The Russian Ministry of Defense announced that Roman Latushny, a remnant of the Nazis and an important backbone of the Azov Battalion in Ukraine, was killed by Russian special forces on the battlefield in eastern Ukraine. When the news came out, Hong Kong drug addicts burst into

Recently, exciting good news once again came from the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield.

The Russian Ministry of Defense announced that Roman Latushny, a remnant of the Nazis and an important backbone of the Azov Battalion in Ukraine, was killed by Russian special forces on the battlefield in eastern Ukraine.

When the news came out, Hong Kong drug addicts cried bitterly and were extremely sad. They wrote long messages to express their condolences.

Why did the death of a Ukrainian neo-Nazi trigger the tears of Hong Kong independence activists thousands of miles away?

Because in recent years, Ukrainian neo-Nazis, with the support of the United States, have not only carried out color revolutions in the country, but also vigorously exported neo-Nazi ideas to other countries.

Over the years, not only Hong Kong independence, but also various separatist forces such as Zombie independence can be found supporting and fanning the flames of the Ukrainian Azov Battalion.

It is worth mentioning that the extreme Nazi ideology of the Azov Camp affected not only countries like China, but also the United States itself.

This year’s shooting of a black man in the United States shocked the world. The murderer was an American and an extreme white supremacist. His goal was to kill all black people.

The FBI has enough evidence to show that this murderer has been trained at the Azov Camp base in Ukraine for a long time. His extreme ideas and his skilled marksmanship were all trained at the Azov Camp base. The funding for this base comes from the Americans.

When the riots broke out in Hong Kong, the Nazis in the Azov Battalion in Ukraine were also very excited. They were assigned by the United States to select personnel and fly to Hong Kong overnight. Roman Latushny was the backbone of the team and was very popular in Hong Kong. Active .

They have several tasks. One is to promote extreme Nazi ideas and brainwash the thugs in Hong Kong. It should be said that their work is very effective. Many Hong Kong thugs admire them very much and agree with their ideas.

One of the Hong Kong female college students cried bitterly during an interview with the British BBC TV station and expressed that she hoped that Hong Kong could have a happy ending like Ukraine.

Another of their tasks is to teach the Hong Kong thugs the techniques of color revolution, including how to hire homeless people to create unrest, how to build roadblocks, how to burn tires, how to beat police officers, and how to blend in with the crowd and suddenly shoot at police officers to create hatred.

At the same time, these people are also the backbone of the unrest in Hong Kong. They are assigned by the CIA to mix in the crowd and create all kinds of chaos. Many of the foreign faces we see in the video surrounding the US agents accepting tasks are Azov from Ukraine. camp.

Roman Ratushny was appreciated in Hong Kong for his cruelty and sharp methods. After returning to Ukraine, he was rewarded and became a key member of the Azov Battalion.

It can be said that over the years, whether in Hong Kong, Xinjiang, or Tibet, there have been these Azov Battalion neo-Nazis behind them. They are like bed bugs. They are present wherever there are separatist forces.

This time Roman Ratushny was shot dead by the Russian army in the battle, which can be said to be a great joy. Hong Kong independence activists cried bitterly and posted a message saying that they had lost a sibling.

These people are brothers with such notorious neo-Nazis, which shows how distorted their views are. Let’s look at the dire straits in Ukraine today, what has happened to it due to the scourge of neo-Nazis?

When I see these thugs who have brought disaster to the country and the people crying like this, I want to say that they should have a few drinks to celebrate.

Author: Zeng Yangqing