Remembering Wang Min In the blink of an eye, June 28th came again. In these 365 days without you, Shujian people have never seen your familiar figure again, but in everyone's constant talk, it seems that you have never left. Wang Jian, we miss you. For us, this year has been extr


Wang Min

In the blink of an eye, June 28th has arrived again. In these 365 days without you, Shujian people have never seen your familiar figure again, but in everyone's constant talk, it seems that you have never left. Wang Jian, we miss you. For us, this year has been extremely long because of missing us. It was on this day last year, that ordinary Monday, that you left us forever and left the prosecutorial career that you loved all your life. With 33 years of ordinary persistence, you have established a monument in the land of Longshu. Today, we tell you what is in our hearts.

Wang Jian, we have been adhering to your unfinished business.

Every time I walk into the Shucheng County Procuratorate, I can always see my colleagues reviewing papers, interrogating, or registering. The case in which you have completed the last court session has been made by the judicial authority.

In the past year, , under your personal guidance, Li Yankui, who accompanied you in court, has also successfully entered the quota. The young eagle you once nurtured can now spread its wings and fly and handle cases independently. The department you were once in charge of is still as it was when you were there, fast and steady, courageous and diligent.

Over the past year, colleagues have worked hard and selflessly. Throughout the year, they approved the arrest of 136 criminal suspects and prosecuted 396 people. They supervised the filing of cases and prosecuted the province’s first job-related self-money laundering case in accordance with the law. Within one month, Reviewed and prosecuted 43 people involved in multiple cross-border online gambling platforms and involving more than 400 million yuan in casino opening cases. Colleagues strived bravely and ranked among the top in the city in the annual assessment. One group and 5 people received national-level commendations, and 2 groups and 9 people received provincial-level and above commendations. One person was awarded the title of Advanced Individual in the National Procuratorate’s Special Campaign to Combat Crime and Evil, and one person was recorded as a second-class individual by the Provincial Procuratorate. Chasing after each other and striving for excellence has become a normal practice in Shucheng's procuratorial work.

Wang Jian, your unfinished love has been passed on to everyone

I heard Mr. Wang and Aunt Huang say that you used to go home every weekend to accompany him, even if it was just a simple , , for so many years You never stop. I heard Mr. Guo and Ma Wang say that during the holidays, no matter how busy you are, you should find time to have a meal with them. I heard from Sister Guo that you promised her that when you retire, you will make more contributions to the family. Together, you will go to live in your daughter's city and take care of your lovely granddaughter Yan Qi. I also heard your daughter Shu Zhan say that every time she encounters difficulties or dissatisfaction, just receiving a few words from you will cheer her up instantly. Today, although your unfulfilled love can no longer be felt by your loved ones, your filial piety and love have been passed on to everyone...

Over the past year, , Jiang Penghe and Shu Zhang's working environment Big changes have taken place in all areas, and it is now easier for them to travel to Xuancheng and Shucheng to visit their loved ones. Xiao Yanqi often comes back with her parents to spend time with her grandma. They have been fulfilling your unfulfilled filial piety; they have been thinking about your unfulfilled companionship and turned it into actions.

Over the past year, , , the Supreme People's Procuratorate, , provincial, municipal and county committees, provincial and municipal procuratorial organs, as well as leaders of governments at all levels and relevant departments have visited in person several times to send meticulous care and love to your family. On the eve of the Spring Festival, your alma mater specially sent people to express condolences. The care of the party organization and the concern of comrades have converged into waves of warmth, giving the family the confidence to cheer up again after losing you.

Wang Jian, your unspoken spirit has been passed down to us.

On October 22, 2021, a commendation ceremony for posthumously awarding you the honorary title was held in Hefei, Anhui. At this conference, "Original Intention", which was filmed based on your deeds, was also played. You have been at the grassroots level for 33 years and have always kept your original mission in mind. With your political character of loyalty to the party, your sense of purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, your work style of striving for excellence, your professional nature of safeguarding fairness, your selfless love, and your clean and honest professional ethics , fighting for the People's Procuratorate until the last moment of his life, inspired every comrade present.

Over the past year, has been a "craftsman" prosecutor, "fulfilled his mission with his life", "has remained true to his original intention for 33 years and protected fairness and justice in the name of prosecutorial emblem", "worked day and night in public, used his life to illuminate justice and leave a light", etc. Reports on your advanced deeds have appeared in "News Network", "People's Daily", "Rule of Law Daily", "Procuratorate Daily", etc. Your unspoken feelings for the people and public servant spirit have been unanimously recognized.

Over the past year, your name has been included in the work report of the Supreme People's Procuratorate. At the "Two Sessions" across the country, representatives and committee members have praised and praised your deeds. Prosecutor General Zhang Jun made a special trip to Anhui to visit your family and posthumously award you the honorary title of National Model Prosecutor. Anhui Provincial Party Committee posthumously awarded you the title of "Outstanding Communist Party Member of Anhui Province". Anhui Provincial Party Committee and Anhui Provincial People's Government posthumously awards you the title of "Civil Servant Satisfied by the People" of Anhui Province. Honors such as Good Person of China, "Rule of Law Figure of the Year 2021", and Peace Hero have come one after another. The lecture team gave lectures on tour, and every venue was packed. Your deeds spread throughout the land of China, making people cry, and will surely be further promoted and passed down.

Wang Jian, salute you!
