Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has attached great importance to urban grassroots work. He has gone to communities, visited residential areas, visited residents, and issued a series of important instructions on grassr

Deepen the overall construction of the system and continuously improve the effectiveness of party building to lead urban grassroots governance

- A summary of urban grassroots party building work since the 19th National Congress of the Party He went into communities, visited residents, and issued a series of important instructions on grassroots party building and grassroots governance on different occasions, providing fundamental guidance and pointing the way forward for urban grassroots party building work.

All localities and departments conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions, adhere to the overall construction of the system, make work arrangements, improve system specifications, and clarify key tasks. The Central Organization Department held a national symposium for the exchange of experience in urban grassroots party building work, and issued the " Opinions on Strengthening and Improving Urban Grassroots Party Building Work" and "Several Measures on Deepening Urban Grassroots Party Building to Lead Grassroots Governance (Trial)" etc., to promote the implementation of various tasks of urban grassroots party building. Through unremitting efforts, the party's organizational foundation at the urban grassroots level has been continuously consolidated, the people's sense of gain has been continuously improved, and new social governance blueprints are slowly unfolding across the country.

Street community grids work together to build a strong grassroots party building bastion

Afternoon coffee accompanied by the chirping of insects, delicious barbecue with fireworks... Wenlin Street and Wenhua Lane in Kunming, Yunnan Province are now famous landmarks in Spring City. In the past, night snack stalls were set up on the roadside at night. The environment was dirty, vehicles were parked everywhere, and the businesses were unlicensed. The residents were unbearable.

In accordance with the "party building guidance, street whistle blowing, and department reporting" practice implemented in Kunming, the local Huashan Street launched the "whistle reporting" mechanism and organized the public security, market supervision, urban management and other departments to carry out centralized rectification for more than 20 days, and the streets and alleys were greatly improved. Change the appearance, effectively improve the "appearance" of urban landmarks, and win unanimous "likes" from surrounding merchants and residents.

Streets are the key link between the past and the next in urban management. All localities have carefully laid the "first move" in the reform of the street management system, so that the street party organizations become a strong "axis" connecting party organizations in various fields within their jurisdiction.

Make clear the responsibilities and let the streets catch what needs to be caught. All localities have promoted streets to focus on their main responsibilities and businesses, focusing on party building, governance, and services. 80.8% of streets across the country have canceled tasks such as attracting investment and coordinating and protecting taxes. Beijing has formulated a list of street responsibilities, clarifying more than 110 responsibilities in six major areas, including party and mass work, safety construction, urban management, community construction, people's livelihood security, and comprehensive security. Guangxi has established a street responsibility access system, which strictly prohibits functional departments from directly assigning their work tasks to streets.

 Empowerment, so that the streets can do what needs to be done. In accordance with the principles of shifting the focus downward and unifying rights and responsibilities, various localities have given street party organizations comprehensive management, planning participation and other powers, and have given streets emergency response rights based on the needs of epidemic prevention and control. At present, a total of 88.1% of streets across the country have been given relevant powers. Beijing and other places have implemented party building-led reforms of "whistle blowing at the street and department reporting" to strengthen the overall coordination and supervision rights of the street. Tianjin innovates the "war zone system, superior officials, and decentralization of power" system, clarifying that streets are the main battle zones for grassroots governance, and the secretary of the Party Working Committee is the overall commander, with the power to dispatch forces, work evaluation rights, and personnel suggestions for relevant functional departments. .

Expand capacity and let the streets do what they need to do. All localities have integrated the establishment of street party and government agencies and promoted the establishment of strength to the streets. In accordance with the principle of "functional integration and flat integration", Zhejiang promotes the construction of four comprehensive platforms including comprehensive street management work, market supervision, comprehensive law enforcement, and convenient services. Shaanxi gradually handed over administrative penalty matters suitable for streets such as production safety, ecological environment, cultural tourism, etc. to the streets, realizing a team at the grassroots level to manage law enforcement.


All localities are actively building a simple and efficient street management system under the leadership of party committees, coordinated by the party and government, and accelerated the transformation of streets from “administrative tail” to “governance hub”.

The community is the “chassis” of urban governance and the “last mile” that connects and serves the masses. All localities insist that people go to the grassroots, money is invested in the grassroots, and policies are tilted towards the grassroots. They effectively strengthen the fortress and aggregation role of community party organizations and make the community the safest and most secure harbor for residents.

