From July 14th to 15th, Yuan Jiajun, Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, led a Zhejiang Provincial delegation to inspect our province. On July 14, the two sides held a symposium on counterpart cooperation between Jilin and Zhejiang, and relevant parties signed 1

2024/06/2922:54:32 international 1899

From July 14th to 15th, Yuan Jiajun, Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, led a Zhejiang Provincial delegation to inspect our province. On July 14, the two sides held a symposium on counterpart cooperation between Jilin and Zhejiang, and relevant parties signed 1 - DayDayNews

From July 14th to 15th, Yuan Jiajun, Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, led a Zhejiang Provincial delegation to inspect our province. On July 14, the two sides held a symposium on counterpart cooperation between Jilin and Zhejiang, and relevant parties signed 1 - DayDayNews

From July 14th to 15th, Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee Yuan Jiajun led a Zhejiang Provincial delegation to inspect our province. On July 14, the two sides held a symposium on counterpart cooperation between Jilin and Zhejiang, and relevant parties signed 11 cooperation agreements between Jilin and Zhejiang. Jilin Provincial Party Committee Secretary Jing Junhai and Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee Secretary Yuan Jiajun attended the meeting and delivered speeches. Han Jun, Deputy Secretary of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee and Governor of Jilin Province, presided over the meeting.

From July 14th to 15th, Yuan Jiajun, Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, led a Zhejiang Provincial delegation to inspect our province. On July 14, the two sides held a symposium on counterpart cooperation between Jilin and Zhejiang, and relevant parties signed 1 - DayDayNews

From July 14th to 15th, Yuan Jiajun, Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, led a Zhejiang Provincial delegation to inspect our province. On July 14, the two sides held a symposium on counterpart cooperation between Jilin and Zhejiang, and relevant parties signed 1 - DayDayNews

At the meeting, Xu Wenguang, member of the Standing Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee and Executive Vice Governor, and Wu Jingping, deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Jilin Provincial Government and deputy governor, respectively introduced the economic and social development of the two provinces and the cooperation between Jilin and Zhejiang.

From July 14th to 15th, Yuan Jiajun, Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, led a Zhejiang Provincial delegation to inspect our province. On July 14, the two sides held a symposium on counterpart cooperation between Jilin and Zhejiang, and relevant parties signed 1 - DayDayNews

From July 14th to 15th, Yuan Jiajun, Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, led a Zhejiang Provincial delegation to inspect our province. On July 14, the two sides held a symposium on counterpart cooperation between Jilin and Zhejiang, and relevant parties signed 1 - DayDayNews

Jing Junhai, on behalf of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, extended a warm welcome to the Zhejiang Provincial delegation and expressed his heartfelt thanks to Zhejiang for its strong support to Jilin. He said that since the counterpart cooperation between Jilin and Zhejiang was launched, the two sides have thoroughly implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on counterpart cooperation, continued to deepen interaction and exchanges, and achieved solid results in various tasks. In recent years, Zhejiang has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, faithfully implemented the "eight-eight-eight strategy", worked hard to build "important windows", and comprehensively built "Six Zhejiangs". The economic and social development has been changing with each passing day, and advanced experience has It is worth studying seriously in Jilin. It is hoped that both parties will always keep in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping’s earnest instructions, continue to promote the complementary advantages of Jilin products and Zhejiang market, Jilin resources and Zhejiang capital, Jilin manufacturing and Zhejiang creation, comprehensively create an “upgraded version” of Jilin-Zhejiang counterpart cooperation, and promote the two provinces High-quality development of has reached a new level. The first is to strengthen platform mutual construction, further strengthen cooperation between parks and platforms, and promote cooperation between enterprises and projects to be effective as soon as possible. The second is to promote industrial reciprocity and continue to expand win-win cooperation in areas such as equipment manufacturing, agricultural modernization, medicine and health, and modern culture and tourism. The third is to promote energy complementarity and invest in a number of major projects to help achieve the "double carbon" goal as soon as possible. The fourth is to strengthen think tank interaction and provide forward-looking, constructive and operable opinions and suggestions for Jilin-Zhejiang cooperation. The fifth is to deepen the exchange of cadres and promote the exchange of ideas, interaction of ideas, and mutual learning of styles.

