Political and legal agencies across the country must strengthen their awareness of danger, raise political vigilance, enhance work predictability, constantly innovate ideas, systems, mechanisms, methods and means, comprehensively improve the level of preventing and responding to

Keep in mind the General Secretary’s instructions

Political and legal agencies across the country should strengthen their awareness of danger, increase political vigilance, enhance work predictability, constantly innovate ideas, systems, mechanisms, methods and means, comprehensively improve the level of preventing and responding to various risks and challenges, and ensure the long-term stability of the country and the people Live and work in peace and contentment.

- instructions on political and legal work (January 2017), "People's Daily" 1html April 13, 2017

Recently, the comprehensive support center of the Ordos Municipal Public Security Bureau was officially put into operation, marking the daily meals of the civilian auxiliary police of the agency The accommodation and food conditions have been further upgraded and improved.

At the same time, the multi-functional police gymnasium equipped with police treasure garden, police history museum, laundry room, psychological counseling room and other service venues will also be put into use in mid-August. The happiness, sense of gain and belonging of the civilian police and auxiliary police will be once again be promoted.

In recent years, the police support work of the Ordos Municipal Public Security Bureau, under the strong leadership of the Municipal Public Security Bureau Party Committee, has insisted on promoting it from a high level, focusing on the grassroots and the foundation, shifting the focus downwards, and tilting the security downwards, and constantly decompressing and empowering the grassroots front lines. , effectively improve the combat effectiveness of the grassroots, and provide a strong guarantee for the steady advancement of various public security work in the Ordos Municipal Government.

Be the strongest support in the "battle"

"Pork bones stewed with sauerkraut, stewed mutton, meat hook chicken... We have eaten all the Yimeng dishes you can imagine these days!" Ordos City Public Security Bureau rushed to the rescue Alxa police Li Jiangbo said proudly.

In order to ensure that the police and auxiliary policemen who went on a retrograde expedition to Alxa can eat safely and nutritiously, the Municipal Public Security Bureau deployed professional chefs and police dining trucks and cooking trucks to accompany the team, so that the commandos who traveled thousands of miles to rescue could also eat delicious food. Hometown food.

When the epidemic prevention and control in Alxa and Hohhot came to an emergency, the Municipal Public Security Bureau immediately dispatched police support. The police and security department closely focused on the tasks and arrangements of the Municipal Bureau Party Committee, accurately implemented front-line protection guarantees, and worked hard to respond to the needs and expectations of the police. . Up to now, a total of more than 228,000 pieces of epidemic prevention equipment and daily necessities have been provided, a total of 6.21 million square meters of environmental disinfection has been carried out, a total of 227,000 catering services have been provided, and a total of 2.0136 million yuan of various equipment and supplies for epidemic prevention and control in Alxa and Hohhot have been supported. Comprehensively support the effective implementation of epidemic prevention and control work.

As epidemic prevention and control enters a new stage of normalization, the Municipal Public Security Bureau has improved its emergency support plan, established a coordinated purchase and deployment mechanism for emergency equipment and materials, and coordinated efforts such as funding guarantees, internal prevention and control, and service management to ensure that front-line "fight against the epidemic" "The civilian police and auxiliary police's epidemic prevention equipment has reached 100%.

Let the internal control system continue to improve

Steady advancement of police support work requires strong support from various basic systems.

The police support department of the Ordos Public Security Bureau focuses on standardizing the internal control of economic activities, promotes the reform of the financial work system, and revise and improve the "Ordos Public Security Bureau Financial Management Measures", "Ordos Public Security Bureau Fixed Assets Management Measures", "Emergency Supplies Management Measures", etc. 8 systems have formed a financial management operation mechanism with divided powers, divided posts, and hierarchical authorization, covering the entire process of police support in all fields such as funds, assets, infrastructure, procurement, equipment, and logistics.

The Police Support Department of the Municipal Public Security Bureau also compiled and printed the "Notice on Further Strengthening the Dispatch and Management of Official Vehicles", "Notice on Standardizing the Fund Approval and Reimbursement Process", "Notice on Determining Office Supplies and Advertising Production Suppliers" and other basic The document standardizes and simplifies the procedures for bus management, fund management and office supplies procurement.

