Recently, the Linyi Municipal People's Government Office issued the "Notice on the Assessment of Government Affairs Disclosure in 2021", announcing the 2021 quantitative assessment results of the government affairs disclosure work of the city's 15 county and district governments

Recently, the Linyi Municipal People's Government Office issued the "Notice on the Assessment of Government Affairs Disclosure in 2021", announcing the quantitative assessment results of the 2021 government affairs disclosure work of the city's 15 county and district governments (administrative committees) and 43 municipal department units. , Linyi Urban Management Bureau won the "Excellent" assessment rating. Our bureau has won this award for two consecutive years.

In 2021, the Municipal Urban Management Bureau conscientiously implemented the central, provincial and municipal decisions and arrangements on comprehensively promoting government affairs disclosure, continued to strengthen the construction and management of government information disclosure platforms, further promoted information disclosure in key areas, strengthened institutional and organizational guarantees, and responded to the society in a timely manner. and hot issues of public concern. In the past year, a total of 24 government open day activities of various forms were organized and carried out, 4,100 pieces of dynamic information of various types were released, and 10 letters from the public were processed in response to requests for disclosure, which effectively promoted the institutionalization, standardization and proceduralization of government affairs disclosure work.

In 2022, the Municipal Urban Management Bureau will be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, firmly establish a people-centered management concept, continue to do a good job in normalizing government affairs disclosure in the field of urban management, and meet the new situation with more excellent work results. The 20th National Congress of the Party was successfully held!