City leaders expressed condolences to some veteran party members. On the "July 1" Party Founding Day, Municipal Party Committee Secretary Zhao Wenquan, Municipal Party Committee Deputy Secretary and Mayor Shi Gang and other leaders went deep into the grassroots to visit and expre

Municipal leaders visited some veteran party members

On the July 1st Party Founding Day, Municipal Party Committee Secretary Zhao Wenquan, Municipal Party Committee Deputy Secretary and Mayor Shi Gang and other leaders went to the grassroots level to visit retired cadres, veteran Party members who joined the Party before the founding of the People's Republic of China, Party members who are living in difficulties, The families of party members and cadres who died in the line of duty sent the party's care and warmth to them and thanked them for their contributions to the cause of the party and the people.

On the morning of July 1, Municipal Party Committee Secretary Zhao Wenquan and other leaders visited Zhang Yi, the former Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Autonomous Region and former Municipal Bureau Party Committee Secretary, and thanked the 96-year-old for his contribution to the city's economic and social development.

Municipal Party Committee Secretary Zhao Wenquan and other leaders visited and expressed condolences to Zhang Yi, former Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Autonomous Region and former Municipal Bureau Party Committee Secretary. Photographed by Li Haoran, Chief All-Media Reporter of Karamay Daily

At Zhang Yi’s home, Zhao Wenquan introduced the future development ideas and direction of Karamay to Zhang Yi based on the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 10th Party Committee of the Autonomous Region and the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 12th Municipal Party Committee. He also focused on the relevant situation of Karamay focusing on the "two-zone construction", adhering to the "one-main-diversity" development idea, and building the "four core competitiveness" of new energy, digital economy, technological innovation, and open economy.

Zhao Wenquan said that it is precisely because of the foundation laid by the older generation of oil people that today’s Karamay can develop better and faster. We must inherit and carry forward the spirit of hard work of the older generation and strive to build this Better cities are built, allowing citizens of all ethnic groups to live happier lives.

In the Jiangong Community of Karamay District, Zhao Wenquan visited 90-year-old Meng Maer, a veteran party member who joined the party before the founding of the People's Republic of China and was awarded the commemorative medal of the "70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China" and the commemorative medal of "50 Years of Glory in the Party", and sent him a gift condolence money, and learned more about his and his family’s physical health and family situation.

Municipal Party Committee Secretary Zhao Wenquan and other leaders visited veteran party member Meng Maer. Photo by Li Haoran, Chief All-Media Correspondent of Karamay Daily

"Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China. Without the efforts of the older generation, we would not have our new generation today. Karamay could not be what it is today without your hard work. We all want to thank you. You." Zhao Wenquan said, holding the hand of old Mengmaer.

Zhao Wenquan also visited Gao Guiying, the family member of a party member and cadre who died in the line of duty, had a cordial conversation with her, told her to take care of her health, wished her a happy life in her later years, and sent her condolence money.

Municipal Party Committee Secretary Zhao Wenquan and other leaders expressed condolences to Gao Guiying, the family member of a party member and cadre who died in the line of duty. Photo by Li Haoran, Chief All-Media Correspondent of Karamay Daily

Li Wenwei, an 86-year-old Party member with difficulties who lives in Tianshan Community, is an employee of the department store of our city’s former Bureau of Commerce. As an old party member with 63 years of party experience, she excitedly told her story of joining the party and her work experience.

Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Shi Gang and other leaders visited veteran party member Li Wenwei. Photo by Cui Wenjuan, Karamay Daily All-Media Reporter

Shi Gang was deeply moved by the old man’s devotion to the Party. He said that although Li Wenwei has certain difficulties in life, he is still positive and optimistic, wholeheartedly expresses his gratitude to the party, and uses actions to interpret the original intention and mission of the Communist Party members. This kind of sentiment and spirit is worth learning. Shigang urged community staff to take good care of the lives of old party members, solve practical difficulties for old party members, and let them truly feel the care and warmth of the party.

At Wang Jingzhi's home, Shi Gang asked his children about the old man's physical health and living conditions, thanked the old man for his contribution to the country, Karamay Oilfield, and urban construction, told the old man to take care of himself, and sent condolence money.

Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Shi Gang and other leaders visited Wang Jingzhi, a veteran party member. Photographed by Karamay Daily All-Media Reporter Cui Wenjuan

The 93-year-old Wang Jingzhi is an old party member who joined the party before the founding of the People's Republic of China. He participated in the Huaihai Campaign in 1911 and is a veteran of the 11th War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea. He came to Karamay in 1955 and was a member of the 10th Automobile Team of the former Transportation Department of our city before retiring. staff.

Shi Gang said that old party members are precious spiritual wealth. Their stories and spirit of devoted themselves to the party and hard work are the best encouragement and education for young party members and cadres. We must learn from old party members, inherit and carry forward the hard work of old party members. , the spirit of perseverance, and the spirit of serving the party and the people wholeheartedly, and fulfilling the original aspiration and mission of the Communists.

Chen Keping, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department, accompanied and expressed condolences.

Source: Karamay Daily all-media reporters Tian Huaying Gao Yufei Zhang Zhaogeng

Intern reporter Huang Fuguo Lu Jiapeng