Red Net Moment News, June 30 (Correspondent Rao Ming) On June 29, the Party Branch of the Central Health Center of Beishan Town, Changsha County held a work meeting on strict party governance. All party members, probationary members, party activists, and middle-level cadres of th

Red Net Moment News June 30 (Correspondent Rao Ming) On June 29, the Party Branch of the Central Health Center of Beishan Town, Changsha County held a work meeting on strict party governance . All party members, probationary members, party activists, and middle-level cadres of the branch attended the meeting.

Participants watched the TV special film "Sharp Sword - Review of the Inspection Work of the 11th Hunan Provincial Party Committee", which systematically summarized and reviewed the inspection work of the 11th Hunan Provincial Party Committee, using detailed data and examples demonstrate the great role of inspections and inspections as a sharp weapon for the country and a sharp weapon for the party.

At the meeting, Yang Jun, Secretary of the Party Branch of Beishan Town Central Health Center, conveyed the spirit of the 2022 comprehensive and strict party work conference of the Changsha County Health System on June 24.

Yang Jun said that comprehensive and strict governance of the party is the only way for the party to maintain its vitality and take the new road to the exam. It is one of our party's fine traditions and one of its greatest political advantages. We will combine the actual situation of the hospital to strengthen learning and improve political consciousness; strengthen the system and improve the implementation of responsibilities; strengthen ideology and improve style construction. To continue to strengthen the " four consciousness ", strengthen the " four self-confidence ", achieve "two safeguards", defend the " two establishment ", and continue to build a good party style with the firm persistence of always being on the road The construction of a clean government and the fight against corruption will be fought for a long time, and we will make due contributions to maintaining a social environment of peace and prosperity for the country and a clean and upright political environment.

And strictly abide by the party's political discipline and political rules, always maintain flesh-and-blood ties with the people, adhere to the persistence of style construction that is always on the road, lead the comprehensive and strict governance of the party, and continuously promote party building to a higher level We will make unremitting efforts to develop quality and stricter standards, and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with practical actions.