Correspondent Liu Yanfei In order to further strengthen grassroots convenience services and comprehensively improve the standardized construction level of the grassroots convenience service system, the Zhanhua District Administrative Approval Service Bureau has made every effort

Correspondent Liu Yanfei

In order to further strengthen the grassroots convenience service work and comprehensively improve the standardization level of the grassroots convenience service system, the Zhanhua District Administrative Approval Service Bureau based on the newly issued "Binzhou City Township (Street) Convenience Service Center Function Construction Guidance Standards", Make every effort, take practical measures, and make real efforts to provide regular guidance to the convenience service centers of each town (street), establish a long-term linkage mechanism for convenience services in towns, villages, and villages in the county, and truly make the good things that facilitate, benefit, and benefit the people come true Real place.

focuses on actual conditions and promotes the standardization of positions. According to the requirements of Shandong Province's "Implementation Plan for Further Improving Grassroots Government Service Capabilities", it guides towns and villages to build grassroots convenient service venues according to "basic", "standard" and "benchmark", and by identifying shortcomings , dig out the root causes, make rectifications and promote improvements, and create a first-class grassroots convenient service platform so that the people can handle things comfortably and conveniently.

Implementation requirements promote service convenience, strictly implement document requirements related to convenience services in Zhanhua District towns and villages, guide each town (street) to clarify the "comprehensive acceptance" window, and require staff to be familiar with the " no certificate city " system and related According to the requirements, special windows should be set up to carry out "cross-domain handling", familiarize themselves with the operating procedures, and let the public understand what can be done and how to do it.

considerate service improves the efficiency of work, and further guides town (street) staff to strictly abide by work disciplines, to be enthusiastic and considerate when dealing with the masses, to seriously accept the requests made by the masses, to handle matters that comply with policies in a timely manner, and to handle matters that really cannot be handled Matters must be explained patiently and meticulously, especially for those who are older and have poor understanding ability. Patient and meticulous communication services must be provided to keep the work in the hearts of the masses. Establish a list of help and agents, and notify them at once to reduce service procedures and procedures, improve service efficiency, and enable the public to do everything in one go and in a timely manner.

strengthens supervision to achieve normalized guidance, provides regular on-the-spot guidance on convenience services at the town (street) and village levels every month, conducts irregular inspections on convenience services in towns and villages, reports on the situation of convenience services every month, and reports relevant The progress of the work is included in the year-end target assessment of the town (street) to ensure that the town (street)'s convenience service guidance work is effective.

In the next step, the Zhanhua District Administrative Approval Service Bureau will use grassroots convenience service agents to do a solid job in guiding the grassroots, continue to optimize grassroots convenience services, continue to promote the standardization and standardization of grassroots convenience service venues, and truly serve the grassroots people. Provide convenience and help grassroots convenience services reach a new level.