On June 26, the Party Committee of the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau organized party members to go to the main battlefield of the Qigen Victory in Pingding County to carry out a party day event with the theme of "Welcoming July 1" to celebrate the 101st ann

html On June 26, the Party Committee of the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau organized party members to go to the main battlefield of the Qigen Victory in Pingding County to carry out the "Welcoming July 1" theme party day activities to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, commemorate the achievements of the revolutionary martyrs, and encourage party members to be firm Believe, never forget your original intention, and keep your mission in mind.

In Qigen Village , all party members faced the party flag, solemnly raised their right fists, reviewed the oath of joining the party, paid homage to the Qigen Great Victory Monument, bowed to the revolutionary martyrs, visited the Qigen Great Victory Memorial Hall, and recalled the revolutionary martyrs together. Great achievements and great spirit in fighting the Japanese invaders. At the Qigen Village Party Education Base, everyone visited an exhibition of party building achievements and felt the effectiveness of party building in improving grassroots governance capabilities.

Everyone said that we must inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition of the revolutionary martyrs, concentrate our efforts, forge ahead, work hard, and give full play to the role of the party organization as a fighting fortress and the party members as the vanguard and exemplary role , with tangible results We will act in a down-to-earth manner to do our jobs well, strive to create a new situation in housing and construction work, and contribute to the all-round promotion of high-quality development. (Wu Shan, Wang Cunhu, Li Chaoyuan)

(Source: Yangquan Municipal People’s Government website) [For submissions and regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a message to 3469887933#qq.com for a reply within 24 hours. 】