In order to strengthen the leadership of party building and maintain and enhance the political, advanced and mass nature of social organizations in the Association for Science and Technology system, during the 101st anniversary of the Party, on the morning of July 15, Liaocheng A

2024/06/2919:36:32 international 1203

In order to strengthen the leadership of party building and maintain and enhance the political, advanced and mass nature of social organizations in the Association for Science and Technology system, during the 101st anniversary of the Party, on the morning of July 15, Liaocheng A - DayDayNews

In order to strengthen the leadership of party building and maintain and enhance the political, advanced and mass nature of the Association for Science and Technology system social organizations, during the party's 101st anniversary festival, on the morning of July 15, the Liaocheng Association for Science and Technology organized a municipal society (association ), more than 20 party branch secretaries and party building leaders of the Association for Science and Technology in Colleges and Universities, went to the Comrade Kong Fansen Memorial Hall to carry out the on-site teaching theme party day activity of "Going Ahead and Opening a New Game" to receive ideological baptism and review the original mission. Pan Yunxia, ​​member of the leading party group and vice chairman of Liaocheng Association for Science and Technology, attended the event.

In order to strengthen the leadership of party building and maintain and enhance the political, advanced and mass nature of social organizations in the Association for Science and Technology system, during the 101st anniversary of the Party, on the morning of July 15, Liaocheng A - DayDayNews

Under the guidance of the commentator, everyone visited the "loyalty to the party and firm belief", "taking responsibility and sweating on the plateau", "warm love in the snowy land and boundless love" and "integrity and integrity" in the Comrade Kong Fansen Memorial Hall. The contents include seven parts: "The True Character of a Public Servant", "Stars Died on the Frontier, Soul Returns to Hometown", "Moving China, Spirit Will Last Forever", and "Fansheng Hometown, Create Glory Again".

In order to strengthen the leadership of party building and maintain and enhance the political, advanced and mass nature of social organizations in the Association for Science and Technology system, during the 101st anniversary of the Party, on the morning of July 15, Liaocheng A - DayDayNews

In the exhibition hall, everyone carefully looked at every precious photo and object, and carefully studied Comrade Kong Fansen’s glorious deeds of selfless dedication and fearless sacrifice when he went to Tibet twice for ten years; and learned from Comrade Kong Fansen’s love for the Tibetan people. , love family, love relatives, friends and colleagues, love life, love nature; learn from Comrade Kong Fansen to be upright and clean, always maintain the noble character of being honest and strengthen the construction of party style and clean government. His clothes full of patches, the suicide note he wrote in his work notes, his belongings after he died in the line of duty, only a few changes of clothes, etc., are all touching. Vivid pictures, touching stories, and precious objects made everyone feel baptized in their thoughts, shocked in their souls, and inspired spiritually.

"The highest state of a person's love is to love others, and the highest state of a Communist's love is to love the people." Comrade Kong Fansen fulfilled his promise with his life, created a noble image of the Communists in the new era, and composed a song with great characteristics. The song of struggle and dedication in the spirit of the times. At the end of the visit, everyone was still unsatisfied and immersed in the aftertaste of the glorious life of an outstanding Communist Party member. Everyone said that this theme party day activity has further enhanced their party spirit and inspired their enthusiasm for pioneering work and their dedication to their work. In the future work, we will establish a new image of scientific and technological workers with a firm political direction and excellent work style, and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with excellent work results.

In order to strengthen the leadership of party building and maintain and enhance the political, advanced and mass nature of social organizations in the Association for Science and Technology system, during the 101st anniversary of the Party, on the morning of July 15, Liaocheng A - DayDayNews

Finally, Pan Yunxia took the title of "Demonstrating new responsibilities, guiding new journeys, and welcoming the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with outstanding achievements", focusing on "how to implement the spirit of the 12th Party Congress of Shandong Province and highlight the society (association) ) Responsible", a meaningful party lesson was given to everyone on the spot.

Pan Yunxia said that as an organization of the society, in order to anchor "walking ahead and opening new games", it must improve its political position and unite and lead the science and technology workers of the society to listen to the party and follow the party; it must be based on functional positioning and work Strive for the first class, only the flag is the flag, and earnestly do a good job in all aspects of work to achieve new leaps and bounds; we must adhere to the principle of comprehensive and strict governance of the party, strengthen our responsibilities, pay close attention to implementation, and comprehensively promote the organizational construction of the society to be stronger, more powerful and full of vitality; We must take the initiative, take advantage of the situation, and create a new situation for the high-quality development of the academic cause. It is hoped that all societies and associations will actively improve their comprehensive capabilities in accordance with the overall arrangements and requirements of the Liaocheng City Association for Science and Technology, and actively integrate the work of the societies and associations into the overall work of the city's Association for Science and Technology system, so as to not only win glory for one area, but also add luster to the overall situation. Welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with excellent results. (reporter Liu Jiang, correspondent Qiao Zhanlong)

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