Usually scammers will pretend to be tourists. They are well-dressed and speak impeccable English. They often use the excuse that their car has broken down or been stolen and try to borrow a few hundred euros from well-wishers.

2024/05/2008:55:32 international 1617
Usually scammers will pretend to be tourists. They are well-dressed and speak impeccable English. They often use the excuse that their car has broken down or been stolen and try to borrow a few hundred euros from well-wishers. - DayDayNews

Paris, July 3 (Wang Qinming) Several gendarmerie units in many places in France issued warnings at the same time, reminding the public to beware of "Irish-style scams." Usually scammers will pretend to be tourists. They are well-dressed and speak impeccable English. They often use the excuse that their car has broken down or been stolen and try to borrow a few hundred euros from well-wishers.

Usually scammers will pretend to be tourists. They are well-dressed and speak impeccable English. They often use the excuse that their car has broken down or been stolen and try to borrow a few hundred euros from well-wishers. - DayDayNews

With the arrival of summer, the peak season for driving holidays is approaching. Several gendarmerie units in many places in France have issued warnings at the same time, reminding the public to beware of "Irish scams".

Usually this kind of scam occurs in parking areas and rest areas near roads and highways. It looks simple, but it is very effective. Usually the scammers pretend to be tourists. They are well-dressed, speak impeccable English, and often start with On the pretext that the car broke down or was stolen, he tried every means to borrow a few hundred euros from well-wishers.

They will often tell the victim, "Don't worry, we will pay you back, here is our contact information." Of course, they will then disappear without a trace.

This is a very mature scam. The scammers are usually a couple, even with children, to lower the victim's vigilance.

Usually scammers will pretend to be tourists. They are well-dressed and speak impeccable English. They often use the excuse that their car has broken down or been stolen and try to borrow a few hundred euros from well-wishers. - DayDayNews

After introducing themselves, criminals use various means to prove that they are not lying. They often look haggard and obviously frightened. They often say that their car was stolen by a thief and that all important documents and finances were lost. Sometimes they will even show you photos of their car.

Scammers usually claim to be British and don't know what to do after encountering a theft in France. They then ask the victim to borrow a few hundred euros so that they can return home smoothly, promising to send the victim money as soon as they get home.

Scammers often have first-class acting skills, and are dressed and dressed to match the situation they are telling. They often have photos and other props to support the stories they tell. They know how to manipulate people's psychology, and their victims often unknowingly tune in. trap.

Usually scammers will pretend to be tourists. They are well-dressed and speak impeccable English. They often use the excuse that their car has broken down or been stolen and try to borrow a few hundred euros from well-wishers. - DayDayNews

A gendarme in the Champagne-Ardennes region confirmed this situation to reporters. Criminals took advantage of the large flow of holidaymakers during the holidays. The parking lot of in the motorway service area is often crowded. They would pull off the scam by telling stories about their inability to get home. Often the target of criminals is cash, and recently the military police discovered a case in which criminals were driving a BMW sports car. Driving a luxury vehicle often makes it easier for people to lower their psychological defenses.

These scams have been going on for a long time. The criminals come from a certain Irish community. In Ireland, there is a village where people are carrying out this kind of scam. According to Gendarmerie , scammers are very clever with their words. As long as you start listening to the stories they tell, there is a high probability that you will be fooled.

Some motorists took to Twitter to warn people about an Irish scam on the A6.

Usually scammers will pretend to be tourists. They are well-dressed and speak impeccable English. They often use the excuse that their car has broken down or been stolen and try to borrow a few hundred euros from well-wishers. - DayDayNews

The military police reminded motorists not to lend money to strangers in rest areas, especially if the amount is large, as there is a high possibility that the money will never be recovered. In addition, if you encounter someone borrowing a large amount of money, it is best to call the police. If they are a liar, they will fall into the police's trap. If you really need help, the military police can also provide timely help.

In addition, the military police explained that because people are more relaxed during vacation and put down their usual defenses, they are more likely to fall into the trap created by scammers using words. These scammers often drive expensive vehicles and are well-dressed, making it easier for people to put down their guard.

Usually scammers will pretend to be tourists. They are well-dressed and speak impeccable English. They often use the excuse that their car has broken down or been stolen and try to borrow a few hundred euros from well-wishers. - DayDayNews

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