On the afternoon of June 29, Wang Yongqiang, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, visited Taoyuan Town to express condolences to veteran party members. Zhao Jing, deputy secretary of the Taoyuan Town Party Committee and mayor, Zhang Lei, organization committee membe

On the afternoon of June 29, Wang Yongqiang, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, visited Taoyuan Town to express condolences to veteran party members. Zhao Jing, deputy secretary of the Taoyuan Town Party Committee and mayor, Zhang Lei, organization committee member and publicity committee member, and relevant responsible comrades accompanied the event.

Wang Yongqiang visited the homes of Liu Yuanzhong and Yin Yuku successively and sent condolences such as rice and cooking oil. He also awarded the two veteran party members "50th Anniversary of Glorious Party" commemorative medals on the spot.

"How old are you this year? How is your health? What difficulties do you have in life?" At the home of two old party members, Wang Yongqiang cordially chatted with them, patiently asked them about their health and living conditions, told them to take care of themselves, and Thank them for their positive contributions to the party's cause.

Wang Yongqiang pointed out that veteran party members are the precious wealth of the party and the country. We must always remember the hard work of veteran party members and carry forward their valuable character of selfless dedication; we must conscientiously implement various benefits, help them solve practical difficulties, and achieve political respect. , ideological care, daily care, and spiritual care, so that they can always feel the warmth of the party and the government. At the same time, I hope that the old party members will always maintain their original aspirations, continue to play the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, provide more insights and wise words, and contribute wisdom and strength to the development of various undertakings.

The old party members were very excited and said that they were very warm and touched by the care they received from the party organizations on the occasion of July 1st. In the future, they will continue to pay attention to and support the development of various social undertakings, keep in mind the purpose of the party, and continue to exert their remaining enthusiasm. .