Kenli District Media Center News In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Party, we should tell the story of the party well, sing the main theme of the tim

Source: Kenli District Rong Media Center

Kenli District Rong Media Center News In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Party, tell the story of the party well, sing the main theme of the times, and inspire and mobilize the masses. Party members and cadres do not forget their original aspirations, keep their mission in mind, innovate and work hard, and strive to be first-class in everything they do. Kenli District Council for the Promotion of International Trade organized and carried out the "Seven Ones" activities with the theme of "Celebrating July 1st and Welcome the 20th National Congress".

held a symposium to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party.

invited Comrade Liu Binbin, a grassroots and front-line Communist Party member, to talk about experiences and thoughts on how to carry forward the party's fine traditions, strengthen the construction of grassroots party organizations, and unite and lead the masses to participate in Kenli development practices. Talk about their experiences, encourage and mobilize the majority of party members and cadres to play the role of fighting fortress and vanguard and model, take the lead in overcoming difficulties and assume their responsibilities.

Receive a Party Education

Organize all party members to visit and study at the Gaixiyun Heroic Deeds Education Base and receive red education. Guide the majority of party members to review the party's history, relive the revolutionary process, remember the revolutionary martyrs, accept the baptism of ideological and political , strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and let party members and cadres feel the hard-won success of the revolution.

Revisiting the original intention of joining the party

On the occasion of the July 1st Party Founding Day, the District Council for the Promotion of International Trade organized the majority of cadres and workers to record a micro video of "Welcoming the 20th National Congress of the Party and saying something from the bottom of my heart to the Party", which was posted on Douyin of the District Council for the Promotion of International Trade The public account "Trade Promotion Exchange" was released to review the original intention of joining the party and create a strong atmosphere for officials and entrepreneurship.

Carry out a "I do practical things for the masses" voluntary service

In order to deepen the mechanism of "party members enter the community and do practical things for the people", we went to the grid responsible area to carry out the "I do practical things for the masses" volunteer activity. Combining the trade promotion functions and job responsibilities, we should improve the "micro-practical" system of serving the people, start with the small things around the people, help solve practical problems immediately, and promote the normalization and institutionalization of "I do practical things for the people".

held a theme party class to preach

In order to innovate the theme party day format and enrich the theme party day content, Ning Qingqing, Party Secretary of the District Council for the Promotion of International Trade, and his party went to the Logistics Industry Committee of Kenli International Chamber of Commerce to preach the spirit of the 12th Provincial Party Congress. We have made major historic achievements through five years of hard work, resolutely shouldered the glorious mission of the new era and new journey, focused on the key tasks of building a modern and powerful socialist province in the new era, and unswervingly promoted the new great project of party building in the new era Four This paper gave a systematic explanation and in-depth interpretation of the 12th Party Congress of Shandong Province from all aspects. Help Kenli International Chamber of Commerce member companies to deeply understand the essence of the spirit of the conference, gather the spiritual power of entrepreneurs and encourage entrepreneurs to "go ahead and open new doors."

carried out a mass publicity campaign "The rejuvenation of a strong country will have me"

recorded a short video of the gesture dance "Rejuvenation of a strong country will have me" and released it on the Douyin public account. By effectively carrying out publicity and education activities with the mass theme of "Rejuvenating a strong country, I have a self", we can fully use it to inspire and guide the broad masses of party members and masses to not forget their original aspirations and keep their mission in mind, so that the broad masses of cadres and the masses can shoulder their missions, work hard, and consciously practice "Rejuvenating a strong country, I have a self". solemn commitment and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with full confidence.

held a big discussion on "What to do as a branch and what to do as a Party member"

In order to implement the important instructions and requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping's inspection of Dongying and Kenli, combined with the key work of CCPIT and its own work actuality, we carried out "What to do as a branch" "What should party members do?" a big discussion. Through everyone's active discussions and enthusiastic speeches, the majority of trade promotion cadres resonated and formed a consensus, further improved their political stance, strengthened their ideological understanding, and strived to implement the trade promotion work more comprehensively, profoundly and accurately.

Through the implementation of the "Seven Ones" activities, the content of party building has been further enriched, the atmosphere of party building has been activated, the cohesion and combat effectiveness of party members have been enhanced, the motivation of party members has been stimulated, the theoretical level of party members has been improved, and the ability of party members to serve the masses, contact the masses, and maintain close ties has been improved. The ability of the masses to effectively solve problems and do practical things for the grassroots people. Encourage the vast number of trade promotion cadres to create a new situation of high-quality development of our district’s trade promotion work with firm beliefs, strong party spirit, excellent skills, excellent style, and high-quality services, and contribute to the construction of an industrially strong district, an innovation highland, and an ecological city , happy homes, and create a Yellow River basin ecological protection and high-quality development demonstration zone to contribute to trade promotion.

Author: Shang Xingjie Correspondent: Kenli District Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shang Xingjie

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Produced by Kenli District Rong Media Center

Reviewer: Lu Yao