I also think of the Syrian refugees who fled to Europe, who are skinny and full of despair, especially the children among the refugees, which makes people feel compassion and can't help but cry.

2024/05/1918:24:33 international 1266

mentioned Syria , people will think of the smoke and war there, like hell on earth.

also thinks of those Syrian refugees who fled to Europe, who are skinny and full of despair, especially the children among the refugees, which makes people feel compassion and make them cry.

I also think of the Syrian refugees who fled to Europe, who are skinny and full of despair, especially the children among the refugees, which makes people feel compassion and can't help but cry. - DayDayNews

Regarding the Syrian issue, even though the two factions of Islam Shia and Sunni are fighting, it is also an open and covert struggle between the major powers.

Smoke and war are everywhere, and the people who get hurt in the end are always the common people, especially those women who are naturally weak, who may be trafficked into sex slaves and suffer in this "hell on earth" .

01 The tragic Syrian sex slaves

"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights." This is the authoritative summary of human rights issues in the " Universal Declaration of Human Rights" , which means that there should be no more slavery in this world and oppression, everyone has the right to enjoy a better life.

I also think of the Syrian refugees who fled to Europe, who are skinny and full of despair, especially the children among the refugees, which makes people feel compassion and can't help but cry. - DayDayNews

For some Syrians, having basic human rights may be a luxury.

On April 1, 2016, Lebanon announced that it had uncovered the largest sex slave trafficking case in the country's history. 75 women had been rescued, the vast majority of whom were Syrians.

These women have been sexually assaulted and beaten, and some even had their limbs amputated. The police also rescued an 8-month-old baby, the child of the raped woman. You can imagine what this mother went through and the pain she felt raising her child in such an environment.

As soon as this news was published, it immediately attracted widespread attention from the world's public opinion. Although people are very sympathetic to the suffering of these women, in a complicated and war-torn country like Syria, it is difficult for the international community to provide effective help to these weak people. .

I also think of the Syrian refugees who fled to Europe, who are skinny and full of despair, especially the children among the refugees, which makes people feel compassion and can't help but cry. - DayDayNews

Compared with the tragic experience of these 75 women, ISIS terrorist organization's brutal acts against women in areas controlled by ISIS in Syria and Iraq are even more heinous.

According to international media reports, ISIS has abducted 5,000 women from areas controlled by Syria and Iraq to serve as sex slaves for their terrorist members, and these women even include some minors.

ISIS obtained them for 270 yuan per woman and compiled a sex slave guide for them.

For ISIS who believe in Islam, this sex slave guide is equivalent to their credentials for self-indulgence. The guide states that it is allowed to keep sex slaves, and if the sex slave is a virgin, she can buy it and have sex with her.

I also think of the Syrian refugees who fled to Europe, who are skinny and full of despair, especially the children among the refugees, which makes people feel compassion and can't help but cry. - DayDayNews

If you are not a virgin, you need to purify your uterus. It is also possible to have a relationship with a pre-pubescent girl, as long as she is "suitable", but there is no further explanation of what "suitable" means. The

guide also states that in addition to purchased sex slaves, enemy women captured in battle can also become slaves of "soldiers", but they cannot be Muslims, Jews, and Christians.

In order to ensure that its members do not feel guilty, the guide also states that having relations with these sex slaves will not violate the " Quran " and is not considered adultery. It says that the "Quran" allows believers to have sex with their wives and "right-hand owned" slaves. relation.

But these sex slaves cannot be sold if they are pregnant with the master's child. In addition, the master can beat the female slave for "discipline", but not for beating, nor for personal satisfaction or pure torture. , and you are not allowed to hit him in the face.

It is really shocking that such a sinful thing can be compiled into a guide. These terrorists, under the banner of religion, commit these beastly acts, but in fact they are evil wolves in human skin.

I also think of the Syrian refugees who fled to Europe, who are skinny and full of despair, especially the children among the refugees, which makes people feel compassion and can't help but cry. - DayDayNews

According to a woman who has escaped from a sex slave camp, she was forcibly taken away by ISIS. These brutal extremists locked her in a basement and denied her food and water. After three days, she She was dying of hunger.