From July 14th to 15th, Yuan Jiajun, Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, led a Zhejiang Provincial delegation to inspect our province. On July 14, the two sides held a symposium on counterpart cooperation between Jilin and Zhejiang, and relevant parties signed 1 - DayDayNews

From July 14th to 15th, Yuan Jiajun, Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, led a Zhejiang Provincial delegation to inspect our province. On July 14, the two sides held a symposium on counterpart cooperation between Jilin and Zhejiang, and relevant parties signed 1 - DayDayNews

Yuan Jiajun thanked Jilin for its long-term support and help to Zhejiang. He said that Jilin is a treasure of our country and a hot spot for innovation and entrepreneurship. Jilin's great achievements in revitalization and development in recent years are exciting and admirable, and its good practices and experiences are worthy of careful study and reference. We must learn from Jilin’s innovative measures to accelerate the conversion of old and new driving forces and promote high-quality development, bear in mind the role of a “big country” and shoulder the important responsibility of food security, carry forward the great anti-epidemic spirit, and grasp the valuable experience of normalized epidemic prevention and control. Learn from Jilin Party members and cadres who always care about the people and vigorously improve people's livelihood. Counterpart cooperation with Jilin is a glorious mission entrusted to Zhejiang by the Party Central Committee. In recent years, counterpart cooperation between the two provinces has continued to reach new heights. We must thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China, conscientiously implement the spirit of the 15th Provincial Party Congress, and proceed from the high position of actively serving the national strategy and solidly promoting the big scene of common prosperity. Further improve the synergy and integration of industrial cooperation, strengthen cooperation in advanced manufacturing, digital economy, agriculture, cultural tourism and other fields; optimize and implement exchange and cooperation platforms, deepen "one city, one platform (park)", cadre talents Build exchange and training platforms, economic and trade cooperation exchange platforms, and science and technology innovation exchange platforms; explore innovative cooperation mechanisms and operating models, improve organizational leadership mechanisms, common prosperity experience sharing mechanisms, and think tank support mechanisms, and accelerate the creation of an "upgraded version" of Zhejiang-Jilin counterpart cooperation. Let’s walk the road of common prosperity together.

From July 14th to 15th, Yuan Jiajun, Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, led a Zhejiang Provincial delegation to inspect our province. On July 14, the two sides held a symposium on counterpart cooperation between Jilin and Zhejiang, and relevant parties signed 1 - DayDayNews

From July 14th to 15th, Yuan Jiajun, Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, led a Zhejiang Provincial delegation to inspect our province. On July 14, the two sides held a symposium on counterpart cooperation between Jilin and Zhejiang, and relevant parties signed 1 - DayDayNews

While in Kyrgyzstan, Jing Junhai and Yuan Jiajun visited the third batch of temporary cadres from Zhejiang Province stationed in Kyrgyzstan, visited the Jilin-Zhejiang Counterpart Cooperation Achievements Exhibition, and met with representatives of businessmen in Kyrgyzstan and Zhejiang. Accompanied by Jing Junhai, the Zhejiang Provincial delegation visited China FAW Group, Changguang Satellite Technology Co., Ltd., and CRRC Changchun Rail Bus Co., Ltd. for on-site investigation and research to deepen cooperation and docking.

Zhejiang Provincial leaders Liu Jie and Chen Yijun; Jilin Provincial leaders Zhang Zhijun and Li Wei, and Provincial Government Secretary-General An Guiwu attended relevant activities.

Source: Jilin Radio and Television Station WeChat public account

international Category Latest News

From July 14th to 15th, Yuan Jiajun, Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, led a Zhejiang Provincial delegation to inspect our province. On July 14, the two sides held a symposium on counterpart cooperation between Jilin and Zhejiang, and relevant parties signed 1 - DayDayNews

From July 14th to 15th, Yuan Jiajun, Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, led a Zhejiang Provincial delegation to inspect our province. On July 14, the two sides held a symposium on counterpart cooperation between Jilin and Zhejiang, and relevant parties signed 1

The Zhejiang Provincial delegation visited our province to build an "upgraded version" of counterpart cooperation between Jilin and Zhejiang in an all-round way and promote the high-quality development of the two provinces to a new level.