The United Nations says at least 12 million people have fled their homes since the war between Russia and Ukraine began. More than 5 million people have left for neighboring countries, while 7 million are said to remain displaced within Ukraine.

The United Nations said at least 12 million people have fled their homes since the war between Russia and Ukraine began. More than 5 million people have traveled to neighboring countries, while 7 million people are still said to be internally displaced within Ukraine.

In this Russo-Ukrainian war, apart from the United States, the most active anti-Russian force is the United Kingdom.

Britain is sending guns and artillery to Ukraine. It just wants to kill Russia.

British Prime Minister Johnson also went to the Ukrainian platform.

The United Kingdom spared no effort in encouraging Ukrainians to fight, but when it really wanted to lend a helping hand to the Ukrainians, it was evasive.

Many Ukrainian refugees managed to escape the war and ran to the UK, only to be ruthlessly deported.

In fact, on the one hand, they hope that Ukraine can defeat Russia, but on the other hand, they despise Ukrainian refugees. This is the mentality of most European countries today.

So, from once vowing to share the fate of Ukrainian refugees to now being so disgusted with it, why have the attitudes of European countries changed so much?

Countless Europeans rushed to the train station, holding signs and queuing up to take in Ukrainian refugees. The government even introduced various welfare subsidies that locals could not enjoy. It changed its previous disdainful attitude towards refugees and wanted to take the "down and out" White Ukrainian refugees”.

At that time, Europe seemed to want to share the same destiny with the Ukrainians.

According to reports at that time, Ukrainian refugees were indeed passive and a vulnerable group in need of help. They lived in the open and wandered. Some female refugees were even targeted by human traffickers and obscene men, and their own safety could not be guaranteed.

In the early days of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, in order to squeeze out Russia, Europeans enthusiastically accepted Ukrainian refugees. Many people even held signs and lined up to invite Ukrainian refugees to live in their homes. Governments of various countries also introduced many preferential benefits.

On March 7, local time, Ukrainians gathered at the train station in the Ukrainian city of Lviv.

It seemed that these people were not refugees who had come to seek refuge, but rather like wealthy relatives of these Europeans, and they were all vying to curry favor with them. .

Germany has taken in at least 320,000 refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine.

The German government is also very generous. Each refugee can receive a monthly subsidy of 1,000 euros (approximately RMB 7,000), and Ukrainian high school students can directly attend German public universities without taking the college entrance examination.

Among European countries, Poland is the country that accepts the largest number of Ukrainian refugees. According to statistics from the United Nations Refugee Agency, since the Russia-Ukraine conflict, about 5.5 million refugees have fled Ukraine, and more than 3 million of them have come to Poland.

Poland accepts a large number of Ukrainian refugees, and this is also because Poland was really enthusiastic about Ukrainian refugees at first, and the treatment they gave them was really good.

In order to express support for Ukraine, Polish buses once had the flags of Ukraine and Poland.

In early March, the Polish Parliament passed a bill allowing Ukrainian refugees entering Poland to stay legally for 18 months.

In addition, Ukrainian refugees can not only receive a one-time subsidy, but also obtain a Polish ID number and enjoy various work and medical benefits.

At the same time, people and institutions hosting Ukrainian refugees can also receive various subsidies every day.

Bulgaria has accepted a total of about 350,000 Ukrainian refugees and placed them in its luxury hotels to live for free, making these Ukrainians feel as if they are not fleeing, but coming for vacation.

Faced with the influx of large numbers of Ukrainian refugees, Sweden was particularly generous and announced that as long as cars have Ukrainian license plates, they can pass through the Oresund Bridge toll station for free without paying.

In order to accommodate a large number of Ukrainian refugees, Sweden deliberately opened new offices in StockholmVäxjö, Norrkoping and Marstad.

In addition, the Swedish Migration Agency has also established a new national immigration team, mainly to coordinate relevant agencies such as the police, civil emergency agencies and administrative committees.

In order to express support for Ukraine, Sweden will light up the Oresund Bridge in the colors of the Ukrainian flag every weekend throughout March.

It can be said that at the beginning of the conflict, these European countries were really generous to Ukraine and tried their best to take in more refugees.

What has the UK done to help Ukrainian refugees?

The UK has launched a family visa scheme for Ukrainians who have direct or direct relatives in the UK. After criticism of the government's response, it launched the Ukraine Home scheme to allow those without relatives in the UK to settle. Britons can nominate individuals or families to live with them rent-free for at least six months. Refugees arriving through the scheme can live and work in the UK for up to three years and have access to healthcare, benefits and schools. Apply online and review hosts and refugees. The landlord receives £350 per month. Many families applying to sponsor have complained that the system is too slow, complex and unable to afford the high fees. As of June 21, 135,900 Ukraine visas had been issued out of 161,500 applications, and as of June 20, 82,100 visa holders had arrived in the UK.

