Today, the 15th Congress of Xi'an Federation of Industry and Commerce was held grandly. Looking back on the past five years, the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, under the correct leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, has strived to p

2024/05/1611:50:33 international 1460

Take a good ride in the wind, and see the mountains and rivers in the sky.

Today, the 15th Congress of Xi’an Federation of Industry and Commerce (General Chamber of Commerce) was held grandly. Looking back on the past five years, the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, under the correct leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, has strived to promote the vitality of our private economy and "made outstanding achievements." Please look at a set of data: As of the end of 2021, the added value of our city's non-public economy has jumped from 330.38 billion yuan in 2016 to 572.1 billion yuan in 2021, an increase of 241.72 billion yuan in five years; the non-public economy accounts for the city's GDP proportion , rising from 52.8% in 2016 to 53.5% in 2021. As of the end of March this year, the number of market entities in Xi'an reached 2.69 million, 3.6 times that of 2016; 27 new listed companies were added, bringing the total to 89; there were more than 7,000 national high-tech enterprises, 4.6 times that of 2016.

Remember the years of passion and keep moving forward. Diligent work determines today’s harvest.

In the past five years, the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce has successfully hosted three " Western Business Conference ", sincerely inviting more than 600 well-known Western businessmen at home and abroad to gather in the thousand-year-old capital to expand the "Belt and Road" circle of friends; the membership team has continued to grow, and the number of members From 22,700 in 2016, the number increased to 31,723, and the number of chambers of commerce increased from 56 to 132. It has formed an organization construction network covering the whole city and achieved remarkable results, winning the 2017 Xi'an Target Responsibility Assessment Excellent Ranking.

In the past five years, the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce has been pragmatic and efficient in holding large-scale conference activities, and has been awarded the advanced unit of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce for conference work; its in-depth investigation and research on private enterprises has achieved remarkable results, and it has been awarded the advanced unit of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce’s investigation points; it has vigorously promoted the typical deeds of outstanding private enterprises, which is deeply touching. Won the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce Advanced News and Publicity Unit; created highlight work cases and became a national benchmark for peers, and won the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce "Innovation China" Outstanding Case Award.

has written a glorious history in the past, and the mission of the times is inspiring.

In the past five years, the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, under the leadership of Wang Huanchang, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC and Chairman of the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, and Sun Xingjuan, Deputy Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee and Party Secretary of the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce , have deeply studied and implemented Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on the united front work of the private economy and the work of the Federation of Industry and Commerce in the new era, highlight the work theme of " two healthy enterprises", implement the requirements of the "four meetings", conscientiously perform duties and promote work innovation, and embark on a long voyage China will help Xi’an’s economic and social development. Standing at a new starting point and facing the future, the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce will continue to play the role of "bridge, link and assistant", focus on the center, serve the overall situation, closely promote the economic and social development of our city and achieve its own healthy growth, and accelerate the construction of a strong economic power in the western region. The city, national central city , strives to write a new chapter of Xi'an's high-quality development and contribute wisdom and strength.

Today, the 15th Congress of Xi'an Federation of Industry and Commerce was held grandly. Looking back on the past five years, the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, under the correct leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, has strived to p - DayDayNews

Highlight political guidance and build ideological consensus

Adhere to strong roots and soul to guide the direction. The Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce uses the journal, "Western Chamber of Commerce WeChat Official Account", Xi'an Entrepreneur College, etc. as carriers to organize private economic people to thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's "11·1" important speech, "7·21" important speech and The important instructions of the important speeches made during the three visits to Shaanxi have led the private economic people to firmly defend the "two establishments", resolutely achieve " two to safeguard ", and unswervingly listen to the party and follow the party. In the past five years, 30 issues of the "Xi'an Federation of Industry and Commerce" journal have been published, 298 issues of the "Xi'an Federation of Industry and Commerce WeChat Official Account" have been published, and more than a thousand articles have been published. Strengthen cooperation with important media such as Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, China Business Times, Xi'an Daily, and Xi'an TV, vigorously promote advanced examples of private economic figures, and play a good role in demonstrating and leading.

