Since 2006, Mexico's drug war has claimed nearly 300,000 lives, and more than 70,000 people are missing. This number is more than 10 times the number of Mexican casualties in the US-Mexico War.

Since 2006, Mexico ’s drug war has claimed nearly 300,000 lives, and more than 70,000 people are missing. This number is more than 10 times the number of Mexican casualties in the U.S.-Mexico War (about 25,000 people). In 2019, Mexican President Lopez announced that Mexico's drug war was officially over, but it was not that they had won the war, but that they admitted that they had nothing to do with the drug lords.

In 1970, American doctor Robert White performed the first successful head transplant in history. He transplanted the head of a living rhesus monkey into another headless rhesus monkey. After the operation, the head-replacement monkey could become autonomous. It breathed, chewed, drank water and other actions, but because the spinal cord was not connected, the monkey was completely paralyzed from the neck down and was unable to stand or walk. The head-changing monkey died 9 days later due to rejection reaction .

In 1945, before the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the United States sent planes to drop tens of millions of leaflets to warn the Japanese people of the coming atomic bombs, urged Japan to surrender as soon as possible, and asked the people to leave, but the Japanese people Ignoring these warnings and still living in an orderly manner, the Japanese authorities did not organize an evacuation, which resulted in a large number of casualties.

There is a concept called "crab psychology" in psychology. This concept comes from the behavior of crabs. When a bunch of crabs are placed in a bucket, they could easily escape, but the crabs underneath will grab each other and try to escape. crabs, thereby ensuring that they will get the same fate as themselves, and the result is that they will be destroyed by the group. When applied to humans, this behavior is the mentality of "what I can't get, you can't get either".

In 1997, a 14-year-old junior high school student Nathan Zohner conducted a ridiculous experiment: he compiled a report "DHMO: The Unrecognized Killer", which talked about the dangers of DHMO (dihydrogen monoxide). Department, successfully persuaded 50 of his classmates to vote in favor of banning the use of "DHMO". However, the so-called DHMO is actually water that we cannot live without. Later, he compiled this incident into a paper and published it in major newspapers, titled "How Easily Are We Guilted?" and the reputation of "DHMO" spread. To this day, similar pranks continue to happen...

In 1966, a boy brought three giant African snails back to Florida while traveling in Hawaii. His grandmother thought the snails were too disgusting, so she took them away. They were released in a garden, but unexpectedly it triggered an ecological disaster. The African giant snail completely exploded in Florida. In less than 10 years, there were tens of thousands of them, and the local snails were squeezed to the point of extinction. African giant snails not only eat local crops, but also spread parasites and meningitis to humans and pets. The government has invested tens of millions of dollars in order to eradicate these giant snails.

In the 2005 classic movie "Lord of War", the guns that appeared were all real. The crew purchased 3,000 AK47 rifles because it was more expensive to buy real guns and then resell them to others than to spend money to make prop guns. Low... The crew even borrowed real tanks from arms dealers, which were sold to Libya not long after filming was completed.

In 2013, Oregon a 50-year-old homeless man named Timothy Dean Alsip robbed a bank, but he only took 1 dollar, and then quietly waited for the police to arrive. He later revealed to police that he robbed banks because he could enjoy free medical care in prison.

The largest embassy in the world is the US Embassy in Iraq . The embassy covers an area of ​​44,000 square meters, which is about the same area as the Vatican , so many people call this embassy "China". The entire embassy cost $750 million to build and has 15,000 employees.

"Porphyria" is a rare blood disease, which is considered to be a real-life "vampire disease", because the symptoms of porphyria are usually photophobia, skin ulceration, anemia, and tooth degeneration when exposed to the sun. The fingers become stiff, the behavior is abnormal, and garlic cannot be eaten (it will aggravate the symptoms), which is almost exactly the same as the legendary vampire image. Of course, although the symptoms are similar, porphyria patients do not need to suck blood, nor do they have the urge to suck blood.

The border between India and Pakistan was drawn by the British and was called the "Radcliffe Line". At that time, both countries were colonies of the United Kingdom. Later, India's call for independence became louder and louder. Seeing that it could not stop it, the British adopted the method of " partition of India and Pakistan", using religious conflagration to muddy the waters. The demarcation work was handed over to Cyril Radcliffe, a lawyer who had never been to India, and the boundary was not announced to the two countries until the last minute. The plan caused chaos as soon as it was announced, intensifying the conflict between Hindus, Sikhs / In the conflict between and Islam , the former fled to India and the latter moved to Pakistan. The pit laid by the British caused the two countries to become feuding from their birth, leading to the massacre of millions of people.

The blue whale is the largest known animal, up to 33 meters long and weighing more than 180 tons. Its heart alone is as big as a car. However, in sharp contrast to its huge body, the diameter of the blue whale's throat is only About 30 centimeters, equivalent to the size of a volleyball, which is why the blue whale's main food is krill and cannot prey on other large fish.

Have you ever thought that people who wear masks look better? This is because when we can only see half of the face, the brain will automatically make up the outline of the face that we have not seen, and in the process of making up the face, it will automatically beautify it to the ideal appearance in our hearts, so that we will have the feeling of wearing it. People wearing masks feel more beautiful.

The United States accounts for 5% of the world's population and consumes 80% of the world's opioids, making it the world's largest drug consumer. In order to obtain higher profits, the United States has a long tradition of abusing prescription painkillers. Pharmaceutical companies vigorously sell them, and doctors overprescribe them, etc., making countless patients addicted and causing the opioid consumption market to continue to expand.

Point Nemo is the farthest place in the ocean from land. It is 2,688 kilometers away from the nearest land. It is located in an inaccessible sea area. Because of this, this place has become an excellent "space cemetery". More than 263 pieces of space debris have sunk here since 1971. In the next 2031, the International Space Station and will also fall to this location.