The purpose is to pay tribute to the revolutionary martyrs, review the oath of joining the party, celebrate a "political birthday" collectively, and listen to a party class to sharpen the original aspiration and mission, draw strength to move forward, and ensure that the spirit o

On the afternoon of June 29, all party members and cadres of the Jinan Arbitration Office organization, representatives of retired cadres and party members of the "double registration" community ( Hero Mountain Community ) came to the west campus of the Party School of the Shandong Provincial Committee to celebrate "July 1"· Celebrate a "Political Birthday" themed event. The purpose is to pay tribute to the revolutionary martyrs, review the oath of joining the party, celebrate a "political birthday" collectively, and listen to a party class to sharpen the original aspiration and mission, draw strength to move forward, and ensure that the spirit of the 12th provincial and municipal party congresses is better carried out throughout the entire event. The implementation will continue to promote the innovative development of Jinan arbitration.

All party members and cadres first came to the "Fourth Five-Year Plan" Party Education Base. Under the guidance of the explainers, they successively went to "A Single Fire Starts a Prairie Fire Qilu ", "Twenty-two Martyrs Sprinkled Blood on the Execution Ground", "Stick to the Faith Unswervingly" and " "Keep the mission in mind and forge ahead" and other exhibition halls, everyone was full of reverence and carefully looked at a large number of precious historical photos and martyrs' relics. They learned in detail about the turbulent years of the development and struggle of Shandong's early party organizations, and looked back affectionately at Deng Enming, Liu Qianchu and others. The magnificent revolutionary career of the "Fourth Five-Year Plan" martyrs received a profound baptism of soul and tempering of party spirit.

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China and support the party's program..." The sonorous and powerful voice echoed for a long time. Under the oath taken by Comrade Xie Pin, deputy director of the Jinan Arbitration Office and member of the party group, all party members wore party membership badges, stood in line, raised their right hands, clenched their fists, faced the party flag, reviewed the oath of joining the party, and recalled the solemn commitment and firmness when taking the oath of joining the party. Determination expresses the determination and desire to fight for the cause of the party for life. The solemn and solemn review of the oath of joining the party enabled every party member to once again accept the baptism of the soul. Subsequently, Comrade Wei Yuliang, deputy director of the Jinan Arbitration Office and deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group, presented "political birthday" gifts to party member representatives who celebrated their "political birthday" this year, and expressed good wishes to them, creating an atmosphere of celebrating the party's birthday, being united with the party, and paying tribute to the party. A strong atmosphere for the party.

Finally, Professor Wu Rongsheng of the Party School gave party lessons to all party members with the theme of "working hard and moving forward with courage" and focused on in-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the 12th Provincial Party Congress. The party class focuses on three aspects: understanding the significance of the 12th Provincial Party Congress, accurately grasping the spirit of the 12th Provincial Party Congress, and comprehensively implementing the spirit of the 12th Provincial Party Congress. The spirit of the 12th Provincial Party Congress was explained comprehensively and carefully. The lectures had a broad vision, profound thoughts, detailed content, and simple explanations, which provided good guidance and help for all comrades of the Arbitration Office to deeply study and understand the spirit of the 12th Provincial Party Congress.

After the event, party members and cadres expressed that by participating in this event, their thoughts have been further sublimated, their spirit has been further baptized, and their party spirit has been further tempered. In the future arbitration work, the party's fundamental purpose and ideals and beliefs must be reflected in the practice of performing duties, and the comprehensive implementation of the spirit of the 12th Provincial and Municipal Party Congress must be reflected in the new era, new responsibilities and new actions.