With the continuous improvement of the basic system, the Municipal Public Security Bureau's internal control system and overall management capabilities have reached a new height.

Laying a solid foundation at the grassroots level to boost actual operations

Kangbashi Branch Binhe Road Police Station serves as a business card for the district’s “Five Small Projects” construction, attracting public security agencies from neighboring provinces and cities to visit and study.

Wushen Banner Public Security Bureau has built a 60-square-meter laundry room, equipped with new laundry and drying equipment, to provide dedicated management services for the laundry of civilian police and auxiliary police.

The Etuoke Banner Public Security Bureau’s new yoga hall and police camp gym were put into use, giving the police and auxiliary police a good place to exercise and relax.


The city's agencies have taken a series of effective measures to steadily advance project construction and push actual combat support capabilities to a new level.

"Empowering the grassroots, reducing pressure in actual combat, and relieving difficulties on the front line are the starting point and end point of police support work. It is also the purpose of serving the grassroots, serving the front line, and serving actual combat." Head of the Police Support Detachment of the Municipal Public Security Bureau Lu Yan introduced.

It is understood that in terms of infrastructure construction, the Municipal Public Security Bureau has completed 10 infrastructure construction projects in the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan"; completed 53 government budget procurement projects since 2021; vigorously promoted the business and technical use of the municipal bureau's public security organs, supervision, Infrastructure construction such as anti-drug and detoxification centers, people's police training bases and police dog bases. After completion, the area and quantity of emergency material reserves rank first in the region.

In terms of equipment support, the Municipal Public Security Bureau comprehensively carried out inventory of materials and equipment in the epidemic prevention material warehouse, quilt material warehouse, special vehicle warehouse and other places, and completed the "on-demand purchase", bidding and distribution of civilian police auxiliary police uniforms on time. Coordinated 712,500 yuan in equipment and supplies to enrich frontline police and auxiliary police equipment. At present, the city's police stations, criminal police, and traffic control departments give priority to ensuring the law enforcement equipment. Among them, the equipment rate for individual police equipment, explosion-proof and bullet-proof equipment, communications and command equipment and other police equipment has reached 100%.

On the basis of equipping new individual police equipment, the police support department has expanded the allocation and update mechanism of law enforcement vehicles to better meet the needs of law enforcement and ensure that a batch of vehicles will be expanded proportionately within the year, and a batch will be added through hierarchical independent regulation. The first batch of 300 traffic control vehicles for law enforcement duty will be updated soon.

With the strong support of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, the Ordos " Xueliang Project " central urban video surveillance integrated construction project has a funding of 134 million yuan and has completed completion acceptance, taking the public security informatization construction to a new level.

is all about actual combat. Since 2021, the total investment in business equipment funds of Ordos City’s public security organs has increased by 506% compared with previous years. The transfer payment, business equipment funds and county-level basic guarantee and transfer payment subsidy funds have been in place 100%. The funding support capacity has improved year by year. The public security The level of equipment construction such as information warfare, criminal technology, investigation technology, and transportation has been greatly improved.

Always adhere to the principle of diligence and frugality

The police and security department starts from a high level and starts from details, reducing general expenditures, refining the project's annual payable budget and refined management measures, and resolutely implements the requirements of the Party Central Committee to live a "tight life". By saving funds and expenditures, we increased support for key areas, improved the efficiency of fund allocation, and in accordance with the requirements of the financial department, we vigorously reduced expenditures on "three public services", which dropped by 15.42% year-on-year.

strictly implements the working principles of "budget first, then spend" and "no budget, no spend", strictly implements expenditure standards, strengthens financial reimbursement review, includes physical examinations and police clothing expenses in the annual budget; vigorously streamlines meetings, travel, and training and other official activities, integrate official activities with the same location, overlapping objects, and similar content, and conduct them through video, telephone, Internet, etc.; publish the expenditure status of various departments of the agency on the Municipal Public Security Bureau’s website every quarter to save unit operating costs as much as possible , using every penny wisely. The

police and security department also gives full play to the role of the agency's budget liaison system, following up on each budget item, and promptly puts forward budget adjustment opinions based on the project progress and actual payability to improve the efficiency of fund use.

