It's normal to wait for your salary every month, but it's definitely abnormal when you get hundreds of times your monthly salary. A man in Chile recently experienced such a "windfall". Not only did he resign from his company, but he also disappeared without a trace. The company i

It is normal to wait for your salary every month, but it is definitely abnormal when you get hundreds of times your monthly salary. Chile A man recently experienced such a "windfall". He not only resigned from his company, but also disappeared without a trace. The company is trying to take legal action against him for "wrongful misappropriation of public funds."

denominations of 20,000 and 10,000 Chilean pesos

According to US media reports on June 29, an office worker at CIAL, a Chilean cold-cut food company, was unexpectedly overpaid by his employer 330 times in May this year.

The unnamed dispatch assistant called a deputy manager of the human resources department and revealed that he had received a surprising overpayment of wages on May 30. That month, 165,398,851 Chilean pesos (approximately 1.207 million yuan) instead of the 500,000 Chilean pesos (approximately 3,650 yuan) he usually gets.

CIAL is Chile's largest cold-cut food producer.

Company management checked the records and confirmed that it had mistakenly paid the employee approximately 330 times his monthly salary. Demand a refund of the overpaid wages. The man allegedly said he would pay the money back the next morning, but the refund did not appear on the company's account.

html On May 31, his superiors tried to contact him, but there was no answer for several hours. He eventually responded, claiming he had overslept and was heading to the bank immediately. Unfortunately, the employee submitted a letter of resignation through his lawyer on June 2. The lawyer said his client did not want the money back and believed that since the money was sent to him, it should belong to him.

The man submitted his resignation letter to the company through his lawyer

The whereabouts of the overpaid wages are still unknown. The worker had disappeared, and the company quickly sought to recover the funds through legal channels and filed legal proceedings against the resigned employee.

CIAL is Chile's largest producer of cold cuts and is responsible for the production of several popular brands, including San Jorge, La Pferida and Winter. However, the company's annual revenue does not exceed $5 million, and this incident means that it seriously eats into the company's profits.

Nandu reporter Shi Minglei