According to a report by the Associated Press on June 29, EU countries recently reached an agreement after intense negotiations to achieve zero carbon emissions from vehicles by 2035 and ban the sale of all new fuel vehicles.

Jimu News reporter Li Lili

Intern Yang Shaopeng

According to Associated Press reported on June 29, EU countries recently reached an agreement after intense negotiations to achieve zero carbon emissions from automobiles by 2035. At the same time, Ban the sale of all new gasoline-powered vehicles.

Car exhaust will exacerbate climate change (Source: Associated Press)

The 27 EU member states have reached a common agreement on draft legislation, that is, by 2030, the EU's greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced by at least 55% compared to 1990. , instead of the previously agreed 40%.

Frans Timmermans, European Commission vice-president responsible for the European Green Deal, said after a meeting of Luxembourg ’s environment ministers: “It’s been a long and good time for climate action. day. The Council’s decision on the EU Green Transformation Plan (Fitfor 55) is a big step towards realizing the European Green Deal”

Last year, the EU executive proposed the “Five Laws”. The agreement paves the way for final negotiations with the European Parliament. Now, final approval of the legislative package can only be achieved after the European Parliament and EU governments resolve differences on various details.

The consensus reached at this meeting will help these proposals become official EU law.

Under the agreement, the EU will implement a 100% CO2 zero emission target for new cars such as trucks by 2035, which will effectively ban the sale of new cars powered by gasoline or diesel in the EU27.

By 2050, the EU hopes to significantly reduce exhaust emissions from the transportation industry and promote the use of electric vehicles . However, a report last year by , the EU's external auditor, revealed that EU countries lacked adequate charging stations. The transport sector accounts for around 25% of all greenhouse gas emissions in the EU.

As well as the landmark car deal, the package also includes reforming the EU's carbon market and establishing a social climate fund to help disadvantaged households cope with planned clean energy retrofits.

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