According to Taiwan media reports, regarding the New Taipei City mayoral election at the end of the year, DPP "legislator" Luo Zhizheng once said that if no other comrades in the DPP are willing to take on this responsibility, he will seriously think about it as a party member.

2024/05/1606:13:33 international 1241

According to Taiwanese media reports, regarding the mayoral election in New Taipei at the end of the year, DPP "legislator" Luo Zhizheng once said that if no other comrades in the DPP are willing to take on this responsibility, he will seriously think about it as a party member. In an interview yesterday (2nd), Luo Zhizheng admitted frankly that "I personally have no intention to run for the election" and that the "election committee" does not need to include him in consideration. In this regard, Wu Zijia, chairman of the "Beautiful Island Electronic News", also pointed out yesterday that "the election campaign of in New Taipei City must be supported by Su Zhenchang." He also pointed out the conspiracy of the Democratic Progressive Party, sparking discussion.

According to Taiwan media reports, regarding the New Taipei City mayoral election at the end of the year, DPP

Luo Zhizheng recently emphasized that if no other comrades in the Democratic Progressive Party are willing to take on this responsibility, as a party member, of course he must seriously consider whether he has the ability to shoulder this responsibility, especially now that there are less than five months left in the election. "If the DPP needs it, we will think very carefully about whether we have the ability and time to fight this election campaign." According to Taiwan media reports, due to the delay in the Democratic Progressive Party deciding on a candidate for the New Taipei City mayoral election, there have been rumors of "cowardice" at the local grassroots level, which has seriously damaged the morale of the Democratic Progressive Party. Luo Zhizheng also felt discouraged and inclined to give up his candidacy.

Wu Zijia mentioned in an online program yesterday that Luo Zhizheng suddenly announced that he would not run for New Taipei City. This is a very strange thing, because on May 3, the Secretary-General of the Democratic Progressive Party Lin Xiyao personally called Luo Zhizheng He asked Luo Zhizheng about his wishes. At that time, Luo Zhizheng also asked him very clearly, "Has he received support from various factions?" Lin Xiyao replied, "Su Zhenchang has no objection." Therefore, Wu Zijia frankly said, "Without Su Zhenchang's support, Luo Zhizheng would not have any support at all." There is no possibility of being consulted." He went on to analyze that in order to interpret the DPP issue, we must infer it from the starting point of the interests of the faction leaders.

Wu Zijia emphasized that Su Zhenchang must be supported in the New Taipei City election. At that time, Su Zhenchang lost to Hou Youyi by 300,000 votes. Therefore, Wu Zijia even revealed, "What Su Zhenchang is actually most afraid of is that Luo Zhicheng lost 200,000 votes to Hou Youyi." Then Su Zhenchang would lose face and lose his old face. In the end, Su Zhenchang delayed Luo Zhizheng and had no way to choose. Even if he was allowed to choose, he would lose 400,000 to 400,000 votes. This is the real background. Factional interests will produce this result. Factional interests are the reason. But Luo Zhizheng is not a fool, so he announced it yesterday. Wu Zijia also admitted that "the DPP people are the best at conspiracy." New Taipei is led by Su Zhenchang. Under Su Zhenchang's leadership, there is only one outcome: "The person chosen is worse than me." ". (Editor: Fang Yanyan)

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