14th Five-Year Plan", the central government has positioned Hong Kong as four "traditional centers" and four "emerging centers". On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, people from all walks of life are looking forward to what Hong Kong's future development will be with the support of the central government.

The following content is compiled from the interpretation and analysis by Zhi Zhenfeng, director of the Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Law Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences -

" One country, two systems " gives Hong Kong a very obvious advantage, "relying on the motherland and facing the world." On the one hand, the central government has emphasized the need to maintain Hong Kong's dominant position in international finance, trade, shipping, aviation and other fields. After returning to the motherland, Hong Kong's position and advantages in the above fields have been consolidated and improved, which is obvious to all.

On top of this, with the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the promulgation of the country’s “14th Five-Year Plan”, the central government has proposed new development goals and strategic missions for Hong Kong, including developing into an international innovation and technology center, Asia-Pacific District International Legal and Dispute Resolution Service Center, etc. For Hong Kong, this further strengthens and consolidates Hong Kong's role as a "super contact" between China and the world. In serving the overall development of the country and strengthening its own development, Hong Kong has a broader space for development.

Hong Kong should take advantage of the role and advantages of the "Eight Centers" to not only meet its own development needs, but also better serve the overall development of the country and broaden its perspective. Human society has evolved from the agricultural era to the industrial era, and now to today. What is the important factor behind the development of a country and a region? It is technology, science and technology is the primary productive force . This time, the country has given Hong Kong the status of an international innovation and technology center. It is hoped that Hong Kong can seize the opportunity of the new round of industrial revolution and technological revolution , and then take advantage of the trend and follow the trend to achieve better development.

In the past 20 years since the new century, all countries and regions around the world that have seized the opportunities of the new round of scientific and technological revolution, technological revolution, and industrial revolution have achieved good development. The most typical example is Shenzhen, which is next door to Hong Kong. It has seized this opportunity.

To be honest, in Hong Kong, we once missed or failed to seize the opportunity of new technological revolution and new industrial revolution. Now the country has given strong backing and support. Now Hong Kong has a complete legal system , with Very good intellectual property protection , I hope it can seize this opportunity, not only consolidate its advantages but also improve and develop new advantages. As Hong Kong develops, its contribution to the country will naturally be greater. Hong Kong's interests and the national interests are fundamentally unified.

Source: "News Today"

Editor: Mumu