Correspondents Zhang Xingling and Wang Xiaoyun On June 20, the Tai'an Water Conservancy Bureau conducted a pre-flood inspection on the Tianbao Town Reservoir in the Ciwen Scenic Area. On June 23, Tai'an CDC went to Tianbao Town to inspect tuberculosis prevention and control work.

Correspondents Zhang Xingling Wang Xiaoyun

html On June 20, Tai'an Water Conservancy Bureau conducted a pre-flood inspection on the Tianbao Town Reservoir in the Ciwen Scenic Area. On June 23, Tai'an CDC went to Tianbao Town to inspect tuberculosis prevention and control work. On June 24, the Social Affairs Center of Ciwen Scenic Area went to Tianbao Town to supervise the construction of Rukang Homestead. On June 24, the safety production progress of the dispatching project of Ciwen Scenic Area was recorded.

html On June 24, Tianbao Town held an enlarged meeting of the Party Committee, attended by team members and district secretaries. Participants reported on recent work. Party Secretary Chen Aipeng summarized this week’s work and focused on arranging flood prevention, project construction, production safety and other work. , emphasized that the majority of cadres should devote themselves to the development and construction of the town without waiting for time. After the meeting, each management area immediately held a meeting to make arrangements.

This week, Tianbao Town continues to strictly implement epidemic prevention and control policies, and each village has also taken active actions to complete a new round of nucleic acid testing in the shortest possible time to build a strong epidemic isolation wall.

In order to effectively curb the occurrence of gas safety accidents, comprehensively and systematically investigate potential gas safety hazards, and prevent and resolve major gas safety risks, Tianbao Town acted quickly and deployed carefully. At noon on June 21, the town safety committee organized an emergency deployment meeting for gas safety rectification. After the meeting, relevant departments went to various districts, villages, and various places and residences to conduct inspections one by one to nip problems in the bud.

html On June 26, Tianbao Town held a work meeting on production safety and flood safety, arranging and deploying recent safety inspections, and made important arrangements on how to deal with the flood season in the future. After the meeting, each village took immediate action to ensure the safety of people's lives. Regarding the construction of the

project, the town's special work team went to the villages involved in the project cleanup to provide supervision and went to households to do mass work. The construction of Sipo Road was docked and construction gradually began.

In terms of environmental improvement, we will continue to clean up the areas around the roads, conduct continuous watering operations, and actively create a good road environment.

html From June 22nd to 23rd, Tianbao Town held a training class for party activists and development targets in the first half of 2022, and continuously improved the quality of the team through on-site teaching, study visits, and final exams.

In terms of people's livelihood projects, on June 21, the town statistics station held an inventory meeting of agricultural, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery service units in each village to break down the tasks and reverse the work cycle to ensure that the tasks were completed on time. Continue to carry out the "two cancer" screening work for rural women, and hold dispatching meetings to supervise villages with slow progress to complete it as soon as possible. On June 25, the town civil affairs office held a meeting of villagers' associations to arrange work such as surveying the status of disabled people and building a public welfare cemetery.

In order to prepare for the half-year inspection of the human settlement environment, each village organized dedicated personnel to clean up and create a demonstration street for the human settlement environment. Relevant town departments and management areas continued to visit the villages for supervision.