Then, the guards brought her some food, including rice and some meat. She was already so hungry that she wolfed it down. Who knew that this group of unscrupulous and inhumane extremists actually told her She: "The meat you are eating is cooked with your 1-year-old son. How does it feel?"

I think there are no words to describe how heartbroken and miserable this mother was at that time. These ISIS extremists have set up hell on earth, show the ugliest side of human nature.

There is also a girl who said that all six members of her family were kidnapped by ISIS extremists. Her youngest sister was raped by multiple extremists in front of her parents and several older sisters when she was only 10 years old, and she died tragically.

I also think of the Syrian refugees who fled to Europe, who are skinny and full of despair, especially the children among the refugees, which makes people feel compassion and can't help but cry. - DayDayNews

Not only do Syrian sex slaves exist in Syria itself or in surrounding countries, but even those who escape to Europe may also suffer bad luck.

According to the head of Europol , between 2014 and 2016 a total of 110,000 refugee children disappeared after arriving in Europe (the vast majority of them were Syrian children). According to relevant evidence, these refugee children have disappeared Abducted by some criminal groups and turned into sex slaves.

The United Nations Children's Fund hopes that the European Union will take special protection measures for refugee children out of humanitarian considerations to prevent them from being persecuted by criminal groups.

People with conscience all over the world are extremely saddened by the tragedy of sex slaves in Syria.

So what exactly caused the chaos in Syria?

I also think of the Syrian refugees who fled to Europe, who are skinny and full of despair, especially the children among the refugees, which makes people feel compassion and can't help but cry. - DayDayNews

02 The root cause of the Syrian problem

The words "the country is destroyed and the family is destroyed" are unforgettable pain in the hearts of Syrians.

The Syrian problem not only has its internal factors, but also has external factors mixed in it. It is the result of the joint action of multiple fatal causes.

Regarding internal factors, before the war in 2011, Syria's economy was in a state of collapse. In 2000, the current president Bashar came to power. He gave preferential policies to large farmers. These large farmers then began to purchase land and drill wells to obtain water, which led to a serious drop in the groundwater level in Syria.

It happened to be that in 2006, drought began to occur in Syria. 60% of the land was severely drought-stricken, which lasted until 2011. , led to the livelihood difficulties of 800,000 farmers and herdsmen. These farmers and herdsmen therefore had great opinions on Bashar. .

I also think of the Syrian refugees who fled to Europe, who are skinny and full of despair, especially the children among the refugees, which makes people feel compassion and can't help but cry. - DayDayNews

In 2005, Bashar launched a new policy of "social market economy", which expanded the private economy and relaxed foreign investment access and controls on the financial industry.

This new policy has led to a lot of corruption, especially some businessmen close to Bashar, who have monopolized some important economic areas in Syria.

These pro-Assad businessmen are Alawites, a branch of Shiite Islam, and are in two camps with the opposition Sunnis.

Serious corruption has led to a large amount of hot money flowing into the service industry and real estate industry that are in line with the interests of monopoly groups. However, as young people born during Syria's baby boom in the 1980s began to find jobs, the overdrawn national economy could no longer provide many jobs. Post.

I also think of the Syrian refugees who fled to Europe, who are skinny and full of despair, especially the children among the refugees, which makes people feel compassion and can't help but cry. - DayDayNews

It is difficult for a country with weak industry to achieve stable employment. The increase in unemployment rate has made the young people in Syria miserable, and the crisis in Syria has begun.

The two major factions in the Islamic world, Shia and Sunni , have always been at odds.

The opposition composed of various Sunni forces was established during the Syrian crisis, which also included the participation of some internationally recognized terrorist organizations, such as Al Qaeda and so on. After continuous integration, they have reached a unanimous goal, which is to overthrow the Bashar regime.

Although the opposition has a certain amount of military force, it is not enough to set off such a huge wave in Syria. The intervention of the United States is the key to the deterioration of the situation in Syria in 2011.

I also think of the Syrian refugees who fled to Europe, who are skinny and full of despair, especially the children among the refugees, which makes people feel compassion and can't help but cry. - DayDayNews

Syria is a country that dares to confront the United States head-on. We all know that the Middle East issue has always been the top priority of U.S. diplomacy. The United States and Israel are iron-clad allies, but Syria supports Hamas and Lebanon's Allah. Party, both organizations are enemies of Israel, and their goal is to wipe Israel off the map.

