Live broadcast of Nanyang News recalls the glorious past and shows hundreds of rivalries competing in the Ming Dynasty. On July 1, the city's cultural market comprehensive administrative law enforcement team uniformly dressed, flag-presenting ceremony and the launching ceremony o

live broadcast of Nanyang news recalls the prosperous years of the past, showing the Ming Dynasty hundreds of rivalries. On July 1, the city's comprehensive administrative law enforcement team of the city's cultural market uniformed their uniforms, a flag-giving ceremony and the launching ceremony of the third job training skills competition were held at the city library. Ren Yongliang, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism, and relevant responsible persons attended the event.

Ren Yongliang said at the launching ceremony that the uniform uniforms of the cultural market comprehensive law enforcement teams at the city and county levels are a concrete manifestation of the standardization, institutionalization and legalization of the cultural market comprehensive law enforcement teams, and mark the progress of the city's cultural market comprehensive law enforcement construction. Entered a new stage and started a new journey. The third job training skills competition is a key task throughout the year. It is an important measure to strengthen the concept of law enforcement for the people, improve law enforcement business capabilities, build a high-quality team, and establish an excellent law enforcement image. The cultural and tourism system should take this uniform dress and on-the-job training skills competition as an opportunity to further enhance the awareness of duty performance, service awareness and overall awareness, and deeply integrate into the construction of a sub-central city in Henan Province and the "Year of Concept, Ability and Style Construction" activities. Efforts will be made to build high-level cultural tourism, consolidate cultural tourism's responsibilities and contribute its strength, and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with a safe, harmonious and stable social overall situation.

From now until December, the Municipal Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, together with the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Justice Bureau, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, the Nanyang Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, and the Municipal Women's Federation, jointly launched the third Nanyang Cultural Market Comprehensive Law Enforcement Position Training Skills Competition. . Before the end of July, the county-level preliminary competition and the municipal-level semi-finals will be organized and completed. Through skills competition activities, we will test the effectiveness of on-the-job training activities in the region and determine the teams and individuals that will participate in the provincial semi-finals. The job training activities are based on the comprehensive law enforcement business and job characteristics of the cultural market, and are carried out around five aspects: political training, legal training, business training, actual combat training, and scientific and technological training. The skills competition focuses on testing the effectiveness of training and comprehensively examines the mastery and application of laws and regulations, law enforcement cases, evidence fixation, document production, case file filing, etc., and is divided into two parts: a team competition and an individual competition. The team awards in this event include individual awards and all-around awards, which are awarded to the teams participating in the team competition. There are individual awards and overall awards, which are awarded to law enforcement officers who participate in individual competitions.

According to the spirit of the relevant documents of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions will give priority to apply for the corresponding city-wide titles for units and individuals that win the first prize in the group all-around and the first prize in the individual all-around and meet the recommendation conditions. According to the spirit of relevant documents of the Communist Youth League Central Committee, law enforcement officers who have won the first prize in the group all-around and the first prize in the individual all-around and meet the application conditions will apply to the Nanyang Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League for the title of "City's Youth Post Expert" according to procedures. According to the spirit of relevant documents of the All-China Women's Federation, for units that win the first prize for group all-around, the Municipal Women's Federation will give priority to apply for the "City-wide Women's Civilization Post " in the following year; for units that win the first prize for individual items and the first prize for individual all-around and meet the conditions Law enforcement officers, according to the procedures, apply for the title of "Nanyang City Women's Model of Merit" (Chen Juan and Yang Meng, all-media reporter of this newspaper)

Editor: Qi Jie

Preliminary review: Chen Xiaopu

Final review: Lu Yuanpeng