But today, only three months later, after a hundred days of getting along day and night, the belated Europeans have gradually discovered that the refugee issue is not a black and white issue for you. Their "European relatives" are also affected. Here comes the vexing problem.

As the conflict between Russia and Ukraine continues to linger, Europeans’ attitude towards Ukrainian refugees is like that of an old lady celebrating the New Year, which is getting worse day by day.

However, this is not entirely the fault of European countries. The main reason is that the economic pressure is too great.

Due to the double blow of the new crown epidemic and the Russia-Ukraine war, prices in EU countries have soared.

html Among the 327 EU member states, except for the Netherlands , the inflation rates in other countries have reached historical highs. Even the United Kingdom, which successfully "Brexited", is not much better.

Today, the budgets of European governments have reached their limits, and the economic recession is very serious. The acceptance of a large number of Ukrainian refugees has further exacerbated the economic crisis in European countries.

A rough estimate by a German research institute shows that if these Ukrainian refugees are to be accommodated for a long time, at least 15 to 17 billion euros will have to be spent every year to support them for free.

Moreover, due to limited communication and unwillingness to put down their bodies and go out to work, it is difficult for these Ukrainian refugees to create economic value for German society.

Ukrainian refugees at Berlin Central Station, Germany

This is true even for rich countries like Germany, and those countries that rely on EU aid to survive are even more difficult to survive.

According to statistics from the European Union Think Tank Institute, the EU will spend at least 43 billion euros to resettle Ukrainian refugees in 2022, accounting for almost a quarter of the EU’s total annual planned expenditure, and this number will continue to increase as long as the Russia-Ukraine war continues. .

It’s no wonder that European countries are trying their best to find jobs for Ukrainian refugees.

Poland adopts a "weaning" method to force Ukrainians to be self-reliant

In order to make it easier for refugees to find jobs, the Polish government has abolished the original required permits. Employers only need to notify the Labor Bureau within 14 days of forming an employment relationship.

Poland, which is the pioneer in supporting Ukraine, can't stand it anymore, and other European countries have lost all their tolerance for Ukrainian refugees.

The Czech government plans to modify welfare benefits to restrict Ukrainian refugees.

Among the new measures, the Czech government plans to link medical insurance with employment. Each Ukrainian adult refugee can only enjoy the first 180 days of insurance services for free, and refugees living in shelters will no longer be able to enjoy it unconditionally because of this new rule. Financial Aid.

The Czech government urges Ukrainian refugees to find employment, otherwise they may lose their benefits

What’s even worse is that even with basic assistance such as accommodation and food, the Czech government is only prepared to provide Ukrainian refugees until the end of June.

According to local media reports in Bulgaria, the Bulgarian government asked Ukrainian refugees to move out of luxury hotels, and at the same time, the accommodation subsidy provided to them dropped from the original 20 euros (approximately RMB 139) per person per day to 7.5 euros (approximately RMB 53).

Most of these Ukrainian refugees were forced to move to cheap hotels, or refugee centers converted from gymnasiums and abandoned hospitals, or even temporary detention halls were set up in state governments. Compared with the previous accommodation conditions, they were completely different.

Ukrainian refugees who stayed in high-end hotels in Bulgaria for free were transferred by bus to live in low-end places.

Of course, Ukrainian refugees can also find jobs in Bulgaria to be self-reliant. After earning money, they can find new residences at their own expense.

It can be said that these countries hosting Ukrainian refugees are all worried about money.

However, the EU countries that generously accept refugees are actually not that kind. Although they accept some refugees, they also have to look at which country they come from.

Residents of countries such as Iraq, Syria can definitely get approved in Germany as long as they apply, but refugee applicants in the Balkans have basically no hope of obtaining refugee status.

The reason why Germany accepts a large number of refugees is not because they have more money and no place to spend it, but just to solve the problem of labor shortage.

In 2015, Merkel's photo with this young refugee was once widely circulated

People in the Balkans are used to being free and lazy, and don't like work very much. On the contrary, people from Syria, Iraq and other countries have become more and more popular after arriving in Germany. He is very hard-working and able to endure hardships, and his low wages make him very popular with his employers.

Refugees have integrated into the German job market and have become the backbone of low-level workers.

This time, the EU initially rushed to accept Ukrainian refugees. In fact, it was unprofitable and could not afford to do so early, mistakenly thinking that it would be profitable.

