NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg said: "This is a historic and transformative meeting. We are facing the biggest challenge since World War II. Russia poses a threat to our security."

According to a comprehensive report by "Italian Xinhua Times" Xiaochen on June 29:

The NATO summit will be held in Madrid, the capital of Spain, from June 28th to 30th. The summit started a day after Turkey agreed with Sweden and Finland to join NATO . The focus of this summit is to "capture" Ukraine . NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg said: "This is a historic and transformative meeting. We are facing the biggest challenge since World War II. Russia poses a threat to our security." And the US President Biden aims to strengthen the US military presence on European soil and will send more soldiers to Italy and other European countries.

Biden said: "NATO will be stronger and more secure. We will send two groups to Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom and other areas to protect them. In Spain, we will increase the number of troops we have at Rota Naval Base destroyers , increased from the current four. In Poland we will have an office to strengthen our cooperation with NATO. In Romania we will have a brigade of three thousand troops stationed." German Chancellor Olaf Scholz assured: "As long as necessary, we will continue to support Ukrainian citizens."

At this summit, NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg also invited Sweden and Finland. And it requires a promise that NATO will make a decision before the end of the summit to invite Sweden and Finland to join NATO at an unprecedented speed.

On the eve of the NATO summit, thousands of protesters marched on the streets of Madrid. They held banners with slogans such as "No NATO, no war, for peace," "Disband NATO, a tool of imperialist war," and "Oppose South Korea to join NATO." ” slogan banner. Others carried Soviet flags in the parade.

The demonstrators demanded the dissolution of the US-led NATO and the closure of US military bases in Spain. These protesters believe that NATO is not the solution to the Russia-Ukraine conflict. NATO urges Europe to increase defense spending as a threat to peace.