On the spot, Yangzi Evening News reported on July 1 (Correspondent Tan Bo, reporter Chen Yong) In order to commemorate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, remember the history of the Party, and inherit the Party’s grace, on the 1st, the Urban Ma

on the spot

Yangzi Evening News reported on July 1 (Correspondent Tan Bo and reporter Chen Yong) In order to commemorate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, remember the history of the Party and inherit the Party’s grace, on the 1st, the Urban Management Bureau of Guangling District, Yangzhou City held a "Glorious Calligraphy Talk" Party History, Inheriting Red Gene” July 1st Party Building Activity. Through copying, writing, communication and sharing, young party members can remember the prosperous years, inherit excellent qualities and bravely shoulder the glorious mission.

Write your inner words

At the event site, representatives of young party members dipped their pens and ink in the "Party Building Book Bar" and wrote clean government slogans and famous sayings on fans, scrolls, and banners, such as "The sea is open to all rivers, and tolerance is great", "Integrity and integrity", "Blessing and gentle breeze", "Breeze on both sleeves", "One heart for the public", etc. were written neatly and powerfully, and the scene was filled with the fragrance of ink. We use "words" to express our feelings and "words" to express our feelings. In the fragrance of ink, we feel the meaning of integrity and self-discipline. In writing, we absorb the nutrients of party spirit and self-discipline. In the display, we firmly adhere to the principle of enforcing the law for the public and governing for the people. belief.

Display of works

After the calligraphy activity, a sharing session titled "Welcome to the 20th National Congress, I Want to Say to the Party" was held. Representatives of young party members gathered together to review the oath of joining the Party and, based on their own work actualities, share their original aspirations for joining the Party, Exchange learning experiences. The person in charge of the Guangling District Urban Management Bureau said that in the next step, the bureau will continue to carry out urban management party-building activities with diverse forms, rich content, and wide participation, always reminding party members and cadres to continue their spiritual blood, inherit the red gene, and continuously improve the comprehensive quality of the urban management team , do a good job in various urban management tasks in the new era, and manage the city, our common home, in a more refined, warm and humane way.

proofreading Xu Heng