Not only are the Western people miserable due to the skyrocketing energy prices, Western countries have exhausted their arsenals to assist Ukraine and are unable to sustain it. The Russian people are suffering from sanctions and their living standards have dropped sharply. The co

2024/05/1816:24:32 international 1657

The protracted Russia-Ukraine conflict has caused dissatisfaction among more and more people. Not only are the Western people miserable because of the skyrocketing energy prices, Western countries have exhausted their arsenals to aid Ukraine and are also unsustainable. The Russian people are suffering from sanctions and their living standards have dropped sharply. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has also made Russia's close relationship AIA China is in an awkward position balancing its relationship with the West.

Dr Paul Madrell, lecturer in international history and international relations at Loughborough University , has suggested that Ukrainian President Zelensky build a nuclear arsenal or purchase nuclear weapons from other countries.

Not only are the Western people miserable due to the skyrocketing energy prices, Western countries have exhausted their arsenals to assist Ukraine and are unable to sustain it. The Russian people are suffering from sanctions and their living standards have dropped sharply. The co - DayDayNews

The war in Ukraine is in full swing. Four months of fighting have left thousands of Ukrainian civilians and soldiers dead in ruthless bombings of the country's cities.

Dr. Madrell believes that Vladimir Putin ’s actions are aimed at dismembering Ukraine, weakening its military, and reversing the trend of NATO expansion.

According to the British "Daily Star" report, Dr. Madrell believes that building a Ukrainian nuclear arsenal may be the best way to prevent Putin from continuing to pursue these goals.

Not only are the Western people miserable due to the skyrocketing energy prices, Western countries have exhausted their arsenals to assist Ukraine and are unable to sustain it. The Russian people are suffering from sanctions and their living standards have dropped sharply. The co - DayDayNews

Dr. Madrell said in his speech: "If I were the president of Ukraine, I would strongly consider developing nuclear weapons."

As we all know, nuclear weapons were once deployed on Ukrainian territory. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, it became Ukrainian, but Ukraine agreed to give up Nuclear weapons, denuclearizing Europe, making it a safer place. However, contrary to expectations, if it retains those nuclear weapons, Putin will not act rashly because his country will definitely face a nuclear attack.

"If Zelensky is prevented from joining NATO , he may well believe that the only way out is to develop nuclear weapons - which he may do."

The lecturer added that he believed the United States might sell nuclear weapons to Ukraine at a reduced price , who feels that Putin’s actions in Ukraine have harmed Russia’s chances of balancing relations with China and the West.

Not only are the Western people miserable due to the skyrocketing energy prices, Western countries have exhausted their arsenals to assist Ukraine and are unable to sustain it. The Russian people are suffering from sanctions and their living standards have dropped sharply. The co - DayDayNews

However, would returning nuclear weapons to Ukraine really bring a quick end to the war?

Russia has warned that the North Korean nuclear missile technology that has caused headaches for the United States comes from Ukrainian engineers.

If the United States sells nuclear weapons to Ukraine or allows Ukraine to re-develop nuclear weapons, who can guarantee that Russia will not help Iran quickly manufacture nuclear weapons.

Once nuclear weapons become rampant in the world, mankind's doomsday clock will also start turning rapidly.

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