Source: [Weihai News Network] Teams of party members working on the front line to help enterprises, scientific and technological workers who have reached the peak of scientific research, volunteers who have served the masses for twenty years without being "absent"... They all hav

Source: [Weihai News Network]

The team of party members working on the front line to help enterprises, the scientific and technological workers who have reached the peak of scientific research, the volunteers who have served the masses for twenty years without being "absent"... They all have a common name—— Communist Party member.

This year marks the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party. On the occasion of the July 1st celebration, the reporter visited weihai grassroots party members from all walks of life, focusing on how they stand on their posts, strive to be the first, and strive to be qualified Communists in the new era and take the new path. The road to exams.

The "Party Member Assistance Team" delivers services at your doorstep

Facing the bright red party flag, they solemnly swore... On July 1, more than 20 new and old party members of the Weihai Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau gathered together to review the oath of joining the Party..

With the original mission in mind, Weihai Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology’s “Party Members’ Service Team for Assisting Enterprises” assembled and rushed to the enterprise with a “service list” marked with “safety and stability of enterprises” and “technical transformation to assist enterprises”. Production line.

On the same day, they came to Shandong Gemei Tungsten and Molybdenum Materials Co., Ltd. and other companies located in , Lingang District, . The development and growth of enterprises has put forward higher requirements for safety production management. The "Party Member Assistance Service Team" took the initiative and hired production safety experts to go deep into four industrial enterprises: Gemei Tungsten Molybdenum, Heuer Optoelectronics, Weigao Building Materials, and Haoran Special Plastics to "check the pulse" of production safety. It was pointed out at the scene What companies need to improve in their production workshops and material archives.

"With the on-site guidance from the industry and information technology department, our safety management work is clearer. With the safety bottom line in mind, we can develop with more peace of mind." said the relevant person in charge of Gemei Tungsten Molybdenum.

Next, the "Party Member-Enterprise Assistance Service Team" will continue to play a pioneering role, making good use of the "four lists" scheduling and handling mechanism to promptly grasp the needs of enterprises and help more and more enterprises to carry out operations with ease.

"Contribute a small amount to the rise of domestic composite materials"

html On the morning of July 1, just after participating in the theme party day event, Cong Qing, a R&D staff member of Guangwei Composite Materials, ran all the way to the studio. "I just reviewed my oath to join the party, and now I am very motivated." There was excitement that could not be concealed in his words.

Cong Qing, who just turned 30 this year, has 10 years of party experience. Normally, he is a taciturn person, but when he talks about projects, he immediately becomes a talkative person. "This is the latest composite tail wing design project I participated in. This is a 'neck-stuck' technology that will replace metal materials in the aerospace field." Cong Qing's eyes sparkled when he mentioned this.

Breaking through the "stuck neck" technology has never been easy, so Cong Qing started a new round of structural simulation work. He input various parameters of the product into the computer, gradually adjusted the laminate structure, recorded the deformation status of each module, and then optimized it. He repeated this work more than a dozen times.

Boredom and repetition are the norm in research and development, but Cong Qing has a dream and a mission, and actively participates in the research and development of more than 70 projects such as high-speed rail floors and composite drawbars. The products involve aerospace, rail transit and other fields. The projects he participated in won the second prize of the 2019 China Composite Materials Society Science and Technology Award and many other national and provincial honors.

Today, the innovation studio named after Cong Qing has become a "signature" of the company. In the studio, projects such as boarding ladders and main beams of wind turbine blades are being intensively developed... "I will continue to work on the 'hard bones' and attack the 'stuck neck' technology, and contribute a small amount to the rise of domestic composite materials." Cong Qing said.

Want to serve the masses "Governance Experience"

html At about 14:00 on July 1, at the Shuanglong Community Party and Mass Service Center of the Jinshan Party Working Committee in Wendeng District, Shuanglong Community Party Branch Secretary and Neighborhood Committee Director Liu Fang opened the party building activity room At the gate, "old, young and new" party members gathered together to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the party.

Shuanglong Community Party Branch has been awarded the title of " Weihai City Advanced Grassroots Party Organization". There must be activities during festivals, which is one of the characteristics of Shuanglong Community Party Branch. Therefore, Liu Fang has long been accustomed to such a "gathering together" scene.

But ten years ago, this place was "famous" for being old, shabby, dirty and messy.From the troublesome "problem community" to the "happiness" that everyone yearns for, what has Liu Fang done in the past ten years?

"The secret is openness, integration, and co-construction." Liu Fang said that since taking over the community, she has broken the concept of "community small circles" and created the first "3+7+N" with the "urban social life community" as the center. Working method, create a "red micro home" for residents, and form the idea of ​​"what residents want, the community will change": There are a large number of elderly people in the community, so we will open Wendeng 's first community elderly care day care center to provide them with something to do in their old age. If the facilities and environment are old, a "red meeting hall" will be built, where residents can participate in discussions and improve the "appearance" of the old community... As

was talking, Liu Fang's cell phone rang. It turned out that the power department was cleaning up the area. Broken branches that endanger the safety of the line need to be cleared away in time. After learning about it, several party members on the side took over the task of clearing it without saying anything. "With party members here, our community will not worry about disharmony. " Liu Fang said cheerfully.

A party member is a flag

html On July 1, there was a message in the WeChat group of the Party Member's Home in Juhuading Community, Jingyuan Street, Huancui District: "Today is the party's birthday, and I want to send the original The poem is dedicated to the Party and expresses infinite affection for the Party. "

" turns listening to the Party and following the Party into the most beautiful notes. Roll up your sleeves and work hard to create greater glory in the new journey! "Click on this thousand-word prose poem, and the love for the party is reflected between the lines. In the WeChat group, group members have forwarded and liked it.

The author of this poem, Sun Jirun, is an old party member with 35 years of party experience. July 1 Early that morning, Sun Jirun posted his original poem to the WeChat group and devoted himself to a day of volunteer service activities.

Sun Jirun has many volunteer identities. Sometimes he is a cultural volunteer giving party lessons to young party members, and sometimes he is an epidemic prevention volunteer. He has devoted himself to the front line of fighting the epidemic...but his habit of writing poems and publishing blackboard newspapers from time to time has never changed.

As a party member and a retired soldier, , he has integrated his love for the party into his daily life. "Uncle Sun is a role model for our young party members to learn from. " Juhuading community workers said that the "enthusiastic Uncle Sun" among residents has become a banner, driving more party members to devote themselves to community volunteer services. (Hi Weihai client reporter Li Wensi, Sun Yijia, Wang Weichen and Li Wanyu)

This article comes from [Weihai News website], represents only the author’s opinion. National Party Media Information Public Platform provides information release and dissemination services

ID: jrtt
