First of all, this "escape" is not because there is something strange in the White House that makes these people flee, but because some White House staff members have changed jobs, because it happens to be at this juncture before the mid-term elections, so it looks like a There a

Let’s start from the beginning. A large number of people “escaped” from the White House . What happened? Who are the people who are running away? Why?

First of all, this "escape" is not because there is something strange in the White House that makes these people flee, but because some White House staff have changed jobs because it happens to be at this juncture before the mid-term elections, so it seems like A large number of collective departures, such as the current White House counsel preparing to leave.

Previously resigned, including the White House Senior Advisor for Public Engagement, and the former White House Press Secretary Psaki, whose name is familiar to everyone. These are all people who "escaped" from the White House during this period.

We can also understand that there is an old saying in China called "One gentleman, one courtier". If there are changes at the top, the following will naturally change. But this is not good news for Biden . The change means that his status will be shaken and affected. Biden himself must not have any idea how long he can stay in the position of president.

Nowadays, the United States is experiencing inflation , energy and commodity prices are soaring, and stocks are crashing. Recently, there was an abortion ban. Although Biden tried his best to stop it, it is obvious that he, as a president, is very "useful" when he is meddling in other countries' business. ”, but it can’t do anything about the internal affairs of its own country. Will a president who cannot satisfy the people still have a chance to be re-elected?

According to the latest poll results in the United States, Biden's support rate has declined for four consecutive weeks, and now only has 36% approval rate. Another survey showed that 64% of the respondents said they do not I hope to see Biden in the 2024 U.S. election. In addition, 84% of Biden’s party rivals Republican believe that he should not participate in the general election again. Biden's popularity with the public is now extremely poor.

But Biden, or the current terrible situation in the United States does not seem to be unsolvable. American think tank experts have set their sights on China, saying that to solve the problem, we must rely on China. John Feaver, an expert at the

think tank, said in an article titled "Biden's Golden Opportunity to Change Tack on China" that the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine is the golden time for the United States to restart relations with China, and restoring relations with China can bring There are many benefits, such as respite from the current bad economic situation in the United States.

One thing that Biden can do that is very simple but very effective is to reduce or reduce tariffs on Chinese goods. Even Treasury Secretary Yellen strongly supports this. Lowering tariffs can keep the U.S. inflation rate at A full percentage point reduction within a year.

Moreover, if the United States can join hands with China to start clean energy cooperation, it will lead the world into a new era of renewable energy, which is more attractive than the energy model provided by Russia. If we can really accomplish this and improve the livelihood and living standards of the American people, this will be Biden's political achievement.