insists on strengthening the "Four Faiths" through thematic education. In accordance with the work policy of "trust, unity, service, guidance and education", the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce takes the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and other important nodes as opportunities to carry out in-depth "Law-abiding Integrity, Strengthening Confidence" "Remain true to the original intention of entrepreneurship and relay the great achievements of reform" and "' four histories ' publicity and education focusing on party history" and other themed educational practice activities.For two consecutive years, the Xi'an Entrepreneur College has held an educational report on the ideals and beliefs of private economists and a visit to the Xiqian Museum at Xi'an Jiaotong University to receive the inheritance education of the "Westward Spirit". Through a series of activities such as special speeches and art performances, education guides private economic professionals to further enhance their belief in socialism with Chinese characteristics, trust in the party and government, confidence in enterprise development, and credibility in society.

insists on improving quality through learning and training. The Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce has paid close attention to education and training through "Going Out, Inviting in" and other forms, expanded training channels, and selected nearly 50 people in three batches based on popular topics such as scientific management, intellectual property rights, corporate taxation, laws and regulations, and united front theory. Private economic professionals go to Russia, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong and other places for study and exchange, which effectively promotes the improvement of the quality of the private economic professionals. More than 100 private enterprise training sessions, seminars and online lectures were held, with about 60,000 people trained.

Be brave in pioneering and innovating to help private enterprises develop

The "Western Business Conference" gathers talents and promotes cooperation. The Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce has actively participated in the “One Belt, One Road” initiative to create the best business environment and fertile ground for investment in Xi’an. It has assisted the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government to successfully hold three Western Business Conferences and sincerely invited more than 600 Western businessmen at home and abroad to gather together. The ancient capital, jointly participating in grand events and seeking common development, Wang Chuanfu, Liu Chuanzhi, Chen Zhilie and other well-known Western businessmen came to the conference and delivered keynote speeches to outline the prospects for cooperation; the Western Business Association was established and the "Western Business Association" was released. "Business Declaration", 226 cooperation agreement projects have been signed or under negotiation, with a total investment of 100 billion yuan; the "Belt and Road" circle of friends has been continuously expanded, with projects in Kazakhstan , Colombia, Indonesia, Hungary , and the United Kingdom. The Xi'an Federation of Industry and Commerce Liaison Workstations have been established in foreign regions, opening a milestone for Xi'an to move towards a broad stage in the world, and contributing to the acceleration of the construction of Xi'an as an international metropolis.

"Xi'an Entrepreneur Festival" promotes spirit and activates power. The Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce has held the Xi'an "9·8" Entrepreneur Festival for two consecutive years, planned and carried out special activities such as "Thousands of Entrepreneurs City Wall Walking ", "Ten Thousands of Private Enterprises Giving Back to the Society" and "Group Choir Competition" to promote Entrepreneurship has created a good atmosphere in the whole society of "respecting entrepreneurs as much as scientists", inspiring entrepreneurs to have a sense of pride and mission in starting a business, and has been widely praised by all sectors of society.

"Private Enterprise Glory Platform" shows its style and sets a model. The Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce has released a list of the top 100 private enterprises in Xi'an for three consecutive years, and has planned and held more than 70 themed activities such as the "Glory of Western Business Awards Night", "Fengyun Western Business Awards Ceremony" and "Annual Meeting of the Western Business Association" to commend There were more than 200 private entrepreneurs, which enhanced the entrepreneurs' sense of gain and honor, and inspired them to become bigger, stronger and better, with confidence and determination.

