In order to promote the in-depth development of the "I will teach Party classes" activity, give full play to the exemplary and leading role of outstanding Party class lecturers, and create a strong atmosphere in the district where everyone teaches Party classes and there is a cla

In order to promote the in-depth development of the "I Come to Lecture Party Classes" activity, give full play to the demonstration and leading role of outstanding party class lecturers, and form a strong atmosphere in the district where everyone teaches party classes and classes are everywhere, on June 29, Tianqiao District of Jinan City held a "Welcome to be the pioneers of the Party's 20 major innovations" - Tianqiao District Excellent Party Course Observation and Selection Meeting.

It is understood that since the deployment of the "I Come to Lecture Party Classes" activity, all party (working) committees in Tianqiao District have attached great importance to it, made careful arrangements, and comprehensively organized party class contestants to come to the podium and give party classes, and the "I Come to Lecture Party Classes" activity was quickly launched craze. 11 outstanding party class lecturers from different positions in Tianqiao District gave wonderful lectures and brought vivid party classes to the majority of party members.

Some use history as a mirror, review the glorious party history, tell the original intention of Communist Party members, and encourage party members to forge ahead and work tirelessly to realize the grand goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation; some use willows as media to understand the changes in the bridge and continue the red inheritance , calling on the majority of party members to strengthen their confidence and belief, and take advantage of the situation to continue to write a wonderful new chapter of the "Yellow River Article"; some use youth as a portrayal, go to the grassroots, and cast "youth" in the "small" and "big" in community work "With Me" is full of vitality; some use the "sunset" as their scenery, taking the lead in setting an example and passing on the red positive energy of old party members in the renovation of old communities.

contestant style

After fierce competition, this excellent party class observation and evaluation meeting selected a total of 2 "first prizes", 4 "second prizes", and 5 "third prizes". All outstanding party class lecturers discussed and exchanged ideas with each other. , give full play to its leading and exemplary role. Tianqiao District will take this excellent party class observation and selection meeting as an opportunity to make full use of the results of party class activities, strengthen the construction of party member education content resources, create high-quality party class resources, make greater contributions to enriching the city's party member education and teaching content, and inspire parties at all levels The organization and the majority of party members and cadres worked hard to write a new chapter in the development of Tianqiao and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with outstanding results. (Source: Tianqiao District Media Center)