Under the leadership of Li Ping, chairman of the state CPPCC and party secretary, all serving party members and some retired party member representatives of the Xiangxi Prefecture CPPCC organization solemnly raised their right hands and reviewed the oath of joining the party.

Red Net Moment News July 2nd (Correspondent Xiang Guansheng) "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China and support the party's program..." Representatives of all serving party members and some retired party members of the Xiangxi Prefecture CPPCC were represented by the chairman and party group of the state CPPCC Under the leadership of Secretary Li Ping, they solemnly raised their right hands and reviewed the oath of joining the Party.

On the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the state CPPCC organized a series of activities to celebrate July 1 with the theme of "Welcoming the 20th National Congress and Contributing to New Xiangxi ". On July 1, the state CPPCC held a "July 1" commendation meeting. Representatives of all serving party members and some retired party members attended the meeting, and non-party cadres were invited to attend.

Fifty years of vicissitudes and half a century of youthful Party life. A small commemorative medal condenses youth and years, carries glory and dreams, and also contains responsibility and inspiration. A total of 7 old party members of the state CPPCC organization were awarded the "50 Years of Glorious Service in the Party" commemorative medal this year. At the meeting, Li Ping, Song Qinghong, Deng Jianying, Zhu Qixiang awarded commemorative medals to the four veteran party members who attended the meeting, and the remaining three veteran party members were awarded the medals by the party committee of the agency, conveying the organization's care and concern one by one.

A party member is a banner, and a position is a responsibility. In order to further encourage party members of the agency to actively perform their duties and have the courage to take on their responsibilities, at the meeting, the party committee of the state CPPCC commended 18 "outstanding Communist Party members" and 3 "outstanding party workers" in the agency.

In order to celebrate the birthday of the party, the state CPPCC organ also carried out a reading and sharing activity of "Learning the History of the Party, Praising the Party's Grace and Celebrating the 20th National Congress". Xiong Fu, the party branch of veteran cadres of the agency, shared Mao Zedong's poems with the participants with the theme of "Learning Red Classics and Carrying forward Revolutionary Traditions to Welcome the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China", inspiring young party members to not forget their original aspirations and work hard; 5 members of the special committee The comrades reviewed the great history of the Communist Party of China by reciting the poem "A Centenary Praise"; the young members of the office party branch shared their reading experience and life insights with the theme "Books in the CPPCC, Struggle to Rejuvenate Youth".

At the end of the conference, everyone sang "We Walk on the Road", which showed the high spirits and high morale of the CPPCC members and inspired the CPPCC members to keep moving forward in the direction of victory. During the

activity, Li Ping visited and expressed condolences to party members in need, learned about their families' current situation and the problems they needed help solving, and encouraged them to overcome the disease and strengthen their confidence. To old comrades who have been awarded the title of "Outstanding Communist Party Member" but have limited mobility, Li Ping went to their homes to issue award certificates, congratulated them, and hoped that they would take good care of their health and continue to play a pioneering and exemplary role as Communist Party members.