With Russian fossil fuels no longer available to Europe, European countries are looking for alternative energy sources. Today, the Associated Press reports that Germany is making a giant thermos to heat homes in the winter, another example of Europe's changing energy landscape. T

With Russia's fossil fuel supplies no longer available to Europe, European countries are beginning to look for alternative energy sources.

Today, Associated Press (Associated Press) reported that Germany is manufacturing a giant thermos cup for home heating in winter, which is another example of the changing energy landscape in Europe. The tower is nearly 150 feet tall and can hold a staggering 15 million gallons of water. The building uses excess electricity generated by wind and solar farms to keep the near-boiling water heated, and it can be used if Russian natural gas is unavailable this winter.

This is like a giant thermos flask that helps people store heat when not needed and then release it when needed.

The scale of this project cannot be underestimated. According to the Associated Press, it can meet most of Berlin's hot water needs in summer and 10% of Berlin's hot water needs in winter.

According to the Associated Press, although this "vacuum cup" alone cannot meet the needs of every Berliner, other similar facilities are being built in Germany. Europe has a lot to do in renewable energy, although it's their butt on the fire that forces them to do so.