On July 1, Hu Liangwen, director of the Shanxi Provincial Climate Center and leader of the provincial preliminary review expert group for the establishment of "China Natural Oxygen Bar", went to Loufan County to carry out the on-site preliminary review of "China Natural Oxygen Ba

On July 1, Hu Liangwen, director of the Shanxi Provincial Climate Center and leader of the provincial preliminary review expert group for the establishment of "China Natural Oxygen Bar", led a team to Loufan County to conduct the on-site preliminary review of the "China Natural Oxygen Bar". Chen Zhifeng, Party Secretary and Director of the Municipal Meteorological Bureau, Jing Bo, Deputy Secretary of the County Party Committee and County Magistrate, and Gao Lin, Deputy County Magistrate, accompanied the event. The

expert group verified the status of Loufan County's declaration and creation on-site, listened to the work report, reviewed the creation indicators one by one, and highly affirmed the ecological environment protection and creation work of Loufan County. It is also hoped that Loufan County will continue to improve the construction of supporting infrastructure, consolidate and improve the quality of indicators, and develop and utilize unique climate resources in the next step. Increase the brand building and publicity of "China Natural Oxygen Bar" to build a new pattern of global tourism development.

Jing Bo said that the county will follow the overall idea and requirements of the "Trinity", make good use of ecological and climate resources, do a good job in green articles, highlight the advantages of landscape, enhance brand benefits, continue to effectively transform ecological advantages into economic development advantages, and strive to create "China Natural Oxygen Bar" promotes high-quality economic and social development in an all-round way.

Source: Loufanzhisheng