Do a good job of addition and subtraction to ensure that the community has the resources and ability to serve the people. All localities have strengthened work support and resource guarantees for communities, and continued to carry out special actions to reduce burdens. 99.8% of community work funds across the country are included in the fiscal budget, and 98.7% of communities have implemented special funds to serve the masses. Jilin integrates policies, funds, and projects from various departments to support communities, and the community party organizations coordinate and use them. Jiangxi Jingdezhen clearly prohibits communities from being held responsible for matters such as demolition and demolition, environmental improvement, investment promotion, etc. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, community party organizations have coordinated various forces and resources at the grassroots level to effectively block the spread of the epidemic in the community.

Adhere to professionalism and build a team of high-quality community workers. All localities continue to deepen the construction of the professional system for community workers, establish and improve the job hierarchy sequence, and improve the full-chain management mechanism for selection and management. Shanxi implements star-level management of community party organization secretaries, and effectively mobilizes the enthusiasm of community party organization secretaries by clarifying responsibilities and grading, and promoting performance through examinations. Liaoning, Jilin and other places have established community cadre colleges to strengthen professional training. In the epidemic prevention and control work, community workers have played an important role as "policy propagandists", "sanitary disinfectants", "material couriers" and "psychological counselors".

Focus on strong effectiveness and promote the functional construction of the party and mass service center system. All localities have coordinated the construction of party-mass service centers with reasonable layout, complete functions, and interconnection to create a common garden for party members and the masses. Shenzhen in Guangdong, Guilin in Guangxi, Baotou in Inner Mongolia and other places have established a consistent party-mass service center system in cities, districts, streets, and communities to serve party members and the masses in peacetime. During epidemic prevention and control, various forces such as cadres and volunteers have been mobilized Various resources such as epidemic prevention materials and daily necessities are gathered here to help prevent and fight the epidemic and resume work and production.


Many people said that during the epidemic, the party emblem lit up in the party and mass service centers around them was their “beacon” of hope.

"The Jiacheng Garden, where the green space was once destroyed and the loess was exposed, is now shaded by vegetation; the original sanitary blind spot in the Jianglu Garden has been 'transformed' into a neighborly leisure spot for residents; residents have sailing and yachting experience activities, and have free time in their spare time. Cultural life has been enriched." Xiao Nafen, secretary of the Party Committee of Yuanshan Community in Xiamen, Fujian, was full of joy when talking about the various changes brought about by strengthening the community's grid party building.

In recent years, various localities have insisted on using grid management as an important means to promote refined governance, rooting grassroots party organizations into community grids, delivering services to doorsteps, resolving conflicts at the lowest level, and activating the "roots" of grassroots governance. capillaries" and " nerve terminals ".

Shandong has carried out a concentrated coverage of community grid party organizations; Fujian has promoted "neighbor party building"; Suzhou, Jiangsu has built a "root system project"... Various regions have integrated various grids such as party building, governance, and services into "one network" to connect the party The organization is built on the community grid, establishing and improving working mechanisms for information collection, problem discovery, task division, collaborative processing, and result feedback, so as to truly achieve "zero distance from the grid, and the party and the masses are one family".

In addition, various localities actively promote "red properties", strengthen party building and joint building in property properties, and promote the coordination and linkage of neighborhood committees, owners' committees, and property service companies to jointly solve practical issues such as community environmental sanitation, conflict resolution, and parking management.Efforts should be made to improve the mechanism of residents' autonomy, grassroots consultation, group promotion, and social participation under the leadership of the party organization, innovatively build a convenient platform for residents' consultation and discussion, organize and mobilize the masses to speak, discuss, and take charge of matters themselves, and stimulate residents' inner participation in urban management. vitality.

Grasping new fields, new regions and new groups,

Covering party building in the most active places

  "It feels good to be remembered. We run out all the year round, and I am very grateful to receive this warm blessing and condolences today." " said a courier in Shenzhen, Guangdong.

On January 28, 2022, the twenty-sixth day of the twelfth lunar month of the lunar calendar, at the Party and Mass Service Center of Meilin Street, Shenzhen, strings of small lanterns and mascots for the Year of the Tiger created a strong festive atmosphere. Nearly a hundred takeaways, couriers and online ride-hailing drivers gathered together, and community workers served hot dumplings.