In addition, it also actively advocates a green office model, promulgating the "Ordos Public Security Bureau Action Plan to Consolidate a Conservation-oriented Agency", rationally adjusting the operation mode of electrical equipment and facilities, adhering to office expenditure limit management, replacing furniture and equipment with repairs, and vigorously promoting consumables. Domestic substitution and paperless office work, guide the police and auxiliary police to start by saving "one kilowatt hour of electricity, one drop of water, and one piece of paper", implement turning off lights when walking, using double-sided paper and saving water, and encourage diners to "disk action".

Through a series of measures, the Municipal Public Security Bureau was rated as a "National Conservation-oriented Public Institution Demonstration Unit" in 2020, and was awarded the title of "National Conservation-oriented Agency" in 2021.

Make daily services more detailed

The effectiveness of police support will ultimately be reflected in the evaluation of police officers. Police support departments at all levels in Ordos have always adhered to the orientation of police needs and focused on practical results, and have successively launched a number of measures to protect and benefit the police.

Police support departments at all levels adhere to the working philosophy of "where the police situation is, support will be provided" in major security, epidemic prevention and control and other urgent and dangerous support tasks, summarize and optimize the support mechanism, and provide meals for front-line police and auxiliary police , bathing, laundry, childcare and other heart-warming services.

puts solutions to the problems of "difficulties in eating", "difficulties in housing" and "difficulties in laundry" for police station auxiliary police officers on the important agenda, and strives to create a model of Ordos's "Five Small Projects" to ensure that all police stations in the city build small canteens and small gyms to high standards , small reading room, small bathroom, and small laundry room, so that the police and auxiliary police can have a room and a bed for rest, delicious meals, hot baths, and places for fitness training and study and reading, which can further unite the police and stimulate their enthusiasm for work.

In response to the needs of seasonal diseases, accidental injuries and wartime mental health services for civilian police and auxiliary police during the security period, 14 activities such as sending doctors to work, health lectures, and psychological group counseling were efficiently implemented. Installed 5 automated external defibrillators (AED) in the municipal public security bureau, which has effectively improved the physical and mental health protection level of the police and auxiliary police; set up a self-service station for the police, equipped with overtime necessities such as coffee, soda and snacks, without leaving home Scan the code to purchase.

Continuously improve the capacity building of the police and security team

The police and security department of the Municipal Public Security Bureau has carried out education on ideals and beliefs and capacity building throughout, and promoted the actual training of police security to be in-depth and practical. With the goal of building "the strongest party branch",

actively organized and carried out 147 special branch studies, organized 16 party day activities with the theme of "in-service party members enter the community, I do practical things for the masses", organized branch secretaries, disciplinary inspection committee members and outstanding The auxiliary police officers taught party classes 9 times, carried out ideological education and warning education on a regular basis, and further improved the political theory level and professional capabilities of the police protection and auxiliary police officers.

combined the characteristics of police security work and the actual situation of team building to formulate a training plan. From the aspects of financial management, government procurement, emergency support, equipment management, internal control evaluation, etc., it held 3 business lectures, 1 centralized training class, and practical There were 5 drills and 30 small classes and micro trainings, with nearly 300 people participating in the training and drills. At the same time, the Municipal Public Security Bureau also organized comprehensive emergency support drills under different environments and conditions, achieving diversified training methods, hierarchical training methods, and professional training subjects, and improved the mental outlook, comprehensive quality, and professional capabilities of the police security team. significantly improved.

The new era gives us new missions, and the new journey calls for new responsibilities. The police support department of the Ordo City Public Security Bureau will adhere to the party's political construction as the guide, take the security and stability of the 20th National Congress of the Party as the main line, and promote the high-quality development of public security work as the theme, make great efforts to strengthen the grassroots, Lay a solid foundation, focus on reforms, seek innovations, strive to improve the modernization level of police support work, provide strong support for public security work and the construction of public security teams, and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with outstanding results.

review | Zhang Yongsheng

editor | Du Su

manuscript | Miao Dong