In the view of the European Union and other countries, although Ukrainians have unfortunately become refugees, they are still Europeans. Moreover, they are considered "intelligent, educated and high-quality refugees" who can add a certain amount of strength to the country's population.

However, in the eyes of many Europeans nowadays, they are not helping refugees, they are just inviting a bunch of uncles back.

In addition to economic reasons, Europeans' attitudes and mentality have also undergone tremendous changes after getting along with refugees.

At the end of last month, Austria the capital Vienna such an incident happened.

Several Ukrainians drove two luxury SUVs with Ukrainian license plates and parked them in front of a top luxury hotel in Vienna.

Unfortunately, the location where they parked is a no-parking area, and only taxis can park.

When two local Vienna taxi drivers saw this, they thought they did not know the rules and kindly reminded them to drive away.

Unexpectedly, he was shot. After hearing this, several Ukrainians were furious. They jumped out of the luxury car and cursed, spitting at the two taxi drivers, and then punched and kicked one of them. The driver was beaten unconscious and fell to the ground, then drove away in a luxury car.

drives a luxury car, lives in a mansion, doesn't obey the rules, and beats people at will. Looking at it all, it doesn't look like a refugee. He is clearly an arrogant and domineering bully!

This directly ignited the anger of the locals. Vienna City Councilor Dominik Knepp even sent out two tweets to ridicule and angrily denounce these people: "Instead of fighting for the motherland, Ukrainian men were beaten outside luxury hotels in Vienna. Taxi driver. Get out of our country!” “Deport criminal deserters!”

, the MP who tweeted angrily, criticized the Vienna city government on Instagram for using citizens’ parking fees to support refugees.

Vienna citizens’ parking fees are very expensive, but the mayor announced that the citizens’ parking fees will be used to support Ukrainian refugees.

But in the eyes of Naiper, this kind of behavior is equivalent to letting the rich live on subsistence allowances. Why? A video posted by

showed a number of luxury cars with Ukrainian license plates parked on the streets of Vienna, including Mercedes Mercedes-Benz, Bentley , Lamborghini ... Big luxury car brands, everything. It really doesn’t look like someone is fleeing, but rather like someone who is showing off his wealth...

We know that after the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, in order to ensure sufficient domestic troops, Ukraine banned men between the ages of 18 and 60 from leaving the country.

But before the war started, many wealthy Ukrainians had already heard the news and smelled the signs in advance. They took their families and huge assets and boarded private planes to run away.

The outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict means escape and survival for the homeless Ukrainian civilians, but for this group of rich people with money and leisure, it means squandering and spending time elsewhere.

Driving a luxury car, staying in a luxury hotel, beating someone up when you feel unhappy, and finding another place to continue wandering when you are tired of playing. How can this be considered homeless and living under the shelter of others? This is completely a gift of to the common people in Europe. Capitalism iron fist.

is not the only one who wears the guise of a refugee and runs wild on other people's territory, and the locals are all there.

Last month, in Poland, the largest host country for Ukrainian refugees after the Russia-Ukraine conflict, at around 4 a.m. local time on May 8, several men who spoke Ukrainian got drunk late at night and walked into the Polish capital. Warsaw molesting a Polish beauty walking at night on the street.

Seeing this scene, a local pedestrian stepped forward to stop and protect the harassed girls. As a result, the drunken men became angry and violently beat the Polish man, throwing him to the ground. Then he took out the murder weapon and stabbed him several times angrily.

Covered in blood after being stabbed, the poor Polish man crawled into a shop on the street to seek help. When the

staff came forward to check, they found that he had been stabbed in multiple places on his back. He was then rushed to the hospital, but unfortunately, the warrior eventually died of his injuries.

Live videos circulated on social media show that although Ukrainian language appears in the videos, these videos have been muted. Some netizens said that the link to the original video with audio they shared was blocked, and even some comments with related terms such as "Ukrainian refugees" were deleted.

Polish locals were beaten to death, but some people still laboriously criticized the incident, which directly aroused the anger of Polish public opinion. Many Polish netizens increasingly believe that the murderer is a Ukrainian and demand severe punishment for the suspect.

When this incident occurred, the storm of a Ukrainian man beating a Polish woman had not yet passed. Three Ukrainian men met a Polish woman buying dumplings while eating in a restaurant. Because the pork dumplings in Polish are called Russky, which is pronounced very similar to Russian, the three men went up and kicked and punched her. , directly beating the opponent seriously.

Coupled with this incident, Poles ’s anger towards Ukrainian refugees has soared, and the country’s major Vs have even taken advantage of it and cursed Ukrainian refugees.

