A month ago, US President Biden, who made his first trip to Asia during his term of office, announced the launch of the "Indo-Pacific Economic Framework" in Japan. 13 countries including the United States, Japan, Australia, South Korea, and New Zealand became founding members. Ac

A month ago, U.S. President Biden , who visited Asia for the first time during his term, announced the launch of the " Indo-Pacific Economic Framework " in Japan. 13 countries including the United States, Japan, Australia, South Korea, New Zealand have become According to the information disclosed by all parties, this so-called "Indo-Pacific Economic Framework" is actually an "American group" that hopes to isolate China economically. It is worth noting that just one month later, the United States joined forces with Britain, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand to form a new group. The target was directly the South Pacific island countries. It wanted to tie up the South Pacific countries economically and set up a "?" between the South Pacific and China. isolation zone".

According to reports from " Reference News ", the US White House suddenly announced recently that the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand will establish an informal organization called "Blue Pacific Partners", which will support the "Pacific Region" doctrine” and strengthen the region’s countries’ “economic ties” with the rest of the world.

As we all know, the United States is a country that "earns nothing". "Learning from Lei Feng and doing good deeds" has never been the purpose of a superpower. Why should the United States take the lead in establishing an informal organization to promote "economic ties" between the Pacific region and countries around the world? The White House What kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?

In fact, the purpose of the United States is very simple, that is, to "sell dog meat to others". On the surface, it wants to support "Pacific regionalism" and promote connections between Pacific island countries and other parts of the world. But in fact, it is to Using the political, diplomatic and economic influence of oneself and its allies to prevent the development of relations between China and Pacific island countries is to "set up obstacles" for the countries in the Pacific region's China policy, and even to "play guiding chess" for them and guide the countries in the Pacific region. The region's China policy tilts it towards the United States and is more in line with the interests of the United States. It is the Pacific version of the "Monroe Doctrine".

So, why does the United States attach so much importance to the development of relations between Pacific island countries and China, and it can even be said to be "very nervous"?

The reason is not difficult to understand, because the Pacific island countries are located near the third island chain of and are an important part of the United States' global geopolitical game. When China and Solomon Islands signed a security cooperation agreement, the White House was "on pins and needles." Australia A bit "shocked". It is undeniable that the United States, Australia and other countries are so "inexplicably surprised", and it does have "acting elements" to exaggerate the "China threat theory". However, they are indeed very "worried" about the expansion of China's influence in the South Pacific region.

If China acquires military projection capabilities in the South Pacific near the third island chain, it may pose a huge deterrent to the United States Hawaiian Islands and the Australian mainland, and this deterrence will become increasingly powerful as China becomes stronger And become "increasing day by day". As the saying goes, "Thieves know best how to guard against thieves." Western countries such as the United States and Australia are pirate civilizations and are used to plundering and invading, so they are extremely sensitive to "other tigers appearing on the side of the bed."

Therefore, countries such as the United States, Japan, Australia, Britain, and New Zealand decided to join forces to block the development of normal state-to-state relations between China and the South Pacific island countries.

The reason why the United States and its allies adopt this approach is because China is already very powerful. The United States and Australia have also tried to use simple and crude methods to order the South Pacific island countries not to "fawn" with China, but including Solomon The South Pacific countries including the islands ignored it at all, so the United States had no choice but to change its strategy. In the words of the "Lianhe Zaobao", the Biden administration decided to "invest more resources" in the Indo-Pacific region.

To put it bluntly, in order to keep South Pacific countries "at a distance" from China, in addition to exerting political and diplomatic pressure, the United States will also use economic temptations.Judging from various signs, the United States' layout towards China is "aggressive" and is becoming increasingly perfect. For example, before this, the United States concocted the "Indo-Pacific Economic Framework" in an attempt to "eviscerate" China's industrial chain. Hollowing out China's industries and now blocking the southward path of China's diplomacy can be described as "sinister intentions."