India is the second most populous country in the world and the seventh largest country in terms of land area. It is an out-and-out big country. In recent years, India has developed rapidly, with various high-tech products emerging in an endless stream. The IT industry is among th

India is the second most populous country in the world and the seventh largest country in terms of land area. It is an out-and-out big country. In recent years, India has developed rapidly, with various high-tech products emerging in an endless stream. The IT industry is among the best in the world, such as New Delhi and Mumbai in India. You can also squeeze into international cities,

This is a gratifying side of India, but India also has a worrying side, as shown in " Slumdog Millionaire ", Indian slums are all over the streets and alleys of cities, and even A street away, this is the cbd urban business district, and over there are the dirty slums. These are the two extreme sides of India.

The life of the Indian girl Puja shuttles between these two extremes. Puja Living in a slum but working in a high-end office building, she traveled across the two poles of the city in one day, going back and forth between heaven and hell. Pooja is the epitome of the vast working group in India. They live cheaply and eat simply, but they have a job and are decent. work.

Puga's day starts with driving. She lives in a slum far away from the city center. The streets here are filled with sewage and smelly, the traffic is chaotic and the roads are disorderly. No matter day or night, there are honking and shouting. Puga The houses in this area are simple and shabby, and the houses in this area are like this. The low-rise bungalows are connected together, showing a uniform gray and black tone.

Looking down from a high altitude, it is a dark area. The security of the slums is not easy to manage. Thieves and robbers often appear. Most of these people are jealous because of life. They don't care about the lives of their compatriots who have the same fate. They only care about grabbing a little bit for themselves. In short, some of the people in the slums have changed their bad backgrounds through their own efforts, while others are the worms of society, the source of the high crime rate in the city. They are sucking the blood of the city through repeated failure to teach well.

Pujia needs to take a car to the subway station to go to work. The distance is a bit long. The car business in the slums is very good because many people are like Puga. These drivers gather on both sides of the road early in the morning. They know that business is best at this time. , Puga took a car and came to the subway station.

Indian subway stations are just like their train stations. They are full of shabby and retro elements from the last century. They are nothing like the scientific and technological stations of the 21st century. When entering the subway station by swiping your card, everyone is swarming together, hoping to get in early. During the rush hour of the subway, people pushed and shoved each other when the train arrived. They were all packed into the subway in a mess. Puga found a suitable position on the subway and stood with difficulty.

When she arrived at the business building where she worked, the scenery in front of her suddenly opened up, an endless unobstructed view, a wide road with rich green plants, and few cars in the slums. Instead, there were unified buses and cars filing out, Mumbai is indeed a world metropolis, and every plant and tree here vividly illustrates it.

There are supporting services under the building where Puga works, Starbucks convenience store. She swipes her card and goes upstairs to her company. It is a typical cubicle office environment, but each workstation is not blocked, and the working environment is not serious and boring. On the contrary, it is open and interactive, and Puga is the first to arrive at the company.

She introduced the layout of the company to everyone. Drinks and snacks are neatly displayed on the cabinets for employees to take at will. There is also a wall of books in a row, so you can recharge yourself during breaks. There are large floor-to-ceiling windows in the business building. Looking out, the city is a bit cloudy and hazy, the sky has not cleared up yet, but the scenery is open, with towering green trees that you can look into the distance when you are tired from work.

Puga made herself a cup of coffee, which was provided by the company for free. She came to the cafeteria to have breakfast. The food configuration was also in line with the grade of a business building. The buffet provided the employees in the building with a variety of dishes to choose from. It is eye-catching that Puga's breakfast is relatively simple. A busy day of work has begun, and Puga concentrates on his work at the work station.

The company requires you to bring your own laptop . The socket is well hidden under the table. The whole workstation looks simple and comfortable. Puga carefully operates the control panel and asks colleagues for help when he encounters problems he does not understand. India is a big IT country, and its IT industry is well-known around the world. Many engineers and developers are from India.

Puga works well and gets along well with her colleagues. The atmosphere in the entire work group is relaxed and pleasant. Everyone can walk around and talk casually. You can tell by the smiles on their faces that work is fun. Lunch time is here and employees are heading to the canteen to eat. , lunch is much richer than breakfast.

Indians 's favorite pancakes and curry onions were all displayed in the buffet display cabinet. Puga picked out his favorite mashed potatoes and enjoyed them. After the lunch break, he went to work in the afternoon. The compact and fulfilling work went quickly. It was over, dusk was approaching darkness and it was time to go home.

The tiring day of squeezing into the subway is not over yet. Because there is no room to sit, Puga can only stand all the way. She is swaying from side to side on the rickety subway, as if she is not sure about the unknown future. She will leave the slum. Should I integrate into the city? These are questions that Puga usually thinks about.

The day after I got off the subway, it was completely dark. I spent 2 hours commuting to work every day, and then I took a small car to and from the subway station to the slums. Familiar scenery and familiar smells entered my mouth and nose. Puga knew that her home was coming soon, although her living conditions were not good. , but Puga is an optimistic girl. Her attitude towards life is to smile. Girls who love to smile will not have bad luck.

There are poor and rich people everywhere, but in the magical country of India, the gap between rich and poor is particularly obvious. The rich live near the clouds and are God’s stewards. They hold rich and important resources, and the plutocratic network concentrates power. huge.

The poor are sinking into the dust, just like mayflies wandering around the world. They are exploited by the capitalists, and it is very difficult for them to make even a small step forward. Behind the rapid development of Mumbai are the hundreds of people in the slums who are rushing around in high-end office buildings. Work, on the surface, is actually a facade of hard work to maintain. This is an inevitable problem in urban development, especially in India.