According to TASS News, on June 30, local time, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the British Ambassador to express strong protest against the British authorities’ rude remarks against Russia and asked the UK not to concoct rumors about Russia’s threat to use nucle

( Observer Network News) Tass News Agency news, on June 30, local time, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the British Ambassador, expressed strong protest against the British authorities’ rude remarks against Russia, and asked the UK not to concoct Russian threats Use to nuke rumors.

Deborah Bronnert, British Ambassador to Russia (File Photo) Source: British Government Website

On the same day, Deborah Bronnert, British Ambassador to Russia, was summoned to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A memorandum submitted to her by Russia pointed out that the offensive remarks made by the British leader against Russia were unacceptable. "In a polite society, people usually apologize for such remarks."

Screenshot of TASS report

Brown Nutt was also told not to allow rumors of "Russian threats to use nuclear weapons."

The Russian Embassy in the UK also sent a note to the British Foreign Office regarding this situation. At present, the British Foreign Office has not commented.

Previously, on June 29, British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace made insulting remarks about Russian leaders Putin and Zakharova in an interview with the British national broadcaster LBC.