Article 313 in Issue 122, 2022, is to further promote the work of centralizing the treatment of vulgar and transactional issues in intra-party political life, guide party members and cadres to effectively enhance their sense of political responsibility and realistic urgency in se

Issue 122, 2022, 313 articles

In order to further promote the centralized management of the vulgar and transactional issues of intra-party political life, we should guide party members and cadres to effectively enhance the sense of political responsibility and practical urgency of serious intra-party political life , and form academic thinking In order to realize the strong atmosphere of practice, recently, all party members of the Yuanbaoshan District People's Procuratorate carried out a party day activity with the theme of "Concentrating on the Knowledge Test on the Vulgarization and Transactionalization of Inner-Party Political Life".

This knowledge test is conducted in a closed-book format. The test questions are single-choice questions, multiple-choice questions, and judgment questions. The content mainly focuses on " The Constitution of the Communist Party of China " and "Several Guidelines for Inner-Party Political Life under the New Situation" , " The Accountability Regulations of the Communist Party of China ", "Regulations on the Responsibilities of Party Committees (Party Groups) for Implementing Comprehensive and Strict Party Governance", "Regulations on Inner-Party Supervision of the Communist Party of China", " Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Disciplinary Punishments " and other contents. During the test, the police officers consciously abide by the examination room disciplines and answered the questions carefully, demonstrating a good learning atmosphere, positive learning attitude and strict discipline style.

Only by studying deeply can we understand thoroughly. This examination is not only an urgent need to deepen centralized governance work, but also a re-learning of relevant knowledge and a re-test of learning effects. It stimulates the endogenous motivation of party members and cadres to participate in intra-party political life. Achieve the purpose of "testing learning, using examinations to promote learning, and using examinations to consolidate learning", and at the same time lay a solid foundation for in-depth promotion of centralized governance work

Source of information: Ni Wuyun Batu, Ministry of Political Affairs

Editor: Qin Qihui

Review: General Zhao Zhenxing

Reviewer: Gao Wenjuan