On the morning of June 5, Li Fugui, deputy secretary of the Qingxu County Party Committee, county magistrate, and secretary of the Party Working Committee of Qingxu Economic Development Zone, chaired a meeting to promote the Fenhe, Wuma, and Xiangyu river channel management proje

html On the morning of June 5, Li Fugui, deputy secretary of the Qingxu County Party Committee, county magistrate, and secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Qingxu Economic Development Zone, presided over the Fenhe, Wuma River, and Xiangyu River channel management project promotion meeting. He emphasized that we must strengthen our confidence and determination that "there are always more methods than difficulties", work together to ensure the construction deadline, race against time to ensure progress, strive for excellence and quality, ensure that the project is completed on schedule, and provide a solid guarantee for the safety of the flood season. Deputy County Magistrate Hao Fei made work arrangements. Relevant county departments and township principals, as well as project design, supervision, and construction leaders participated.

Li Fugui emphasized that ideological understanding must be further improved. Deeply learn the lessons from last year's autumn floods, fully understand the severe situation faced by this year's flood control work, resolutely put an end to problems such as loose thinking, insufficient understanding, and lack of preparation, resolutely overcome paralysis, fluke mentality, and relaxed mentality, and use a high degree of ideological consciousness and Consciously act to promote high-quality and efficient construction of projects. Project construction must be accelerated again. Keep an eye on the goal of "completion and commissioning before the flood season", and use days as a basis to arrange the process forward and reverse the construction period, increase machines and manpower, adopt a 24-hour approach, optimize the construction organization, and strictly control the quality of the project. Make sure the time is up and the task is completed. At the same time, we must strictly implement the "six hundred percent", strengthen normalized epidemic prevention and control, strengthen project safety management, and resolutely maintain the two bottom lines of ecological environmental protection and safety production. The implementation of responsibilities needs to be further improved. The county leaders in charge should take the lead in overseeing the overall work, establish and improve the working mechanism of meeting every day and studying and judging at night, so as to discover and solve problems in time; the county water bureau should take the initiative to connect with the upstream to strictly prevent casualties caused by upstream flood discharge; the county finance, natural resources and other departments should strengthen funds , land and other element guarantees; county development and reform, power supply, China Mobile, China Unicom, Telecom, Kaitong and riverside towns must complete the project's demolition of buildings (structures) and pipeline relocation within a time limit to create a barrier-free construction environment for the project; The county government office and integrated media should arrange for dedicated personnel to supervise the site and count the number of construction workers and machines to monitor the progress of the construction.

(Source: Taiyuan Municipal People’s Government website) [For submissions and regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a reply to 3469887933#qq.com within 24 hours. 】