In Shenzhen, there are more than 300,000 people working as couriers, takeaways, truck drivers, and online ride-hailing drivers. “Having water to drink when you are thirsty, cooling off when you are hot, resting when you are tired, and coping with difficulties” are their most common demands. Relying on the party-mass service center system, Shenzhen has standardized the construction of hundreds of "Nuanfeng Stations" to let them feel the warmth of home.

In response to the reality of the large number of new business types and new employment groups in the city, various localities have continued to innovate party-building work concepts, ideas and methods, timely improve leadership systems and mechanisms, seize the key to platform enterprises, implement the local management responsibilities of street community party organizations, and integrate new employment groups Effectively integrate into the urban grassroots party building pattern and play an active role in urban development and stability.

Beijing has integrated its efforts to solve the problems of couriers’ difficulty in accommodation, sorting, and entering communities. It has promoted some streets to provide public rental dormitories for more than 2,100 couriers, and built 10 new centralized express sorting points.

Zhejiang has guided 119,000 couriers to report to the community, and formed a "pioneer rider" service team with party members as the backbone to participate in community patrols, anti-fraud propaganda, and care for the elderly living alone and other voluntary services.

In places such as Guangzhou, Guangdong and Xi'an, Shaanxi, volunteer service teams have been formed with party member couriers as the backbone. They participate in early warning of abnormal situations, direct reporting of emergencies, and material distribution in closed areas, building a flowing "security line" ".


 provide warm care and important roles, promote new employment groups to actively integrate into urban grassroots governance, and the party organization’s appeal, cohesion and combat effectiveness in emerging fields have been significantly enhanced.

The Xinjiekou business district in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province is economically active and densely populated. In an area of ​​less than 1 square kilometer, there are nearly 2,000 businesses and more than 100,000 employees. In addition, Xinjiekou District belongs to 33 administrative districts: Xuanwu District, Qinhuai District, and Gulou District, making it difficult for grassroots party organizations to manage. Since 2019, the Organization Department of the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee has taken the lead and the three districts have jointly established the "Xinjiekou Business District Party Building Joint Meeting." "The Original Aspiration Forum hosted by Gulou District , the 'Political Birthday' event organized by Qinhuai District , and the Yuhua Spirit Report Meeting led by Xuanwu District were attended by party members belonging to the three districts." Jinling, Gulou District Wang Xiaoyu, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Huihong District, said that the frequency of enterprises participating in party building activities has increased by 30%.

Jinan, Shandong, Chengdu, Sichuan and other places promote "branch building upstairs", relying on streets or property rights units, key enterprises, and property companies to establish regional party organizations to realize the exchange and sharing of information, positions, culture, and services.

Jinghu District, Wuhu, Anhui, selects the secretary of the community party committee as the secretary of the building party committee, and dispatches party building instructor to contact and guide the party building work of building companies to help solve development problems.


All localities have increased efforts to establish party organizations in commercial buildings, various parks, business district markets, etc., connect various enterprises and social organizations in the region, manage a large number of mobile party members, and realize the party organization, Full coverage of activities and functions.

 During the Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics, Yanqing in Beijing, Zhangjiakou in Hebei and other places implemented strict closed-loop management of Olympic-related personnel, and promptly established temporary party organizations in sports venues, hotels, camps, service guarantee and other teams to select and dispatch personnel. Local party members and cadres serve in the ring to enrich the work force of the closed-loop management team. The Provisional Party Committee of the Fujian Medical Aid Team to Shanghai took the initiative to strengthen contact with the local party organizations, and organized and carried out party-building and co-building activities at the World Expo Fangcang Cabin Hospital where counterpart supported , effectively solving problems in patient treatment, operation management, material support, etc... In In key areas that require closed-loop management, various localities have actively innovated the carrier platforms and methods for party organizations and party members to play their roles, ensuring the orderly operation of the basic functions of these areas.

stimulate the vitality of co-construction, co-governance and sharing,

enhance the overall effect of urban grassroots party building

  Cities develop in the process of opening up, and urban grassroots party building must also be strengthened in the process of opening up. All localities actively adapt to the new situation of new urbanization development, strive to break through conceptual constraints, sectional barriers and institutional obstacles, deeply expand the regional party building pattern, start from common goals, common interests and needs, establish open interconnected and interactive links, and integrate street communities Forge an organic whole with party organizations in units, industries and various fields.