In addition, those participating countries in the Middle East war, such as Egypt , Jordan , the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain , have signed peace agreements with Israel since 1979.

Syria not only maintains a state of war with Israel, but also allows those Palestinian radical organizations to set up their headquarters in Damascus , the capital of Syria.

I also think of the Syrian refugees who fled to Europe, who are skinny and full of despair, especially the children among the refugees, which makes people feel compassion and can't help but cry. - DayDayNews

In 2003, the United States attacked Iraq, but Syria supported Iraq. Some former Iraqi officials also fled to Damascus. It was even reported that some senior Syrian officials supported anti-American armed forces. This made the United States very angry. Syria has become the United States The stumbling block to in the middle of .

In addition to the United States, Russia is also involved in the chaos in Syria. Although the world today does not have the tension of when the United States and the Soviet Union competed for hegemony , the two military powers, the United States and Russia, are still eyeing each other. From the recent Russia-Ukraine war, we can feel the tension in this world.

Syria is called a die-hard ally by Russia. Russia not only talks what it says, but also does what it says. In 2015, the fourth year of the Syrian civil war , when the Bashar regime was about to be overthrown by opposition forces and extremist forces, Russia marched into Syria in the name of counter-terrorism, and ISIS suffered heavy losses.

I also think of the Syrian refugees who fled to Europe, who are skinny and full of despair, especially the children among the refugees, which makes people feel compassion and can't help but cry. - DayDayNews

The U.S.-backed Syrian opposition was also attacked by the Russian Aerospace Forces, losing most of the area and Bashar's regime was able to survive.

So why does Russia help Syria so much?

In fact, Syria is a pawn of Russia in the Middle East. Due to its very important strategic location, Syria is located on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea and at the junction of Asia, Europe and Africa. It has been an important hub in the Middle East since ancient times and a battleground for military strategists.

Moreover, the Mediterranean is still the most important oil transportation route for the United States, so if Russia cannot keep its little brother Syria, it will lose its strategic position in the Middle East.

Russia’s current military base in the Port of Tartus in Syria is its last military base in the Middle East.

I also think of the Syrian refugees who fled to Europe, who are skinny and full of despair, especially the children among the refugees, which makes people feel compassion and can't help but cry. - DayDayNews

03 Is there a tomorrow for Syria?

The game between the great powers has made the Syrian people miserable. Refugees, sex slaves, these people who have lost their dignity long for peace and a happy life like us.

In fact, most of the conflicts in the Middle East are caused by religious issues. Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are incompatible with each other.

However, after five Middle East wars, those Arab countries have not been able to destroy Israel, which represents the West. Instead, a large number of countries in the Arab world have turned to the West.

The general trend of the world is that if we unite for a long time, we will divide, and if we divide for a long time, we will unite. The same is true for Syria.

I also think of the Syrian refugees who fled to Europe, who are skinny and full of despair, especially the children among the refugees, which makes people feel compassion and can't help but cry. - DayDayNews

When the war begins, both sides must have their own supporting people. But when these people are displaced due to the war and suffer hunger and cold to the limit, the war will end, and people will no longer have the enthusiasm for war.

Only when a nation has experienced suffering can it understand the meaning of peace. There is an old saying in China that "a nation thrives on adversity", and it also applies to Syria.

Life has ups and downs, and so does a country. If a person does not go through hardships, it will be difficult for it to grow. If a country has not experienced the trial of fire, it will not know the preciousness of peace.

I also think of the Syrian refugees who fled to Europe, who are skinny and full of despair, especially the children among the refugees, which makes people feel compassion and can't help but cry. - DayDayNews

believes that Syria will handle its own internal problems in the future, but there may be no hope for the external dispute between the United States and Russia for the time being.

If Syria wants to escape from the game between big powers, it can only take the path of independence, neither ally with any country nor oppose any country. Only in this way can the people of Syria escape from hell, see the light again, and no longer There is this miserable fate of a sex slave.

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It is expected that the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the impact of the war on global food and energy security will be discussed this time. It is reported that Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and US Secretary of State Blinken will come this time. However, there is already news from - DayDayNews

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