On July 1, Guo Zhenggui, Secretary of the Xiangxi Prefecture Party Committee, as a representative of the Prefecture People's Congress, participated in the first representative group of Jishou City and Huayuan County of the 15th Prefecture People's Congress to "go deep into the gr

Red Net Moment News on July 2 (United Daily News all-media reporter Li Zaixing) On July 1, Xiangxi Prefecture Party Committee Secretary Guo Zhenggui participated in the 15th National People's Congress representative of the state Jishou City , the first representative group of Huayuan County carried out the theme activity of "going deep into the grassroots to observe the people's sentiments, serving the masses to do practical things, and gathering together to celebrate the 20th National Congress". They went to Huayuan County to investigate the inheritance, innovation and development of traditional Chinese medicine (Miao medicine) and held a symposium , Supervise the handling of the State People’s Congress Representative’s Recommendation No. 137. Liao Lianghui, Deputy Secretary of the State Party Committee and Secretary of the Huayuan County Party Committee, attended the discussion.

Xiang Bangwei, member of the Standing Committee of the State Committee and Secretary-General of the State Committee, and Hu Enping, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the State People's Congress, attended the event.

html On the morning of July 1, Guo Zhenggui and members of the first representative group of Jishou City and Huayuan County, representatives of the 15th National People's Congress of the state, went to the Traditional Chinese Medicine Center of the Health Center of Malichang Town, Huayuan County to investigate the inheritance, innovation and development of traditional Chinese medicine (Miao medicine). This set of pictures was taken by Liu Wei, an all-media reporter from the United Daily News.

Guo Zhenggui and members of the representative team went to the Evodia Evodia planting base in Zhongzhai Village of Hongsheng Agricultural Company, Huayuan Town, Huayuan County to investigate the planting, processing, and sales of traditional Chinese medicinal materials.

Guo Zhenggui and the representatives visited the Traditional Chinese Medicine Center of Malichang Town Health Center and the Evodia Evodia Planting Base in Zhongzhai Village of Hongsheng Agricultural Company to learn about the construction of traditional Chinese medicine (Miao medicine) positions, talent training, protection and inheritance, innovation and development, and traditional Chinese medicine. Timber planting, processing, sales, etc.

symposium site.

At the symposium on the inspection of the State People’s Congress Representative Group, Huayuan County reported on the inheritance, innovation and development of traditional Chinese medicine (Miao Medicine), and the State Health Commission reported on the implementation of the State People’s Congress Representative’s Recommendation No. 137. Liao Lianghui and other state People's Congress representatives provided suggestions and suggestions on promoting the high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine (Miao medicine) across the state.

Guo Zhenggui pointed out that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on the development of traditional Chinese medicine, stand at the overall perspective of promoting Chinese national culture, fully understand the importance and necessity of promoting the development of traditional Chinese medicine, and effectively implement national medicine , the precious wealth left to us by our ancestors, must be inherited, developed and utilized well. It is necessary to further emancipate the mind, base on the existing foundation and unique advantages, coordinate the increase and quality, talents and platforms, inheritance and innovation, government and market, demand and supply, strengthen the leadership of leading enterprises, strengthen the construction of talent teams, and promote the revitalization of national medicine. Develop and improve the traditional Chinese medicine health service system, and give full play to the unique advantages and role of ethnic medicine in building a healthy society in western Hunan.

Guo Zhenggui hopes that all representatives will always keep in mind the original mission of "the people elect me as a representative, and I serve as a representative for the people", stand firmly on the people's stand, cultivate feelings for the people, deeply practice the people-centered development idea, and take practical Actions must be taken to uphold and carry forward our party's glorious tradition of close contact with the masses. It is necessary to focus on the "urgent, difficult and anxious" issues of the masses, go to the front line to observe the people's sentiments, listen to public opinions, and resolve people's concerns, do a good job in the "five" people's livelihood practical affairs, care and help the "five categories" of people, and do good practical things in the hearts of the people, Welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with better results in serving the people.