In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Party, we will further temper the party spirit of party members and cadres, educate and guide party members and ca

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Party, we further temper the party spirit cultivation of party members and cadres, educate and guide party members and cadres to recall their original intentions of joining the party, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and strengthen their mission. In the past few days, the town and village levels have carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st" to "welcome the 20th National Congress and forge ahead on a new journey".

Party members and cadres at the deputy section level and above of the town government carried out activities at the Nanfengzhai Red Education Base to review the oath of joining the Party and recall the original intention of joining the Party.

Revisit the oath of joining the Party and recall the original intention of joining the Party

The town government organized all party members and cadres at the deputy section level and above to carry out activities to review the oath of joining the Party and recall the original intention of joining the Party at the Nanfengzhai Red Education Base. At the event, under the leadership of Comrade Ma Fei, secretary of the town party committee, party members and cadres faced the bright red party flag, solemnly raised their right hands and read out the oath, "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's charter, fulfill The obligations of party members are to implement the party's resolutions..." The sonorous and majestic oath strongly shocked every party member present. Every word is sacred and heroic, reflecting the infinite loyalty of party members and comrades to the Communist Party of China. Party members and comrades said that by reviewing the oath of joining the Party, they once again realized the sense of responsibility and mission as a Communist Party member. In the future work, they must practice joining the Party with high morale, enterprising attitude and the spirit of striving for excellence. Oath to make due contributions to the development and construction of Miaojiaping with a down-to-earth work attitude and excellent performance.

Visiting the Red Education Base to Relive the Party’s History and Revolutionary Feelings

Town and village levels took the opportunity of the party day activities with the theme of “Welcoming the 20th National Congress and Forging ahead on a New Journey” to organize town and village party members to visit Nanfengzhai, Yangjialing and other red education bases. , carry out ideals and beliefs education and a series of on-site teaching activities of "Inheriting the Red Gene" and "Learning from Advanced Models". Each revolutionary landmark connects red history and becomes a "realistic classroom" for the study and education of party history. Party members can immerse themselves in the "red power" of revolutionary landmarks and inspire the power to forge ahead. Through the visit and study, the party members were full of energy and received the baptism of the party's spirit again. They had a deep understanding. They kept in mind the revolutionary history and the oath of forging souls with history, reviewed history and looked forward to the future. Everyone expressed that they would take this visit and study as motivation, follow the footsteps of the older generation of revolutionary ancestors, not forget the original intention, cherish the existing happy life, and devote themselves to the revolution with firmer beliefs, pragmatic style, and dedicated spirit. In study and work, we earnestly shoulder the mission of serving the people, contribute our own strength to the high-quality development of Miaojiaping, and at the same time welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with excellent results.

Visited to express condolences to Party members in difficulty to convey care and warm people's hearts

The main leaders of the town visited to express condolences to old Party members and Party members who are in difficulty, and awarded "50 years of glory in the Party" commemorative medals to old Party members with 50 years of party experience or above. At the same time, the party branch secretaries of each village actively carried out formal Various activities to care for old party members. During the activity, leading cadres at the town and village levels chatted with Party members in need and old Party members, asked about their daily life, learned more about their family life, health conditions, etc., extended "July 1" holiday greetings to them, and sent the care and warmth of the Party organization to them. to their hearts. Through visits and condolences, party members in difficulty have received help in life and spiritual comfort, and have personally experienced the care and warmth of the party organization, and have shortened the distance between the organization and party members. At the same time, it further enhances the Party spirit of difficult party members and their awareness of the purpose of serving the people, and gives full play to the role of grassroots party organizations in promoting development, serving the people, uniting people's hearts, and promoting harmony.

New and old gathered to express their feelings and discuss the future.

The village party branches organized the village work teams, new and old party members at home and village representatives to hold a symposium on "Welcome July 1st, talk about original intentions, and talk about development". The town's leading cadres participated and delivered a speech. The speech reviewed the party's glorious history, reiterated the party's historical mission, put forward clear requirements and placed ardent hopes on all party members. All participants conducted exchanges and discussions based on their respective work, study, life, thoughts and other realities, focusing on village collective economic development, improvement of living environment, and major village-level issues.In this symposium, new and old party members discussed their original intentions for joining the party and the development of Miaojiaping. It was a unique and "inspirational" growth class, which further demonstrated the thinking of the village party members and cadres of Miaojiaping Town on their own growth and their future development. confidence, so that party members can be tempered and inspired by theoretical study, enhance their sense of belonging to the party organization, make the party organization more cohesive and influential, and fully inspire all party members to improve grassroots governance, epidemic prevention and control, and improvement of the living environment Give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role in work such as economic and social development, and take practical actions to welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Contributed by: Miaojiaping Town People's Government

In this symposium, new and old party members discussed their original intentions for joining the party and the development of Miaojiaping. It was a unique and "inspirational" growth class, which further demonstrated the thinking of the village party members and cadres of Miaojiaping Town on their own growth and their future development. confidence, so that party members can be tempered and inspired by theoretical study, enhance their sense of belonging to the party organization, make the party organization more cohesive and influential, and fully inspire all party members to improve grassroots governance, epidemic prevention and control, and improvement of the living environment Give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role in work such as economic and social development, and take practical actions to welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Contributed by: Miaojiaping Town People's Government