Written by: Bi Zirong Editor: Xu Min In 2004, my unit, the former Mile County People's Hospital, was restructured, and I, who had 36 years of service but was under the age of 55, went through the retirement procedures. Now it seems that retirement is not so much a kind of treatme

Written by: Bi Zirong Editor:Xu Min

In 2004, my unit, the former Mile County People's Hospital, was restructured, and I, who had 36 years of service but was under 55 years old, went through the retirement procedures. Now it seems that retirement is not so much a kind of treatment, but rather a harvest, a kind of dedication, and an emotional return.

After completing the retirement procedures, the hospital hired me to continue to serve as the editor of the hospital newspaper "Hospital Style" and the bulletin board "Hospital Culture". Retirement becomes the beginning of a new life.

I really like external publicity work . Reading, interviewing, taking photos, writing, editing, and publishing, I do it all myself. I also actively participated in relevant trainings such as the National Hospital Culture Construction Committee and the National Hospital Newspaper and Periodicals Professional Committee, and constantly improved myself. My life was busy and fulfilling.

In 2007, "Hospital Style" won the title of "National Excellent Hospital Newspaper" by the National Hospital Newspapers and Periodicals Professional Committee. In 2012, our hospital was listed as a governing unit of the National Hospital Newspaper and Periodicals Professional Committee. In the same year, "Hospital Style" was awarded the "Fourth Provincial Continuous Internal Publication Bronze Award" by the Provincial Press and Publication Bureau, and I personally was awarded the "Excellent Editor". In 2018, our hospital was awarded the "National Advanced Group for Hospital Newspapers and News Publicity" by the National Hospital Newspapers and Periodicals Professional Committee.

In 2016, I was elected as the retired party branch secretary, and in 2017, I was elected as the chairman of the Senior Citizens Association. The medical elites of the past are facing various diseases as the years go by. Being able to serve them feels a great responsibility. I actively organize cultural and sports activities and social activities for the old doctors to enhance the relationship between them.

Three years ago, reading, writing, and traveling became my "chosen actions." I traveled to more than 40 countries in a hurry, and I felt many emotions and had the urge to write. Occasionally, my humble works came out, which made me happy and satisfied. Afterwards, I organized these articles into five books: "Thoughts and Actions on Hospital Culture", "The Passing Years", "Sentiments of the Mountains", "Singing with True Feelings - Appreciation of Mr. Tan Zhongchi's Works" and "Scenery Along the Road".

18 I feel fulfilled, happy and contented with my endless retirement life. Being able to make further contributions to the company and society is the best manifestation of a party member's ability to remain true to his original aspiration. It is also a gift from this era when he can be able to care for himself, be happy and make a difference in his old age!