In a video recently circulated on the overseas version of Tiktok, in Riga, the capital of Latvia , several Ukrainian refugees were caught stealing things in a shopping mall. However, instead of showing any shame, they shouted quite calmly: " We are from Ukraine, we are Ukrainians!”

The subtext of this is: Ukrainians can steal and do whatever they want in Europe, and you can’t hold them accountable.

Of course, these cases are still isolated phenomena after all. Millions of Ukrainian refugees have poured into Europe, and individual frictions and conflicts are normal. If nothing happens, it is news.

The probability of Ukrainian refugees smashing, stealing, and buying for free is very low, but for thousands of European families who have rushed to take in Ukrainian refugees, the most urgent problem now is the various troubles caused by the refugees. , is gradually wearing out their patience and kindness.

Most European families once thought that the shelter for refugees could only be a few days or weeks. Now it seems that a few months of shelter may be considered short. Until the Russia-Ukraine conflict ends, the refugees will have to live there forever. It's possible that when it's over, the refugees will still be hanging around.

Vice President of the European Commission also admitted that no matter how the situation in Ukraine develops, there may be 3 million Ukrainian refugees staying in the EU for a long time.

But Europeans are obviously not ready to live with Ukrainian refugees under the same roof for a long time.

As of now, there are endless complaints on Western social media about hosting Ukrainian refugees.

Some complained about the language barrier, some complained that the refugees were mainly foreigners and did not regard themselves as outsiders, some complained that different living habits affected normal life, and some complained about lack of hygiene. There are all kinds of flaws.

French "Le Monde" once reported on a Polish man's experience and psychological changes in accepting Ukrainian refugees.

(Screenshot of "Le Monde", title: In Poland, people have begun to feel the 'aid fatigue' for Ukraine)

After the Russo-Ukrainian war began, the Polish woman Marta accepted Ukrainian refugees Olga and her son, like many others Like European families, Marta generously provided a room for the refugees, but two weeks after Olga and her son moved into Marta's home, Olga's eldest daughter also arrived.

Marta provides help, but becomes increasingly "weak" and out of place at home.

After accepting refugees for a month, Marta finally couldn't stand it anymore. She felt like a refugee living in her own home. The adopted people lived at their own pace, and she no longer had any privacy, so she kicked the family out again. Go out...

What Marta experienced is very common in various European countries, and it happens basically every day.

It is said that there is no filial son in bed for a long time, let alone spending a long time with strangers who have never met before. There is always a huge gap between the noble passion for helping others and the cold reality.

Coupled with the influx of refugees, it has threatened social security and taken up a lot of living space for local people. Cultural differences have gradually led to social conflicts. These are all issues related to the real interests of Europeans.

The tolerance of many European governments and people towards some Ukrainian refugees who are "idle and living for free" has also reached its limit.

In Poland, which has received the largest number of Ukrainian refugees, local public resources such as housing, education, and medical care are constantly being occupied by refugees. The overwhelmed Polish government recently stated that in order to help refugees become "self-reliant," refugee subsidies will be stopped this summer.

On the other hand, some Ukrainian refugees have gone through untold hardships and traveled long distances to the country that took them in. They were full of expectations to start a new life, but they became increasingly disappointed. They found that life here was far inferior to that of Western media. What is described is so beautiful, it is not even as good as the days back home in Ukraine...

Last month, "Moscow Komsomolets" reported that some Ukrainian refugees who came to Germany expressed concern about the country's living conditions and government financial support. They feel dissatisfied, complaining about the inefficiency of local government bureaucracy, and the many restrictions they encounter in life also make them feel they have lost their freedom.

A Ukrainian woman said she could not bear the inefficiency of German government departments: "Here, you have to spend a lot of time waiting for the approval of various licenses. This kind of bureaucracy takes up a lot of your time."

According to German media Euractiv reported that Ukrainian refugees living and working in Germany do have a very complicated procedure. For example, they must first apply for "temporary protection" status from the State Administration of Foreign Exchange before they can obtain a work permit.

Others complained that they had lost their freedom in Germany, as European countries have strict restrictions on everything. When they go to the supermarket to buy things, if the total amount of the goods does not exceed 10 euros (approximately RMB 70.864), the cashier is not allowed to use bank cards to pay.

In addition to the many inconveniences in life, the streets are full of garbage, the lack of social welfare benefits, and the high prices of goods... all of which made them shattered their filters about Germany. When they mentioned this period of living in Germany On that day, they were full of grievances and complaints.

According to " Russia Today " citing "Ukrainian News", some Ukrainian refugees who fled to European countries are now filled with regrets. They complain about the high local utility charges , poor service quality and the bureaucracy of government departments. Some even complained that they couldn’t understand the situation when stores closed early or even closed on weekends.