Dedicating a heart of great love and demonstrating the style of private enterprises

Determining the decisive victory in poverty alleviation. After the city's poverty alleviation campaign began, the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce mobilized private enterprises and more than 120 chambers of commerce to participate in the "Thousands of Enterprises Help Ten Thousand Villages" and "Hundred Enterprises Connect Hundreds of Villages to Build a Beautiful New Countryside" actions, through industry, entrepreneurship, In the form of employment, funds, student aid and consumption poverty alleviation, we have participated in the targeted poverty alleviation actions of Lantian , poverty-stricken villages in Zhouzhi County and deeply impoverished counties in southern Shaanxi. More than 3,000 companies have participated and more than 500 activities have been carried out. It has carried out 1,830 assistance projects and assisted 146,935 poor people. It has made great contributions to Xi'an's victory in the fight against poverty. It has been selected as an outstanding unit by the Municipal Leading Group for Poverty Alleviation for many years. Eight member units including the Municipal Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau jointly formulated the "Implementation Opinions of Xi'an's "Thousands of Enterprises to Prosper Thousands of Villages" Action" and held a project signing ceremony and launch conference to mobilize private enterprises to participate in rural revitalization.

is making every effort to stop the epidemic and help resume work and production. In the face of two sudden COVID-19 epidemics, the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce immediately issued a "Letter of Initiative" to mobilize private enterprises to show their love in fighting the epidemic. A large number of private enterprises and chambers of commerce responded and donated generously, forming a torrent of collective efforts to overcome the difficulties and make contributions. During the two epidemics in 2020 and early 2022, a total of more than 457 million yuan was donated, making an all-out effort to win the battle against the epidemic in Xi'an. Outstanding Contribution.Organized and carried out activities to "help private enterprises resume work and production, and promote development through multiple measures", visited and surveyed 159 enterprises, jointly established a legal service volunteer group, carried out joint actions to cultivate "harmonious colleagues" enterprises and "financial assistance to relieve tens of thousands of enterprises", and promoted Private enterprises have resumed work and production in a scientific and orderly manner.

helps the Fourteenth Movement. The Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce organized the "Private Enterprises in Action to Support the 14th National Games" to guide private enterprises and chambers of commerce to actively participate in market development and sponsorship activities. Rongmin Holding Group, , Ronghua Holding Group, etc. were awarded the "14th National Games Collaborative Enterprise", Yinqiao Dairy Group was awarded the "14th National Games Exclusive Supplier of Dairy Products", and Xi'an Food and Wine Group was awarded the "Sponsoring Enterprise and Exclusive Supplier" business". According to statistics, large private enterprises in our city have sponsored more than 30 million yuan in materials and funds for the 14th National Games.

supports Lamtian flood relief. After floods occurred in some areas of Lantian County in August 2021, the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce and the Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference issued a flood prevention and disaster relief initiative to members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and private entrepreneurs. Members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the majority of entrepreneurs generously donated more than 4.5 million yuan in donations. .

Focus on the main responsibilities and main business, give full play to the functional role

Enhance the level of participation in and discussion of politics. The Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce provides pragmatic opinions and wise strategies around major issues in the city's political, economic and social development. In the past five years, we have focused on the key, difficult and blocking issues that urgently need to be solved in the development of our country's private economy, and submitted 75 group proposals to the CPPCC Conference, 7 of which were listed as key proposals for supervision by the CPPCC, and more than 30 special reports were formed. It provides important decision-making reference for the municipal party committee and municipal government to introduce policies to promote the development of private economy and optimize the business environment.

