When talking about the most populous countries in the world, everyone will think of China and India. Our country is the most populous country. In terms of population alone, the only country that can compete with us is India. But in terms of population density, neither of the abov

Speaking of the most populous countries in the world, everyone will think of China and India. Our country is the most populous country. In terms of population alone, the only country that can compete with us is India. But in terms of population density, neither of the above two countries ranks high.

So who is the country with the highest population density?

Countries with high population density

When talking about population density, we have to mention Japan. Its population is as high as 130 million, but its total area is only 378,000 square kilometers, reaching 348.3 people per square kilometer.. The population density is nearly three times that of China. But even this kind of population density pales in comparison to Monaco .

Monaco is a small country in Europe. Its population density has reached 19,249 people per square kilometer. However, because the overall population is only 38,300, it does not appear to be particularly crowded.

Therefore, the most crowded country in the world must be with a small land area but a very large population. This country is Bangladesh.


The total population of Bangladesh is 164.7 million, which is a full 30 million more than Japan's total population, and its land area is less than half of Japan. As we all know, Japan, which seems unable to withstand such a large population density, has enjoyed a pleasant life due to its economic development and various creative inventions. Many people even live in single-family buildings. The people of Bangladesh do not have such a good life.

In Bangladesh, most of the poor live in slums built with various materials, that is, slums. There are unfinished buildings everywhere that have been suspended due to lack of money. The roads are full of potholes. Some traffic lights are disabled.

And the transportation here is not suitable for today's life. The main transportation is not the subway, not the bus, not the car, but the relatively old human-powered tricycle. During holidays, you may even see the train roofs full of people.

Although the population density of Bangladesh is 10 times that of China, in the face of such a situation, its population development trend is still growing. Why?


First of all, Bangladesh believes that population is the driving force for development. Only with sufficient manpower and a sufficient labor force will it not be eliminated . To have such an idea, we should start from its independence. It was first part of Pakistan , called East Pakistan . However, after India and Pakistan became independent, they have been tit for tat and refused to give in to each other. In the later period, East Pakistan became independent with the help of India, which is what we see now as Bangladesh.

Then Bangladesh was greatly influenced by India. It not only relied on India for development, but also feared being annexed by it. Under such circumstances, the local solution is to continuously develop the population and increase the labor force.. In this way, even if India wanted to annex it, it would not be able to digest it, so Bangladesh has come to this day safely.

Secondly, Bangladesh has a unique geographical environment. Eighty-five percent of the land is plains and there are abundant water resources. To put it bluntly, it is "conditional" . Moreover, the local area is a tropical area with fertile land and abundant rainfall, which is very suitable for growing rice. Although the living conditions in Bangladesh are not good, the geographical environment is sufficient to support the living conditions of the residents.

Finally, there is a large population here. Many people have not received education and have low cultural levels. In addition, many men have the idea of ​​"preferring boys over girls". Women here have become "fertility machines". Many families work hard to give birth to a boy, so they give birth to more and more children, creating an "indestructible cycle."

Moreover, the education level is low and the economic conditions are backward. Many local families believe that the sooner girls get married, the better, so it also has the highest minor birth rate in Asia. Twenty-nine percent of girls are married before the age of 15, and 65% are married before the age of 18. In other words, "child marriage" is a very common phenomenon in the local area.

And 60% of the local people believe in Islam, which is the most fertile religion. It not only encourages having children, but also strictly prohibits abortion. So in Bangladesh, even limiting the population is very difficult .

ends with

Due to these reasons, Bangladesh has become the "most crowded country" in the world. Although labor is a necessary condition for national development, the rapidly growing population and unbearable pressure have caused considerable problems.

The development and progress of a country requires not only population, but also time and continuous exploration. How to turn demographic disadvantage into advantage may be something Bangladesh should think about later. Only by solving this problem can it develop better.

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