Most of the Ukrainian refugees are women and children, and some female refugees are even more dissatisfied with the beauty services in European countries. They claim that beauty treatments are of high quality and low price, but in these European countries, beauty treatments are expensive and of poor service quality.

A Ukrainian refugee named Olga who fled to Portugal disliked local manicurists in every possible way, saying that the nail salons here did not sterilize the tools for trimming nails, and even used instruments that had been eliminated in Ukraine long ago.

Medical treatment also gives Ukrainian refugees a headache. They complain that no matter what disease they have, doctors will only prescribe paracetamol (an antipyretic and analgesic drug). "As long as the person is not dead, you may have to wait for several weeks." It can even take a month to see a doctor.”

After this experience, many Ukrainian refugees agreed that "Ukraine surpasses some European countries in many aspects."

In addition, many Ukrainian refugees are also dissatisfied with the "hospitality" of European countries. For example, the conditions of host families are average, and their attitude toward them is becoming increasingly bad and impatient... But it is no wonder. After all, many families apply to receive refugees in order to receive government subsidies. They only use money to do things, and they also It is a luxury to expect people to have true feelings.

Therefore, after experiencing all kinds of things, many Ukrainian refugees who went abroad found that "it is better to be at home." Coupled with the increasing neglect of European countries, the refugees began to turn around and go back.

The United Nations said nearly 2.8 million "cross-border movements" had returned to Ukraine as of June 21, but said the figure did not refer to individual refugees. Ukraine's border force has previously said people are crossing back into the country at a rate of about 30,000 a day.

Some are returning to areas of Ukraine, such as the capital Kiev , that were threatened by Russian forces at the start of the war but are now considered safer.In May, Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko said the city's population had returned to two-thirds of its pre-war level.

Hundreds of refugees are housed in this sports center in Moldova

As of June 21, more than 5.2 million refugees from Ukraine had been recorded across Europe. More than 3.5 million people have applied for temporary residence in another country:

Russia: 1,305,018 Ukrainian refugees have been recorded

Poland: 1,180,677

Moldova: 85,797

Romania: 82,733

Slovakia: 78,972

Hungary : 25,042

Belarus : 9,006

Others have moved on to other destinations, particularly those crossing into Poland, Hungary and Slovakia. These countries have open borders with other EU countries. The United Nations says there are more than 780,000 Ukrainians in Germany, nearly 380,000 in the Czech Republic and 137,000 in Italy. Some Ukrainians travel to Russia from the pro-Russian regions of Lugansk and Donetsk.

President Vladimir Putin said his forces had evacuated 140,000 civilians from Mariupol and insisted that no one had been forced to travel to Russia. However, volunteer groups say they have helped thousands of Ukrainians leave Russia.

What help is available from countries providing refugees?

The European Union has automatically granted Ukrainians the right to stay and work in its 27 member states for up to three years. If refugees cannot stay with friends or relatives, they will be placed in reception centres. They were given food and medical care, as well as information about continuing their journey.

They are entitled to social benefits and access to housing, health care and schools. Poland, one of the countries hosting the largest number of refugees, and Moldova, which has the highest concentration of refugees by population, have requested additional support.

Moreover, under the encouragement of the media and the US government, they feel that supporting Ukraine is attacking Russia. They even regard Ukraine as a hero. If they help Ukrainian refugees, they can let Ukraine compete with Russia wholeheartedly and keep Russia contained. With.

However, what these European countries did not expect was that the Russo-Ukrainian war would have such a huge impact on the economy. Energy prices soared rapidly. Even food and fertilizer exports were seriously affected. Inflation in various countries has been in a dangerous zone.

Nowadays, the Ukrainian refugees who have accepted these refugees have undoubtedly become a burden. The people are complaining and the government is miserable.

On the other hand, the United States has regained its position as the hegemon.

No wonder a German congressman bluntly said: In this Russia-Ukraine conflict, Europe has become a pawn of the United States and must be wary of this dangerous trend.

German congressmen feel that Europe has become a pawn of the United States and has lost miserably

Today, the war in Ukraine is still ongoing, and these Ukrainian refugees cannot be sent back at all. But if they continue to eat and drink for free, European governments will really not be able to bear it.

However, other than breaking teeth and swallowing it in the stomach, European countries seem to have no other good solution.

Of course, the United States is secretly having fun. While Europe is banning Russian energy imports, the United States is turning a corner and selling oil and natural gas to Europe at high prices. In this wave of

, Europe has been completely taken advantage of.