The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has lasted for more than four months since it broke out, and there have been many episodes that have aroused heated discussions in international public opinion. Recently, the news that Zelensky once again appealed to the United Nations and

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has lasted for more than four months since it broke out, and there have been many episodes that have aroused heated discussions in the international public opinion. Recently, the news that Zelensky once again called for the United Nations to expel Russia from the Security Council has attracted the attention of countries around the world.

A few days ago, Ukrainian President Zelensky spoke to the United Nations Security Council via video link, requesting the United Nations to legally define the term "state terrorism", and Russia is doing such behavior, Ukraine Conflict can fully prove the importance of the United Nations punishing any "terrorist country".

Zelensky also emphasized that Russia has no right to participate in discussions and votes on the war in Ukraine. He called for depriving the Russian delegation of its power in the United Nations. If Russia still pursues a policy of "state terrorism", then the United Nations must completely Russia is expelled from the Security Council.

It is understood that this is not the first time that Zelensky has proposed the idea of ​​kicking Russia out of the United Nations. As early as February this year, before the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out, the Ukrainian Parliament published a new draft resolution. The draft recommended calling on the United Nations to "exclude Russia from the United Nations," but this draft was not ultimately submitted.

But more than a month after the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out, Zelensky used a tougher approach and emotionally proposed this idea at the United Nations General Assembly . At the meeting, Zelensky questioned the effectiveness of the United Nations Security Council and asked the representatives at the meeting: "Are you ready to close the United Nations? The United Nations no longer has security that can be guaranteed." Subsequently, Zelensky Officially called on the United Nations Security Council to expel Russia from the Security Council.

Zelenskiy’s proposal is in the best interests of the United States and the United Kingdom. The United States and the United Kingdom are also beginning to make moves, hoping to contribute to changing Russia’s position in the United Nations Security Council. The Biden administration took the opportunity to say that on the Russia-Ukraine issue, the United States will consider all possibilities and will not rule out any options, including the idea of ​​removing Russia from the Security Council. The British government also claimed that it was open to the matter.

However, they also know in their hearts that this is simply difficult to achieve. All they did was to make Zelenskiy think he had a backer and let Ukraine "charge into the battle" on this matter, first exploring the way for the Western world to see how likely it was to kick Russia out of the Security Council. At the same time, the United States and the United Kingdom have been encouraging more United Nations member states to condemn Russia's actions to build momentum for Zelensky's proposal.

But it didn’t take long for the United States and Britain to discover that the idea of ​​driving Russia out of the Security Council was a fantasy and simply unworkable. Therefore, the United States and the United Kingdom suddenly changed their tune and stated in interviews that Russia is a permanent member of the Security Council. This fact cannot be changed, but it can still isolate Russia.

Russia’s attitude towards Zelensky’s statement was very disdainful. Even if the United States and the United Kingdom are supporting behind the scenes, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov also said that depriving Russia of its seats does not exist at all. This time, the Russian side even stated that Zelensky's idea of ​​expelling Russia from the Security Council was just an "actor's behavior" and was an action taken to deliberately attract attention.

Ilychev, director of the International Organizations Bureau of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said in an interview that any decision to remove any country from the United Nations must be based on the recommendations of the United Nations Security Council. But we can be sure that the Security Council will not accept this suggestion because Russia has veto power.

Some people may feel that Russia's response has an inexplicable sense of familiarity. This would like to mention a joke that has been hotly debated internationally before: Russia vetoed and Ukraine ’s proposal to cancel Russia’s veto power of with one vote. What happened this time should be that Russia vetoed Ukraine's proposal to expel Russia from the United Nations with one vote.

History repeats itself, I wonder what Zelensky’s mood is now? What is the mood of the United States and the United Kingdom, which are leading everything behind the scenes?