Strengthen non-public party building and reform of chambers of commerce. In accordance with the overall deployment of the city's grassroots party building work, the Party Group of the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce gave full play to the leading role of Xi'an's non-public enterprises in party building, established a team of party building instructors, carried out party affairs knowledge training, guided directly affiliated chambers of commerce to simultaneously establish party organizations when they were established, and strengthened education management. Promote "full coverage" of party organizations and party building work in private enterprises and chambers of commerce. Conscientiously implement Xi'an City's decision-making and deployment on promoting the reform and development of chambers of commerce affiliated to the Federation of Industry and Commerce, and formulated the "Work Division Plan on Several Measures to Promote the Reform and Development of Chambers of Commerce Affiliated to the Federation of Industry and Commerce" to further promote the standardization and standardization of chambers of commerce.

lays a solid foundation for organizational construction. The Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce has continuously strengthened organizational construction and expanded external exchanges, and has achieved remarkable results. It has established Xi'an Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, Macao, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Wuhan, Taiyuan and other places. Guided the establishment of "Five Good" county-level chambers of commerce and industry and "Four Good" chambers of commerce. All 13 district and county federations of industry and commerce met the requirements of "one establishment, five having", and 9 were recognized as "Five Good" counties by the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce. Level 1 Federation of Industry and Commerce; 9 affiliated chambers of commerce are recognized as "Four Good" chambers of commerce by the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and 47 affiliated chambers of commerce are recognized as "Four Good" chambers of commerce by provincial and municipal federations of industry and commerce.

is committed to providing various services. The Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce has carefully planned the "Five Ones" activities, organized and carried out more than 20 entrepreneur salons and visits to chambers of commerce, companies, military-civilian integration enterprises, and visits to districts and counties to deliver policies and services to private enterprises. Warmth, confidence and service form the characteristic work brand of the Federation of Industry and Commerce. Actively build effective platforms for finance, law, cooperation and exchange, establish a normalized coordination and communication mechanism, and make every effort to provide good services to private enterprises. Utilize the "three parties and four companies" labor relations coordination mechanism to provide legal services to chambers of commerce and enterprises. Promote the "two supplies and one defense" activities and encourage private enterprises to "go global" and participate in the "Belt and Road" construction.

Strengthen self-construction and show the style of the organization

The Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce adheres to the principle of "strengthening quality internally and building image externally", and held a grand meeting to commemorate the 70th anniversary of its establishment. By praising the glorious achievements of the past 70 years, it fully demonstrated its extraordinary journey of continuous development and growth. Combined with the actual work, we insist on closely integrating special education with the performance of duties, closely integrating the party style and clean government construction of the Federation of Industry and Commerce with enhancing agency efficiency, closely integrating regular work with innovative characteristic brands, and constantly improving the quality of agency party members and cadres, effectively Promote various undertakings to a new level.Give full play to the core role of the leading party group of the Federation of Industry and Commerce, establish and improve the mechanism for the leadership of the Federation of Industry and Commerce to contact private enterprises and chambers of commerce, solidly carry out activities such as "Private Economic Personnel Talk Activities" and "I Do Practical Things for Private Enterprises", solve 31 urgent, difficult, and long-awaited practical matters, and serve as a bridge The association serves as a link and plays the role of "mother's family", truly building the Federation of Industry and Commerce into a "member's home" for private enterprises.

Time flies, but the original intention remains unchanged. In the past five years, the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce has led the private economic people across the country to work together to overcome difficulties and help the city's economy flourish. It has achieved remarkable results and won wide recognition from all walks of life. Looking forward to the future, the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce will unswervingly adhere to the same heart, same direction and walking with the party. Under the strong leadership of the municipal party committee and municipal government, unite and lead the broad masses of private economic people in the direction guided by the 14th provincial and municipal party congresses. , strengthen confidence, seize opportunities, pioneer and innovate, accelerate development, forge ahead on a new journey, and build a new era. Mou Rongrong Zhao Xuexuan

Today, the 15th Congress of Xi'an Federation of Industry and Commerce was held grandly. Looking back on the past five years, the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, under the correct leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, has strived to p - DayDayNews

Today, the 15th Congress of Xi'an Federation of Industry and Commerce was held grandly. Looking back on the past five years, the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, under the correct leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, has strived to p - DayDayNews

Today, the 15th Congress of Xi'an Federation of Industry and Commerce was held grandly. Looking back on the past five years, the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, under the correct leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, has strived to p - DayDayNews

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