Holding a stuffed shopping cart in one hand, a vegetable bag in the other, and two bulging plastic bags on his shoulders... On April 20, 2022, we went to Jilin Province for epidemic prevention and control. Cui Hucheng, a municipal party committee cadre in Xincun Community, Jilin City, delivered daily necessities to residents, never forgetting to say: "If you need anything else, just ask."

During this epidemic, an important experience gained from exploration in various places is to promote on-the-job On the basis of party members reporting to the community, cadres are promptly selected to work in the community to enrich the front-line work force and jointly build an "iron wall" for epidemic prevention and control.

Hubei organized and promoted more than 1.04 million in-service party members from government agencies, enterprises and institutions to regularly sink into the community, clarifying that in-service party members are responsible for promoting the party's policies, serving and contacting the masses, participating in democratic discussions, participating in voluntary services, maintaining harmony and stability, and handling emergencies, etc. 6 tasks.

Lanzhou, Gansu Province has carried out the regular work of stationing cadres in communities. Party and government cadres use their time after get off work and weekends to station in communities for more than 5 days per month.

Linyi, Shandong Province, selected 393 government officials to serve as "red-collar secretaries" in urban communities. They usually serve as "navigators" for party building work and "servers" for resolving difficulties. During the epidemic, they actively assumed on-site command responsibilities for community epidemic prevention and control.


All localities adhere to peacetime services and “wartime” emergency response, constantly improve and improve the normal work mechanism for cadres to sink, and generally carry out the " double registration " work of party organizations and in-service party members in the units in the community to form a "work in The vivid situation of "unit, service in the community, and dedication to dual positions" has provided a steady stream of "new force" for grassroots governance.

At the same time, all localities have strengthened the four-level linkage of municipal, district, street, and community party organizations, adhered to the principle of leading from above and promoting from below, and established dispatch notification, dynamic management, supervision and inspection, and tracking and effectiveness systems step by step with systematic thinking and methods. , improve the organizational linkage system, responsibility linkage system, and institutional linkage system to ensure that urban grassroots party building has strong traction and orderly operation.

Qingdao, Shandong, Taiyuan, Shanxi, Hefei, Anhui and other places have clarified the unified leadership of the municipal party committee, regional coordination of the district committee, comprehensive coverage of the street party organization, and the gathering of services of the community party organization; Hangzhou, Zhejiang holds a regular on-site meeting of the district party secretary's party building work every quarter. Communicate work progress and innovation results, and identify and solve problems as soon as possible... At present, 90.4% of prefectures and cities across the country have established a four-level party-building joint meeting system to communicate regularly and collaborate to solve problems at all levels, building a consistent "power axis".

Organize theoretical discussions, study Party Constitution Party rules, implement democratic deliberations, and carry out grassroots services... In late May 2022, 163 community party organizations in Shanwei, Guangdong and 309 resident units jointly held "Building a Community" in the form of exchanges and co-construction , Build a New Pattern" themed Party Day activities to accelerate the creation of a community party-building community.

All parts of the country are deepening the joint party building in sub-districts, communities, units and industries, exploring specific starting points of focusing on blocks, integrating strips, and two-way efforts, and establishing and improving two-way compaction responsibilities, two-way communication and negotiation, two-way assessment and incentives, and two-way evaluation of cadre work Mechanism to promote the integration of industry system departments into the central tasks of the station and party building work to form a normal and long-term effect.

Hubei Wuhan will organize and mobilize units of the industry and system to participate in grassroots governance, and include it in the list of industry party building projects, the public commitment of industry party committee secretaries, and the task guidance book of industry grassroots party organizations, as an important part of assessing the effectiveness of party building.

Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province has standardized 16 industry systems and local party building responsibilities such as state-owned assets, education, health, and urban management, and established a regular consultation and joint implementation mechanism.

Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui are exploring “adjacent party building” in adjacent areas to promote higher-quality integrated development in the Yangtze River Delta.


 Party organizations in various fields interact with each other to create “concentric circles” of integrated development.

Hundreds of rivals compete, and the one who strives first comes first. Embarking on the new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, party committees at all levels and grassroots party organizations in cities will always adhere to the concept of "people's cities built by the people, people's cities for the people", work hard and work hard, and build high-quality party buildings with high quality. Lead the promotion of high-efficiency governance and high-quality life, let the party flag always fly high at the grassroots level in the city, and make people's life in the city more convenient, more comfortable, and better!

Editing and finishing: Huizhou Party Building

Material source: China Organization and Personnel Report

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