During this period, Britain was frantically testing the dangers, and even shouted that "if Russia does not release two British prisoners of war, it will be regarded as a declaration of war on London." The British thought that this could scare Russia, but they did not expect that

During this period, Britain was frantically testing the dangers, and even shouted that "if Russia does not release two British prisoners of war, it will be regarded as a declaration of war on London." The British thought that this could scare Russia, but they did not expect that the fighting nation would be more ruthless. They directly responded by saying, "If there is a war, bomb London first." The former Russian general who proposed this plan even listed a detailed combat plan and Reasons given for why London was bombed first. Now it was Britain's turn to be nervous, because it fully understood that Russia was not joking, so it spoke urgently, claiming that it did not think Britain and Russia would go to war, and that it would work hard to ensure that the conflict was limited to Ukraine .

It seems that the UK was probably frightened by "if war breaks out, bomb London first", so it urgently changed its tone and stated that it had no intention of starting a war with Russia, and its next actions may also be to ease relations with Russia. According to relevant news, the UK is currently planning to cut off the supply of EU natural gas and cut off its gas pipelines. This move will obviously aggravate the EU's natural gas shortage, but the UK obviously does not care about the life and death of the EU because it has already "Brexit" . In the past, the UK would transport excess natural gas through pipelines in the summer to the EU and back again in the winter.

For the UK, it was better to give the EU a favor than to let the natural gas go. Therefore, the two sides have always maintained such a cooperative relationship, but the situation has changed dramatically recently. Because of the EU's persistent provocation, Russia is gradually reducing its natural gas exports to Europe, which has a huge impact on the EU, because natural gas shortages have triggered numerous crises and made EU countries miserable. However, it still refuses to compromise and is determined to restart the coal industry. It seems that the EU is really "not shedding tears until it sees the coffin." Now the UK is also beginning to consider cutting off natural gas transportation to Europe. It will be interesting to see what it will do then.

The reason why the British side made such a decision is that although it does not rely on Russian energy, the crisis caused by the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in the energy market is affecting the British. In this case, it must strengthen its reserves. Although cutting off the pipeline to Europe is tantamount to "stabbing" the EU in the back, the UK can only do this for its own interests, which fully shows that Western countries only have interests and no alliances. On the surface, the Western countries appear to be highly united and monolithic, but in fact they all have their own plans and are plotting against other countries for their own benefit.

The West is destined not to be very united. As long as Russia's moves touch the core interests of various countries, its small group will inevitably fall apart. If the UK treats the EU in this way, it will definitely suffer retaliation. The next step will be to see how the two sides "dog eat dog". All in all, Western countries will suffer backlash for provoking the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. This is the price of their "dishonesty". If countries continue, Russia may not need to be cruel, and countries themselves will start fighting among themselves. If you don't believe it, leave Wait and see.
