On June 28, the National CPPCC System Party Building Work Conference was held to summarize and exchange experience and deploy work related to promoting the high-quality development of the CPPCC Party Building. Song Zhiheng, Secretary and Chairman of the CPPCC Party Group, preside

On June 28, the Party Building Work Conference of the CPPCC System was held to summarize and exchange experience and deploy related work to promote high-quality development of CPPCC Party Building. Song Zhiheng, Secretary and Chairman of the CPPCC Party Group, presided over and delivered a speech. Zhu Lungen, Tao Yeping, Shi Xiaomin, Cai Yan, and Cheng Changsheng, Secretary-General of the CPPCC attended.

Song Zhiheng pointed out that party building work is a fundamental and leading project, and it is necessary to fully understand the importance of doing a good job in party building work in the CPPCC system in the new era. Firmly establish the concept that "to do a good job in the work of the CPPCC, we must first do a good job in party building of the CPPCC", and pay more attention to the "two firsts" of the 15th Provincial Party Congress and the goals and requirements of the Municipal Party Committee to "carry the flag to take the lead and rise in central Zhejiang". , have clearer ideas and clearer priorities, give full play to the overall advantages of the CPPCC at the city and county levels, work together to create a brand of party building work of "Source of Faith, Concentric to the Party", and promote the high-quality development of party building work in our CPPCC system.

Song Zhiheng emphasized that we must actively create distinctive features of party building in the CPPCC system. Integrated construction of the city and county CPPCC organizational system, relying on the "Committee Meeting" and "People's Livelihood Forum" to establish temporary party branches for party members to perform their duties, adhere to "unified leadership, dual-line operation, two-level promotion, mutual promotion and common progress"; promote one Party building of organs and party building of committee members, better integrating CPPCC party building resources for in-depth development, promoting the effective connection between party building of organs and party building of committee members; integrating party building work and duty performance work, giving full play to the functional role of temporary party branches performing duties and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members and committee members , use the new results of party building to promote new improvements in duty performance and level, fully reflect the party's political leadership and ideological guidance, and organize members of the CPPCC and the people from all sectors to work together in one direction. It is necessary to solidly and effectively promote the implementation of party-building tasks in the CPPCC system, shoulder the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly administering the party organization, formulate a list of tasks and responsibilities, and effectively make party-building work "active", organizational life "strict", and party-building activities "substantial" together; to strengthen the synergy of joint management, the CPPCC at the city and county levels should establish the concepts of "big party building" and "one game of chess", strengthen liaison and exchanges, and timely share experiences and practices; create an atmosphere of contact and collaboration, and strengthen discipline inspection and supervision with the party at the same level. Contact and cooperation in organization, publicity, united front and other aspects to deepen co-construction and sharing, and better form a strong synergy and good atmosphere for the CPPCC party building work.

(Source: Jinhua Municipal People’s Government website) [For submissions and regional cooperation, please email Information Newspaper 3469887933#qq.com to reply within 24 hours. ]