CCTV News: Celebrating the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland is a joyous event celebrated by the whole country and a global event. After 25 years of baptism, the even more dazzling "Pearl of the Orient" has stood at a new historical starting point. Hong Kon

CCTV news: Celebrating the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to the motherland is a joyous event celebrated by the whole country and a global event. After 25 years of baptism, the even more brilliant " Pearl of the Orient " has stood at a new historical starting point. Hong Kong opens a new chapter by focusing on development, attracting public attention. Philippines "Manila Times": " One country, two systems " protects Hong Kong

In the 225 years since its return, Hong Kong has achieved leapfrog development under the guidance of the "one country, two systems" policy. Hong Kong has been rated as the freest and freest in the world by international authoritative organizations several times. One of the most competitive economies with a world-class business environment. In recent years, Hong Kong's status as an international financial, shipping, and trade center has been further consolidated. These achievements cannot be achieved without the fighting spirit of Hong Kong people who love their country and Hong Kong and strive for self-improvement, nor can they be achieved without the support of the political wisdom of "one country, two systems".

Hong Kong Ta Kung Net: Using innovation and technology to drive new economic highlights

As the driving force for economic growth and the key to strengthening industrial competitiveness, Hong Kong needs to focus on the development of the innovation and technology industry in the future and cultivate it into a new bright spot for economic development. Hong Kong has the advantages and good soil for the development of innovation and technology. If we want the innovation and technology industry to continue to develop and upgrade, we must implement "pioneer trials" in the technology field and encourage private capital to participate in investment. Only in this way can Hong Kong open a new chapter with action, open up a future with innovation and technology, and shoulder its new mission in the new era.

Hong Kong "South China Morning Post": Integrating into the Greater Bay Area taking advantage of synergy

Thanks to the continuously optimized business environment, diverse cultural environment, and efficient and convenient logistics and transportation system after the return of the motherland, Hong Kong has become the economic highland of Asia and the East-West The intersection of cultures attracts talent and capital from all over the world. Hong Kong has advantages in capital, talent and technology. In the future competition, Hong Kong also needs to seize the opportunity to deeply integrate with the Greater Bay Area, expand the scale of the financial market through interconnection, attract more international capital, and join hands with the strong R&D capabilities of the Greater Bay Area. , exert synergy and show their own advantages.

Japan's "Nihon Keizai Shimbun": Create a new situation and achieve a new leap

The article pointed out that in the torrent of China's reform and opening up, Hong Kong has played an important role as a bridge and window connecting the mainland and the world. The trade relationship between the Mainland and Hong Kong is inherently tense. At present, Hong Kong should give full play to its advantages in international vision and economic mobility, apply the coordinated development model with the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as the main position, and expand the areas of exchanges and cooperation with the mainland. Integrating into the overall development of the country and aligning with development strategies, the stage for Hong Kong people to start a business and make a fortune will become wider and wider.

Source: CCTV website