In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Party, we encourage and mobilize party members and cadres to not forget their original aspirations, keep their mis

2024/05/2110:31:32 international 1064

Source: Kenli District Media Center

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Party, we encourage and mobilize the majority of party members and cadres to not forget their original aspirations, keep their mission in mind, innovate and work hard, and strive to be first-class in everything they do. On June 30, the Party Branch of the District Maternal and Child Center held a party day activity with the theme of "Don't forget the original intention, keep the mission in mind".

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Party, we encourage and mobilize party members and cadres to not forget their original aspirations, keep their mis - DayDayNews

[Zhengzheng Oath to express loyalty]

The sonorous and powerful oath of joining the party sounded in the party building activity room. Comrade Wang Liping, a veteran cadre of the center, led everyone to solemnly swear the oath, inspiring the majority of party members and cadres to sing the triumphal song of the times, not forgetting the original intention, and working hard.

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Party, we encourage and mobilize party members and cadres to not forget their original aspirations, keep their mis - DayDayNews

[Theme Party Lessons to Improve Motivation]

Comrade Liu Yingmin, Secretary of the General Party Branch, interpreted the "Report delivered by Comrade Li Ganjie at the 12th Party Congress of Shandong Province" and gave a unique party lesson to the majority of party members and cadres. The major and historic achievements achieved in five years of hard work have made everyone feel inspired, proud, and even more aware of the great responsibility and glorious mission.

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Party, we encourage and mobilize party members and cadres to not forget their original aspirations, keep their mis - DayDayNews

[Discussion and exchange of ideas]

Veteran cadres and party members and cadres present held a symposium to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the party and a large discussion activity on "What to do with the branch and how to do the party members", focusing on how to carry forward the party's fine traditions, strengthen the construction of the central branch, and give full play to Discussions were held on aspects such as the vanguard and exemplary role of party members. Everyone spoke freely, actively made suggestions for the development of the center and branches, and set clear directions and goals for their own work.

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Party, we encourage and mobilize party members and cadres to not forget their original aspirations, keep their mis - DayDayNews

[Stories about joining the party and remembering the original intention]

Everyone has a different story when they join the party. Opening up the dusty memories, each party member present shared his or her own story of joining the party. Whether it was a few years, ten years, or decades, everyone's story remained in their hearts. Everyone lamented that despite the passage of time, the original intention of joining the party has not changed.

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Party, we encourage and mobilize party members and cadres to not forget their original aspirations, keep their mis - DayDayNews

[Serving the people without stopping]

The Central Party Branch fully combines the business characteristics and work reality of the unit, researches and deploys secretaries to grasp breakthrough projects in party building, strives to solve practical problems for the masses, and promotes the normalization and institutionalization of "I do practical things for the masses" , will continue to carry out "caring for centenarians and promoting traditional virtues" voluntary services to provide precision medical services to centenarians currently registered in Kenli District. In the morning, Comrade Liu Yingmin, secretary of the Party branch, personally led a team to send condolences to two elderly people in Liquan Village and Xinan Village, and provided health examination services such as blood pressure measurement, auscultation, and thyroid ultrasound examination to the elderly.

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Party, we encourage and mobilize party members and cadres to not forget their original aspirations, keep their mis - DayDayNews

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Party, we encourage and mobilize party members and cadres to not forget their original aspirations, keep their mis - DayDayNews

This theme party day activity has become more heart-warming. The majority of party members and cadres have expressed that they will continue to study theoretical knowledge in depth, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, have the courage to take responsibility, and take proactive actions. (Written by: Xu Hairong Reviewed by: Zhang Hongmei Editor: Geng Lijuan)

Produced by Kenli District Media Center

Reviewed by: Shang Menghua

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