In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 13th Party Congress of the Autonomous Region, further strengthen the construction of grassroots trade union cadres, and strive to cultivate a team of high-quality professional trade union cadres, the Xingqing District F

In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 13th Party Congress of the Autonomous Region, further strengthen the construction of grassroots trade union cadres, and strive to cultivate a team of high-quality professional trade union cadres, the Xingqing District Federation of Trade Unions held a training class for grassroots trade union chairpersons from various directly responsible departments. More than 50 people from units, towns (streets), trade logistics centers, and directly affiliated non-public enterprises participated in this training.

At nine o'clock in the morning, everyone took a bus to the Mingcui Lake quality development training venue. Under the careful organization of the coach, all personnel were divided into red and blue teams to compete. Through a series of activities such as tug-of-war and air volleyball , Everyone worked together and worked hard, and various activities were vivid and colorful, which further enhanced everyone's team awareness and collaboration ability, and created a strong atmosphere of unity, friendship, harmony and progress.

The afternoon training was rich in content and consisted of three parts: discussion and exchange, financial training and lectures.

In the discussion and exchange section, the trade union presidents held a discussion on the work of the trade union in the first half of this year. Everyone spoke freely and made a summary speech on their experiences, existing problems, and work plans in the work of the trade union. The "three postures" proposed by the chairman of the Zhongshan South Street Trade Union and the "four transformations" mentioned by the chairman of the Jiefang West Street Trade Union fully demonstrate that the majority of cadres and workers of the trade union focus on key points and tackle difficult points in their work, study deeply, think deeply, and take the initiative Action, proactive and innovative work initiative and sense of urgency.

Subsequently, Wei Yan, director of the Finance Department of the Xingqing District Federation of Trade Unions, gave a detailed interpretation of the "Implementation Rules for the Management of Funds and Expenditures of Grassroots Trade Unions in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region". Through explanations of union fund income, expenditures, financial management, supervision and inspection, etc., Guide everyone to effectively manage the revenue and expenditure of trade union funds under the new situation, give full play to the maximum benefits of trade union funds, and allow trade union funds to better serve trade union work and serve the employees.

This training also invited Huang Jianhua, vice chairman of the Yinchuan Federation of Trade Unions, to give a lecture on the theme of "How to be a good trade union chairman and do a good job in the trade union". During the lecture, Chairman Huang Jianhua gave an in-depth and simple explanation on how to be a good trade union chairman from five aspects: quality, quality, ability, methods, and writing a new chapter in trade union work. The content of the lecture was down-to-earth, heart-warming, and of great practical value. The majority of trade union chairmen expressed that they should carefully study the content of Chairman Huang Jianhua’s lecture, internalize the content of this lecture in their hearts, externalize it in their actions, and improve in learning. Grow in practice, sum up experience in a timely manner, make up for shortcomings, and do our best to complete various goals and tasks this year to ensure that the overall work of the trade union will reach a new level and reach a new level, and be an excellent trade union chairman.

Source: Xingqing District Federation of Trade Unions

Editor: Xue Yi

Review: Liu Bin