The new strategic concept document recently adopted by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization spreads false information and provocative remarks against China, and provokes conflicts and confrontations along ideological lines. It exposes that it is essentially a tool controlled by

, spreading false information and provocative remarks against China, using ideology to draw lines to provoke conflicts and confrontations, exposing its essence as a tool controlled by the United States and used to safeguard U.S. hegemonic interests.

In NATO’s new strategic concept document, there are many confusions between right and wrong. It is clear that it is deliberately besieging China, but it claims that NATO wants to "protect itself"; it is clear that it is actively provoking confrontation, but it is falsely claiming that China is "splitting NATO." Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that its tone is based on the strategic intentions of U.S. hegemony, and its intention is to cooperate with the U.S. government in suppressing China in all aspects. The so-called purpose of "guiding NATO's development in the next ten years" is actually to guide NATO on how to serve the maintenance of US hegemony in the next ten years.

html On June 26, thousands of people participated in a march against NATO and calling for world peace in the center of Madrid, the Spanish capital. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Juan Carlos Rojas)

The "evil intentions" of the United States contained in NATO's new strategic concept document deserve high vigilance. Looking at this document, it is only one of the intentions of the United States to carry out a top-level design to promote NATO's involvement in the Asia-Pacific and force a number of allies to cooperate with the United States in suppressing China. The United States has also spared no effort to incite confrontation between Europe and Russia in an attempt to continue to weaken Russia. It also takes the opportunity to encourage Europe to strengthen its defense and use European resources to reduce the defense pressure on the United States in Europe. In other words, the United States has the intention of "killing three birds with one stone" - to contain China, undermine Russia, and harm Europe. This sinister intention reflects a strategic and cultural tradition of the United States, which is to regard the Eurasian continent as a "grand chess game" of geopolitics and believe that only by preventing multi-party cooperation on the Eurasian continent, including China, Russia and Europe, can the U.S. hegemony be continued. It is not difficult to imagine that if the international situation evolves according to the path designed by the United States, the Asia-Pacific region will continue to be turbulent, and the Eurasian continent will continue to be at war. In the end, the only beneficiary is the United States.

China firmly opposes NATO’s dissemination of China-related false news and provocative remarks. China adheres to the path of peaceful development, firmly pursues a defensive national defense policy, and always maintains its nuclear forces at the minimum level required for national security. The proportion of China's defense expenditure in its GDP has long been far below the world average. China does not threaten other countries with force, does not build military alliances, does not export ideology, and has never reached into other people's homes. How can it threaten NATO security? On the other hand, NATO itself has said one thing and done another in recent years. Although it has repeatedly stated that it will not seek geographical breakthroughs or expand its membership in other regions, it has actually continued to break through regions and fields and advocated a "new cold war" of bloc confrontation. Some NATO member states frequently send aircraft and warships to the waters surrounding China to conduct military exercises, creating tension and provoking conflicts.

The dangers of the United States' "malicious intentions" and NATO's wrong words and deeds have aroused the alarm of knowledgeable people around the world. Recently, many politicians and academics from Europe to Asia have openly opposed the US-led expansion of NATO into the Asia-Pacific and have responded urgently to strengthening cooperation with China. Former NATO Secretary-General Solana recently stated that further expansion of NATO will not bring "a better world", "on the contrary, it will inevitably create a divided world." South Korean scholar Kwon Ki-sik pointed out that Asia-Pacific countries should be highly alert to the dangerous attempts of the United States to use NATO to divide camps and intensify regional conflicts.

There is little help for those who are unjust. According to reports from Deutsche Welle and other media, before the new NATO strategic concept document was released, many European countries such as Germany, France, Hungary, and Hungary did not agree with or even strongly opposed the United States' tough description of China. According to Politico, Portuguese Foreign Minister Cravinho recently publicly stated that he does not want NATO to remain "focused on collective defense" in the future as it is today. Facts have proved that the United States overestimated its power to bully others and underestimated the world's determination to seek peace and development. The United States' attempt to use NATO to safeguard its hegemonic interests is destined to fail.

China has always been determined to be a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, and a defender of the international order. China does not stir up trouble and is never afraid of trouble.China will resolutely and forcefully respond to acts that infringe on China's interests.